this one has correct omega logo price is good, nice dial on the watch, but somehow...why nobody here owns this watch with correct omega logo something must be wrong with it...
then go for it man you have allready then the white dial gen when i remember right?
go for it man, but to be honest with you i dont think the bracelet can compare to your gen... go for a nice gator leather or the rubber
thanks mike for explaining again you know im a little bit always but i realy think i will be very very happy with the white dial and the ar
but its still great right mike? i dont saw the rep, i only saw the gen white dial ant the ar wasnt better then the ar on my skyland, so i guess its the same on the SA, its so good like the gen
oh hmm i know that feelin well
i tryd my watchmaker skills someday..i wantet to oil a eta movement of my upo....ending was sending it to domi for a service cause i killd it
i cant help you, but im sure someone will, i bump it everyday for you ma friend
yesterday i was at the ad, and even on the gen you dont see it so easy that this are two pieces, and on the rep you dont see it that much eather
its a flaw..but not that big, dont worry too much about that, its very hardly noticable
hi hackR but why ??
do you dont trust the dealers anymore
all the best on your search:)
btw.... i need a breitling tang buckle for leather straps.... so holla if someone has a spare one
this would look awsome on a white dial skyland
is this realy the bob honey tan gator ?? or is it the redbrown one from bob??
cause it looks so dark..honey tan looks lighter or not?
can someone confirm this please
you are right T, exept of this one
its a cool watch but you know what a bit pricey for a quartz cause it looks like the one narikka sells exept of the white dial of course, and the price of that one is more then the price of narikas asia whatsoever automatic
yes andy you are right, its a awsome rep, and a must have in any collection, the only thing is that the ingy is maybe to dressy for me atm..but one day i grap one thats for sure
MOP i was searching for a white dial watch, something like the avenger, but there is no omega or iwc in this category