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Posts posted by gtanak

  1. This might have been covered before but those "swiss 2824-2" i would bet a years wage that not one of them are genuine ! This is not a problem unless you pay extra for it. swiss micro manufacturers are finding it almost impossible to get hold of genuine 2824-2 for say a limited run of 300 since ETA wont sell to you unless you are already under the ETA umbrella, also it is the most copied movement around. knowing this do you really think the asian manufacturers have some magic way of geting a hold of large quantities of gen movements ? What you probably are getting is a Seagull clone of top quality but with ETA markings, dont get me wrong it is a great movement, and in my opinion equal to a standard grade swiss 2824-2. But dont pay swiss prices for something that is a Seagull st2130 with ETA markings

    What you're saying carries alot of backlash which i hope you have adequate evidence for. Basing everything on the announcement by ETA and not much more is not really enough for me. I say this because many guys here and other forums place a premium on ETA mvmts and price their reps accordingly when it comes to selling. Are you insinuating that these guys are being dishonest selling seagull movements disguised as ETA? It is a common fact ( i have no evidence though ) that most ETAs supplied by our dealers come either used, NOS and often unoiled etc maybe due to storage. Just wondering cos i'm one of these gullible ones. Hope you can enlighten me with any evidence. So far my ETAs have never had a problem fitting in ETA parts from cousins or Ofrei ... unless they're selling seagull parts as well

  2. I received SOH 46 (ETA) on Friday afternoon, in Black, on a Black Leather Deployant. Looks pretty good to me, but then I am a Breitling Noob ;). Definitely not as solid as a Rollie Sub, but far better looking...

    The Deployant strap is very uncomfortable and digs into the underside of my wrist and have a feeling that this is due to the overall length of the deployany clasp, itself. It's about an inch and a quarter long and pretty straight. Not sure if the Gen is the same?

    I will post pics of it later on.

    Would have preferred the Mesh Link but its not available on the 1:1 copy (24mm between the lugs), but only on the 21J version which is 22mm between the lugs. The Rubber strap was out of stock so too what they had available. V2 Case, "P" on SuperOcean aligns with "A" in Automatic, Bezel notches extend to top of bezel...

    Drop shipped from China, via HK and arrived in "usual" packaging - bubble wrapped in about 8 layers. Thanks again, Royal Mail - took 4 days from posting to door ;)

    I'll be interested to see pics of this since i was told by a dealer it was no longer in production... Only Blue was available.

  3. Well fellows, All's well that ends well. The package from Singapore was in my mailbox this afternoon. So I'm feeling pretty good right now. i was a little worried that it was lost somewhere between it's origin and my PO.

    Thanks go out to Burnz who stayed in touch almost daily for the past week. It was a pleasure doing business with him.

    Lucky u.. with my delivery status, it doesn't even say if the seller has even shipped or whether its even left the US... hope it arrives soon.. 1 month is a little long even by boat

  4. On the Flipside .... Shipping from USA to Singapore

    Can anyone help me with this tracking status, it was sent by priority. Does it mean it has been shipped? Or does it mean its still sitting in US?

    Status: Electronic Shipping Info Received

    The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on July 4, 2010 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if / when available. No further information is available for this item.

    almost 3 weeks and still waiting.


  5. I've generally never lost a registered mail sent out of Singapore. Well at least on the tracking status it shows it left Singapore, if it gets lost over at the local post then i guess its not the seller's fault whatsoever registered or not. Mail to US generally takes 12-14 working days, you should get it anytime soon. It also depends if the guy shipped it out on a weekday or near weekend etc. Just check the status of tracking provided, if it says it already left Singapore at a certain date for international, the delay is actually your own local post.

  6. Read up on a couple of threads on UPO happy feet etc... guessed it got the better of me cos i kept seeing the feet! Haha. So here's what i did with a dial that already had a crooked happy feet.

    1) Scrape off glue from back of dial and push out the 2 feets with something very thin and sharp - i used the tip of a craft knife.

    2) With a tweezers, pick out the logo, it should come out without resistance.

