I have quietly been around for a number of years and have seen numerous semi significant changes both in quality and pricing. I have bought a good deal of reps from a good deal of dealers. I haven't gotten close and personal with them. I order based on others experience, now mine, and await arrival w/o tracking since I have never had any delays or problems.(knock on wood).
It didn't take the threads to complicate matters. My gut was rumbling long before. The web sites, the claims, the pricing with the claims and service, the difference in or better yet similarities in pricing of competitors for what appeared to be virtually identical product, ultimate, so called ultimate, ultimate lite, ect. Some looked upon it as full service, thinking outside the rep box, better widget, basic supply and demand meets marketing, business 101, and/or just good business. I don't require alot of extras as I do some of my own work and source service where needed. Many have been around longer and are much more educated to speak on the personalities, realities and detail.
I love watches pure and simple. I have gens and reps. I understand it's a rep, there are risks, and thats basic to the art, but I have never in the past felt the need to open up a watch "just" to check the movement vs. what I ordered. Maybe thats foolish but I just haven't felt the need until recently. Interesting to see the folks that are showing up as non drop shippers were the ones I was looking to purchase my next watches from.