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Posts posted by dieselpower

  1. I was out at the weekend and noticed that a friend of a friend was wearing a GMT II which was missing its bezel. Loose bezels are a thing close top my heart at the moment so I asked him what had happened. He told me it fell off playing golf and he did not want to go to the expense of Rolex prices. Thus implying that the watch was gen. I looked at the watch and as I know nothing about GMT's I took him at his word.


    Two things struck me. Firstly a gen bezel should be pretty damned difficult to dislodge so the story of losing it during a round of golf seemed pretty tenuous. Secondly, when I looked at the watch I noticed a hole drilled in the case behind where the bezel would sit. The hole was somewhere around the 1 o'clock marker I think. 


    I was wondering if the gen GMT case had such a hole or was I looking at a rep that the owner was trying to pass off as gen?


    Opinions please. Thanks in advance.

  2. Not sure I like my faded bezel insert. I've got a brand new unopened gen service insert (it says 5513 on the packet) am wondering if I should use that and bring this sucker up to the next level.


    Question - will a gen service insert fit in a 2nd generation MBW 5513 bezel without sanding or filing of any sort?

  3. OK Chaps. Update. I have been wearing the watch and just being careful not to knock it on anything and all was well. The bezel was loose but did need some pressure to remove it so I thought what the hell, I'm going to wear it. Yes, you've guessed it, this morning I was cleaning one of my other favourite objects - my Mercedes 300CE :




    and when I returned to my domicile I glanced at the time and lo the bezel was missing. Aargh. I searched but it was nowhere to be seen. So, to the watch drawer I went and decided to steal a bezel assembly off a later generation MBW 5513 that I had lying around and see if it fitted. Snap off and snap on it went :) so then I really got adventurous and found an old faded de-pearled insert from an early MBW 1665 which I glued into the 5513 bezel (coz I like the wabi-sabi look) and here is the result:




    Derisory comments and laughter welcomed ;)

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