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Everything posted by Edge

  1. IP ADDRESS of HACKER!!! TraceRoute to [195-13-59-214.oxyd.net] Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name 1 0 0 0 gphou-66-98-244-1.ev1.net 2 1 0 0 gphou-66-98-241-16.ev1.net 3 0 0 0 gphou-66-98-240-11.ev1.net 4 1 1 0 f0-4.na21.b015619-0.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com 5 1 2 2 g10-3-0.core01.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com 6 31 32 32 p3-0.core01.atl01.atlas.cogentco.com 7 152 182 55 p1-0.core01.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com 8 49 49 50 p15-1.core01.jfk05.atlas.cogentco.com 9 54 54 54 gblx.jfk05.atlas.cogentco.com 10 116 116 116 ovanet.ge-2-0-0.409.ar1.cdg3.gblx.net 11 141 141 141 ge-ve5-2-1.br4.rdb.fr.eurowan.net 12 141 141 141 - 13 886 948 838 195-13-59-214.oxyd.net This was the info given on my trace. It comes back to a provider in France!!!
  2. Good Job!! I hope to GOD you all get your money back!!!
  3. UPDATE!! Spoke to pp, they confirmed that an email.......Edgeisme@yahoo.com was added to my account yesterday night and that I received 3 Payments to that email, PLEASE COME FORWARD IF THAT WAS YOU!!! I know 2 of them since they cam forward so thank you but I need to know the THIRD!!! They are checking some things for me as we speak. Chris
  4. What if it's gon to another PP account?
  5. so have I, i need back into my trc account
  6. WARNING WARNING!!!!!! Guys I have just been informed that apparantly I put some watches up for sale last night on TRC, considering I do not own these watches and wasn't on TRC last night, it wasn't me. Can the people who have paid for these please contact me ASAP!!! I CANNOT access TRC, someone has fu**ed with that also, the passwords are the same........BAST*RDS, this just keeps getting fu**ing better and better. I DID NOT SELL ANY WATCHES ON TRC YESTERDAY PLEASE PM ME IF YOU HAVE BOUGHT A FIDDY OR SEADWELLER FROM MY ACCOUNT IN THE LAST 24 HOURS.
  7. It would appear that I like Josh have been subject to a Pypal Hijacking. Some asshat has stolen my Business PP account. I have £400+ in it from Genuine Parts Sales that I owe my business partner, and.....yes.....It's all FU**ING GONE. Some complete areshole has stolen all my money, they hacked my account and are holding me ransom over it. I got a email from the hijackers today saying that they want more cash or they are gonna close the account. Well I like the US don't bargain with Hijackers, especially ones who can't even speak english properly. I am in contact with pp at the moment to try and resolve this, but they are being their usual Helpfull selves. It looks like I am gonna be out my £400+ that I owe the parts supplier and will have to reach into my savings for this debt. This is a heads up to the rest of you that this [censored] happens for real and it could happen to anyone. I am [censored] RAGING, and pp are doing naff all to help me. My personal account is safe, so I will still be able to function, but that's not the point I am out a [censored] load of cash and am barely making anything on the sales as it is cos I am just trying to help out. If this is what trying to help folks gets then F**K It, especially on the day that the 1680 arrives, how about that for a kick in the teeth. My altruistic efforts have materialised in the form of Dutchy's 1680 and the I get [censored] on by some retarded non english speaking asshat. This life SUCKS!!!! Anyway rant over just thought I would give y'all a heads up that this [censored] actually happens. @Cib0rgman Don't worry I have still got your order here, and I will honour our transaction, your dial will be sent out today.
  8. I wholeheartidly AGREE, and when the little git gets back from school I will have a word. He reads here a lot still, just don't think he posts anywhere near as much, don't worrk Ken, I will have a word with the little SH*T! Or he won't get anything lol, I'll put it up as PoM prize, if he fails to comply. MUWAHAHAHA!
  9. JESUS CHRIST!! What the hell are those.........AHHHHHHHH!!!!!
  10. VERY good of you Ken, I am sure he realy appreciates it. Very Kind gesture. Chris
  11. You wouldn't recognise it, they have really torn down a lot of the old "landmarks" both there and at granton, unbelievable the transformation..... BUT.... You can put [censored] in a shiny box, but it's still [censored]!! KB is good, George Sq. is full of English Private School Wanks, but LOTS and I mean LOTS of UNBELIEVABLY HOT women, one can sit and nibble at one's cheese and crackers, sipping his port, on a fine afternoon, and FU**ING DROOL everywhere with all the totty goin about lol. HAHAHAHA!!
  12. This is what Dutchy had to say on one of the other forums, before he nashed off to school, NO DOUBT he will post here later but just though I would let you know what he said.
  13. Optical illusion just checked and bth watches have IDENTICAL dimensions. The illusion of the bezel and insert is prolly from the non shinyness of my bezel and the different colour of the insert, as for the case dimensions they look a little off due to the heght it's sitting at, beacuse one is on the thicker Oyster band and one is on a riveted. BOTH are MBW. Free MBW, now do I know how to throw a fundraiser or what? lol Hope The Little Dutch Punk Likes it!!!
  14. An wit a wee crakur she is anaw!!!!
  15. We don't do fried pizza in batter either???
  16. Well Ladies and Genltemen, it is with Great pleasure that I can now give to you the Save a Dutch Kid's Birthday Fund Watch, jees that's a mouthfull. Anyway I would like to take a moment to thank EVERYONE who donated to this cause and to thank EVERYONE for their kind words, this has been a very long and worthwhile project and I am glad to be involved. Special thanks go to Luckyyy for providing this little beauty within our budget. It is with great pleasure that I give to you the Fund Watch and without any further a-do or procrastinating...... A couple next to it's older brother..... The only thing I have noticed is the difference in datewheel and magnification, my MBW has not had the crystal changed yet the mag looks better on mine and also the datefont looks bolder, just a quick observation, and YES my MBW has some alignment issues thanks to my tinkering, but all will be fixed soon. An example of what I mean.... Anyway just thought I would keep y'all informed as this was a group effort, so THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH, you can be VERY PROUD of yourselves. Enjoy! Edge!
  17. his heeds up is erse anaw so husnae gota cloo wits hapnin eethur
  18. Kudos Ken, prolly cos your ancestors are Our Ain Folk lol. Shame you can't translate the thread, cos i'd prolly be banned lol. This has turned into the unofficial scottish thread lol.
  19. Look at that link you dirty bas***d............"MUST-SEE-GIRLS-PINK" I would ban you for that simply disgusting.......
  20. Lol yeh, HMRI is Little France. I study at KB cos I am a science student, it's quite good, better than when I was at George Sq, at least KB has free parking instead of £7 a day at George Sq. I used to be at the Medical College A LOT so I would take the car to KB and get the free bus to George Sq. @R11co Not tightarsed, just VERY poor at the moment, I have been bitten by the PAM bug and I have been to the quack and everything and there's [censored] all he can do about it. I am haemorigin cash like there's no tomorrow lol. An I'd rather be tight than livin in a box buskin' lol. @JTB Away a pat peas
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