that was the first thing i was reading this morning, and even when i never met this great little boy, hes in my heart now.
i personaly know also a guy that is mentally handicapped, i know him when he was a child and your realy right lani, They don't view themselves as "disabled" and thats the way i treat them as long as i can, i mean in some cases you have to take care. but not everytime.
eveytime when i see him cycling with his bike in our little town where i live, he comes to me, a smile on his face and thats a thing that i love so much on him, on a rainy day ... he smiles , when hes new white shoes get dirty ... he smiles
he is younger then me, but he shows me from time to time, what the life is all about, we all take to much care of small little things, and sometimes we forget what is important in life and to be a better person.
so everytime i see him, it reminds me, not to take everything so serios, not to laugh over people who have handicaps and to treat everyone with respect and try to help them when you can.
thank you very much for writing this for us R , you did it again you waked us up , its nice to have you thank you.
all the best guys and take care