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Posts posted by lionsandtigers

  1. might give it a shot and try too get the guy down on the price. not gonna pay that much for a movement, rather wait it out until the right deal comes along. because I'm pretty sure like most of the movements I see on the bay it will be relisted multiple times.

  2. My plan was to acquire parts, slowely, as money allows. 1575 is the movement of choice. I am fine with everything else being aftermarket, not looking to spend 5k on a build any time soon but I do want it to have a 1575 beating inside. My biggest confusion is the midcase. So many different prices and different opinions. Yuki and ingod have the best prices, while the ndt and phong cases are rather pricey, but I read somewhere that Yuki's case is more acurate than both of those. Would love some feedback on ingods case if anyone has any.

  3. Since a long hiatus from rwg I have returned, older, wiser, poorer ;)

    And now I must build a 1655. Looking to do it to fit a gen 1575. From my understanding, the best case to go with, despite the cost is yuki's. Is this a correct assumption?

    Any input towards this build would be appreciated. I know there has been plenty of discussion on this subject and I have read most of the posts regarding this build but the opinions are somewhat all over the place, especially in regards to the case.

    I was also curious as to whether anyone has dont a build with ingods case. The price on it is pretty impressive.

    Thanks for any input. It's good to be back :fool:

  4. I had come across a gen 14060m submariner a few years back for a once in a lifetime deal so I was wearing that for a few years without really paying much attention to building frankens anymore, especially with the limited time I've had. Then I slowely began to get bored with the watch on my wrist and lurking around here again. Then, I sold it. Now i'm looking to build my 1655 grail since I am more than a few years from ever shelling out the money for a gen.

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