    See the cute little feet on side of dial


    3) With the same craft knife, i shaved off the feet on both ends


    4)Position onto the hole and use a pegwood to softly push it firmly into the dial so that there is no spacing between the logo and dial


    5) And of course, a relume just for that Shazam


    Shot of lume 10s UV



  7. Just sent the pics to my dealer.. she seems to think its a joke! How rude! Guess she doesn't have access to limited editions.. I esp like the detail like the red 2nd hand needle peeking out of at the 44 marker... WOW. Wear it well my friend, i bet its one of a kind - literally. You should put it up for sale in the gen section, or auction it off for donation to rwg. THis baby will go

  8. Just took a quick look at a post on RWI from member jll3 who bought the glorious Noob mariner from Timeshop

    This is the link to the post:


    Let the words and especially the picture tell the rest of the story of this glorious exceptional Noob mariner :rofl:

    Just had a look at that thread and had a really good laugh.. Then i looked at the FS noobmariner dial here and i have to agree with Cats. I wouldn't touch that timeshop crap with a 10 yard stick... not even sure any of the parts can be used for projects or mods. kbh, u sure its the identical thing we're talking bout here? Otherwise its really a non issue blown out of proportion

  9. The seller's a VIP member with posts more than a couple of us put together.. dun think he'll risk getting called out on himself for that extra $10-20. i'm sure there is a reason we're not aware of like.. he paid a lot more than he should have? Just my 2c, afterall, he's not trying to sell a Wm9 V2 for $1k or something..

  10. Well, this is after all a forum with willing seller and buyer, another's man's trash is another man's treasure. I believe as with all purchases - Caveat Emptor, Buyer beware, if you dun do sufficient research or might be plain lazy too, perhaps this is the extra you pay. Sometimes the benefit of doubt should be given to the seller as well cos he might not have gotten his stuff at the lowest possible price, for eg, i for one, wouldn't know where to get a noob factory sub for 40 quid till you posted.

    Just mho.


  11. I know... its just me. First ordered a V2 but dealer sent me a V3 instead claiming he was out of stock of V2... Found myself conciously staring at the '1' font and thinking the pushers were gonna fall out.. (Yes i know, its just anal me) So had to send it back for a refund and when i finally got my V2... it was just heavenly. Wore it into an AD once to ask for the price of a Pro II bracelet and the salesman told me "You have great taste Sir, that's one of our nicest design." My reply.. curt and cold, " So you sure you can't discount on the bracelet?" Haha..but hey that's what a Gen owner would say!

  12. For starters, This doesn't strictly qualify as a rep vs gen comparison cos the gen is not a gen per se... its the next best thing, a gen dial with ARed crystal. So disclaimers aside, on to the lume comparison between my swapped out rep dial and the gen dial.

    As mentioned in my previous thread, the rep lume markers are a dead give away cos they are chunky flat sharp edge markers. Here's a comparison shot side by side.


    Here is a lume comparison shot after 10s UV light. Rep hands placed on for comparison - Notice the difference in brightness and 'greenness' in the markers esp horizontal markers which are in focus


    After Luming, the shape of the marker can be made more rounded and this imho is even more valuable than improving the lume quality. Although you can't reduce the thickness of the marker unless you completely remove it, you can make it less crude sharp edged and closer to gen like. Couple of after lume pics


    9 o'clock marker


    Close up of the roundness of lume at 9 o'clock marker


    A shallower angle - better view of the edge roundness of the 3 and 9 markers.


    Lume shot of dial


    And the final conclusion, another comparison shot of both dials - The difference in brightness and 'greenness' has been corrected with the right formula mix of lume.


    Hope you've enjoyed this little comparo of mine.. took me more time taking photos than luming! haha



  13. You know, initially I believed I had a v3, but after re-reading toadrurrent's excellent review, I now believe it is a V2. Not that it matters, I guess, This stuff will drive you mad if you let it.

    I wouldn't say it doesn't matter. For me i'd take the V2 anyday over the V3 cos of the right bezel fonts and chrono pushers which cannot be modded. The poor lume on the V2 at least can be corrected with a relume or dial swap. So be glad its a V2 actually :)

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