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Everything posted by chrono903

  1. its not that it doesnt show up. i type in the 4 digit validation code and it repeatedly tells me it is the wrong code.
  2. Thanks! I will do that. Thom
  3. So I purchased a watch and received the tracking #. I put the tracking # in and enter the 4 digit validation # and it keeps telling me it's the wrong validation #. Am I missing something? Thanks, Thom
  4. Is that mouthwash.....in both your vehicles?
  5. I cant tell you, at the time I never wrenched on it, but it was one POS!
  6. the skin is real! no not really. I guess the rest of your statement then is irrelevent.
  7. Fiat x19. It only ran when it wanted to. It looked but great but, talk about people unanimous in there advice, not one person said i should buy it. I remember whippin down the sure-kill distress way thinking i could probably slide under a semi if i needed to.
  8. thanks
  9. at the risk of offending some people, the overwhelming majority of Americans don't follow soccer any further than their 6 yr olds saturday game. This is really a non-event. I would rather see more of whats-his-names wife. Thom
  10. definately will! early feb is doable. hope to see both of you there. Thom
  11. great! i will count you in and plan on a sunday.
  12. Is anyone up for a soiree? Last time I had alot of people who couldn't make it the dates we settled on. I had a great time and would enjoy another meet. seems the watch preferences have changed over time also. respond to this post, pm me or email me. Would like to shoot for the end of Jan or beginning of Feb. Last group:
  13. looks like the etched crystal is very prominent and the text looks too thick and "muddy"
  14. student loan, house note, 3 teenage daughters, and changes in insurance reimbursement.
  15. damn! of all times for the concorde to be out of commission
  16. reminds me of an axiom act boldly and unforseen forces will come to your aid.
  17. I agree. The suble but obvious difference between a musician and a technician.
  18. Yes i am familiar with your reference and as tongue in cheek it is, it shows how deep the AMA's desire to eliminate chiropractic as a market force (so they may continue to monopolize healthcare) goes. If it wasn't for the supreme court ruling against the AMA in our favour, they may have succeded. Many don't know about these dirty dealing but for some really dry reading, here's a quick link: Wilk vs AMA the lightning bonesetter "Following a decade of litigation, a federal appellate court judge upheld a ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Susan Getzendanner that the AMA had engaged in a "lengthy, systematic, successful and unlawful boycott" designed to restrict cooperation between MDs and chiropractors in order to eliminate the profession of chiropractic as a competitor in the U.S. health care system."
  19. that sounds really cool. thats rreally good, 3 instruments. you will have to post the finished product. here's another site i like. marco farthat the internet is great for budding guitarist. probably the easiest instrument to learn. difficult to be good at, but with video sites and tabs, the easiest to learn.
  20. dirty deeds was one of my first to learn, except for the solo. my wife ruined the song for me, she thought they were saying dirty deeds thunder chief. now every time i hear it that what i think of i lerarned the solo to shook me from this site solo its great help. perhaps a do a video of that. i will keep you posted. but you are awesome! do more!
  21. Thanks man! I am a huge ac/dc fan, hence the SG. I wasnt sure i was going to stick with it so i bought the epi instead of a gibson. i freaquently go to GC and play the 61 reissue. I think it will be mine short of summer. Thanks for the tips. loving ac/dc i am familiar with power cords I am trying to get better at barre chords too. I can read tab and love ultimate guitar, its a great tab sight. I know the minor pent in 5 positions but not the blues, there are a few extra notes, right? i hope to be able to shred like you one day! and i have my eye on a marshall mg30dfx Thom
  22. as much as i would love to post a video, i am not good enough yet. I started last year christmas. any tips for me? here are my guitars
  23. that was awesome and by the way i am not the shitthead that gave you that rating. Thom
  24. BS in Human Biology Doctorate in Chiropractic started as an EMT in the Army then became a surgical tech and a certificate in HVRAC from a former life
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