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Posts posted by morgan

  1. It's been almost a week now and I'm unable to take my B&R 46 off!


    I just keep staring at it..

    those big easy to read numbers.. wide hands dipped in lume.. the utilitarian block of steel.

    I think I'm in love. Not so much with the strap though. It's spot on w/ the gen strap but B&R

    design team must have gone out for a few beers before letting this one go to production.

    I'd love to get the canvas velcro but no way would the price be within reason. Has anybody

    changed straps yet on this thing or found a strap that's worthy?


  2. Have you experienced buying a watch on a whim,... never expecting much, but were

    blown away by the quality ?

    I paid about $100 for this piece, and it's taken me from all my much more expensive watches..

    Anybody see one of these w/ manual wind on any of the dealers websites? I'm thinking about getting one.. (so easily persauded).

  3. I'm hetero and I would never ever wear an orange strap because orange is accepted as a gay color.. ask any gay and he will tell you this is so. The B&R 46 chrono orange hands and numbers is a different story all together. The orange is limited to a surface of less than 8.9%.. that's is below the 17% allowed orange to surface percentage factor. Above this number you are flaunting your gayness, or if not gay.. at risk of being accused of gayness which is fine if you are gay. Put an orange strap on it and.. well... instant gay. :Jumpy:

  4. Sized my 45 PO a week ago. First I ruined the crap link pin tool by bending it beyond fixing. Then I bent the pin and ripped a link apart trying to pry it loose. After a little practice I eventually got the job done but I won't be selling it with the extra links as they have been all but destroyed. Right tools for the job is critical. :bangin:

  5. Because I like the design of the watch and if I can get it w/o paying a rediculously inflated price.. I will! That goes for any rep.. Rollie or otherwise. Gen watches are a lot like diamonds.. really not worth much but hyped to the point where you think they are worth what they are asking.

  6. Been there bought the t-shirt. Long before I found this jewel of a website I searched high and low for cool watches and stumbled on this one. I bought the Marine Diver Auto w/ Swiss 2824 for over 300 including ss bracelet. This guy has them as well for $379.. http://watchrick.com/index.php?page=shop.b...op&Itemid=9

    Nice looking watch, only complaint was that the CG and especially lever was very flimsy. I sold it on the bay for $190. I'm not sure about his other watches but I see no reason to buy one there when you've got so many choices here.

  7. I'm on the 4-5 bus as well. New watches get a good 4 or 5 days of straight wrist time and many minutes of gazing at fondly. Trouble is that I have favorites so there are some that have been lonely. I hear them cry out "me!" "me!" as I close the watch drawer. Ahhh... I feel bad for them now. Let's all make it a point to wear the ones that were once loved but for one reason or another fell from favor! Are you with me?

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