I have the ads to global replicas experiment for several reasons:
1. They pay the bills. Really, Adsense sucks for monetizing replica watches. The Replica Watch Report doesn't make much off of it and the blog makes even less. Notice there's no ads for them on repliacwatchreport.com, nor will there ever be.
2. Obfuscation - I don't want to point any fingers in the direction of our real dealers, for their safety and ours. I get asked DAILY where to buy replica watches. Some people are INSISTENT I tell them where. The global replica thing is a way of eliminating this.
The blog has been around quite some time, it's really my outlet for posting subjective opinions on replica watches (replicawatchreport attempts to be objective information).
I put the ads on the blog as an experiment in advertising. I don't rave about them or even mention them in posts on the site. If they don't pan out I'll eliminate them.
The ads aren't for this community in the slightest. While I do mention the replica boards as a source of information it's nothing that people doing a simple google search wouldn't find, so I'm not "outing" anyone. If you want a true private community RWG would be best served by going private like TRC.
Frankly I'm always surprised when someone mentions the blog. It's not really traffic-heavy, nor does it rank well compared to the other replica sites out there (nor is it really updated regularly, or have a working rss feed).
It's no "scam", nor does it try to falsify information. It's simply a "blog", don't attempt to read more than that into it.