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Everything posted by LeSentier

  1. I am wondering too. Asked some questions in the post concerning the graphite treatment, but it seems that nobody is interested to give any feedback, or is there just no experience? Thats sad, because I think we are sharing the same stuff and can of course learn a lot from each others experience. Asked, if a service on a brand new sec@12 could prevent breakdown, or if it should be serviced after wearing it a time. No response from the experts. Also heard that some movements broke down-can the be repaired, or is the sec@12 damned be be dead after a while?
  2. Hi, you have"steel" surroundings on the numbers on the dial? Cannot really help you with your issue, but it would be interesting to know. Cheers, J
  3. Oh, sorry (ET) and shame on me!!! I forgot to mention that I ordered from EuroTimez as well. Perfect & fast communication, professional afterbuy Service! Items were ordered this week, so I cannot say anything about the quality of the watches. But always heard positive statements from the board memebers here - this, and the point that they are shipping inside EU were the reasons I placed the order. Will post soon and send pics when the stuff is delivered. J
  4. Welcome here, I am located in Austria and have bought 10 days ago the first time from ptswiss.com. Yesterday the items received without any problems, they are shipped from eu. His site is offline during the next weeks cause of xmas business. Take a look at the watch collectors section and you will find his email adress. Contact him for pics and further infos. Very nice contact, fast response and nice stuff. Enjoy! j
  5. Hello Guys, just got a ROO sec@12 Black Theme. When you talk about servicing, do you mean to service the watch now ( before wearing), or normal treatment like every mechanical movement after a period of 3-5 years? My Rolex got serviced and readjusted after 4 years. As I am located in the EU, my service partner would be Domi, but is it necessary or better to service the watch now as it is brand new? Of course I know that a movement is a machine with mechanical parts and even know that there could be a breakdown in case of not servicing it - any ideas of prevention? If its down, is there a possibility to re-animate it? Interesting issue, but won't spend too much energy in having fear of a breakdown. Advices? Or just relax? What do the Experts think? Cheers, J
  6. Yes, turn it for 90 degrees... ;-) sorry for that, really don't KNOW. Can ask my WM on friday. Cheers, j
  7. Hi mates, I can tell you, that yesterday I received my ROO SS Black Theme secs@12 from PTSwiss. I must say: It is much more than I expected! The communication and delivery time is really perfect. We had a little issue with a boxset, but this was solved within minutes and a more than fair suggestion from PT. It was my first time dealing with him and can say, that it absolutly not the last time. The watch is a shiny, sporty and elegant thing, and I can really recommend it. Today I went to a local watchmaker (which is not an AP dealer!) and ask for some watch straps for my gen "da vinci". As he saw the AP, I got some compliments for my choice and he said, that there are only few distinguished watches, and my ROO is one of the most beautiful he has ever seen. First I was a little bit frightened, that he would recognise the missing silver surroundings, the crown position or the date wheel spacing - but nothing happenened. He just said that it was one of his desired timepieces. IMHO - don
  8. Hi Board fellows out there, I posted this already in the "Parts" section - may here is the place where my problems could be solved: I just bought a PAM 231 from a board member. Really nice stuff, good price & perfect communication! One thing drives me nuts - that is when I take a look at the crown as it shines "silvery" through the rose gold plating. As I want to wear the watch once or twice a month as a dress watch, I definatly have to install a new rose gold crown. Could you please send me your advice, where to look or to get one? Refurbishing and gold plating makes no sense, I guess. Or do you have a trusty source? A new part could solve the problem. Best regards, joerg PS: do you think polishing to steel would look nice? Just my 0,02...
  9. Hi jmarin.72, thanks a lot, I have already read this post. I thought that a member from Austria probably has a good relationship to a local WM-just as my contact. You know, a local watchmaker is always the first choice before sending the watch through the country :-) J
  10. Hi Mates, I did a search around RWG on this, but couldn't find an answer. Can anyone make a suggestion about a watchmaker in vienna that strips/repairs or mods our reps? I had a trusty and good working guy here, but because of some Problems with rep-customers in the past (bad and cheap quality reps and movements, e.g gold plating), he is concerned about his reputation ( because he is selling and servicing reputable watchbrands) and won't work on reps any longer. Every Input is helpful. Regards, J
  11. Na wenn sie unter germany laufen, kann ich ja nix finden....

  12. Hi, just another thought: if the screws were rhodium plated (maybe because of the look to the gens) instead of solid and polished ss, is there any experience on the durability of the plating? Won't they become "yellow" after a while? Cheers, joerg
  13. Pefect Paul!!! Thank you for supporting this project. Another idea would be an accurate dial for the last ROO Black Theme with silver numeral surroundings. As I am living in Austria - has anyone an information, where I could do an AR coating in Austria without sending the glass around the world. Maybay boardmembers from Austria with experience on this? Cheers, J
  14. Hi paul, thank you for your info - sad to hear that. I don't understand why people first promise, and then do not do their deposits.... Seems I won't see the AP this year J
  15. Hi Guys, I would also be interested in an update. @Paul: did you receive all payments? Best, J
  16. Hello, I couldn't believe it: just got all my questions answered by the supplier. Everything is fine! Cheers, J
  17. Thank you for your input - of course you are all right. I think that the dealer is nevertheless a honest supplier - I really don
  18. until a recommended dealer replies to your questions? In my case, I wrote several emails to a recommended dealer concerning different watches, because I want to purchase several items from them. Unfortunatly he doesnt
  19. Hi mates, ptswiss is offering the ROO Chrono with secs@12 also in an upgraded version with black date window. Do you think it is different to the upgraded version from EuroTimez? Regards, J
  20. Hello Rolex members, I need your Input. I have tried the search function, but didn
  21. Hello jmb, thank you for your fast response. Are there any more differences between the model on theyr site (v5 upgraded) and your DG2813 except the coronet? I mean, there
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