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Everything posted by subbiesrock

  1. Greek customs? Mate, if they have an x-ray machine and can see what it is... Ooooof... Here's hoping you get it, hope it was sent registered. Forgive the negativity, i've sent mail about 100kms north in that country you guys like to call FYROM, letters and parcels are opened indiscriminately, as if the mail were the postal employee's personal lucky dip. Good luck, hope it arrives.
  2. Woe, 7 month old thread revival... there ate new options for cases and dials nowadays that would be a far better platform for molding. Try emailing Vac at the address provided in the posts and ask him what his opinion is on a modded 111 and a quote for the mods. The new 111J is very good and would be ideal for further mods. Do some reading and it will start to make sense. Swiss movements are an option, search for "DSN 111".
  3. Great shots there, Green Corn
  4. Nice one D, looks great from every angle. Strap looks great, dish the source?
  5. Andreww will best advise on this, apparently the 3 6 9 case is not suitable for that type of mod
  6. I don't think the CG will be that different from the 359. Previous comments in other threads have identified the full stops between the REG. T.M. markings to be circular instead of square. Bracelet is fantastic though, clearly some effort to make that work. PeteM identified the 2 (in the 12), 9 and 6 numerals which were the most obvious tells. It makes me wonder, the factories must be using a CAD package and CNC to draw and machine these, how hard is it to draw the right shape FFS? The design of the digits is not particularly complex... It really irks me, if they just do it properly the first time, there won't need to be 'prototypes'!
  7. Sex is great, it's the voracious post-coital snacking one needs to avoid
  8. What do we think of the SDW? Seems to be a little worse than the Gen 312/320. Bracelet really looks fantastic, but getting the dials spot on will be harder. Need to see the CG at some stage too!
  9. Best advice would be to buy the one you like rather than one that's the 'best' rep. None of them are exact 1:1 anyway, all have some flaws. Just get the one you like mate, you're going to have to look at it!
  10. White batons go for a little less as the darker colours are generally more popular, but 109 bucks is bordering on ridiculously cheap... Great find, and the resulting franken will nondoubt look fantastic! Congrats, wear it well!
  11. Pete, are you having us on? unless that's the fourth prototype and suddenly the 359 issues got magically ironed out, AND you're in bed with Angus (wait, I'm not saying...that you're...anyway...), that picture right there is one mightily unfair April Fool's
  12. What is that?!?! In other news, a little FineDD 2xAR / OEM dark brown tang action
  13. A comparative bargain at 250K for the platinum, and 230K for the white gold... I wonder if the Cartel would have a hope in hell of repping the case, let alone the movement what an incredible piece of engineering...
  14. ...or one of those little wooden birds that flops over and 'drinks' the water - except it's going at 28.8kbph
  15. Problem looks like it's in the drive-train. Sounds like the rotational inertia of the balance wheel isn't giving out the necessary 1.28 Gigawatts...Definitely sounds like it needs a service; or some Plutonium.
  16. You could get him to offer the forum a 'mods' service. None of this 'throw the watch in a plastic baggie with keys, nails etc and shake vigorously' business, he could offer authentic vintagizing services
  17. Sorry, they are noise-isolating, not noise-canceling. Have a look on daBay every few days, they come up all the time for great prices, ignore the boxed sets, they are a massive rip off
  18. For that price range, have a look for the Super.Fi4 vi series in the Bay... Ignore the boxed sets and look for the OEM packaged ones, they are of much higher quality and the total incl. Shipping can be had for less than $45-50. And the bass is very, very good plus they are noise-canceling. Good luck!
  19. Great find, and so true. But isn't that by definition the embodiment of their 'Avant Garde' philosophy of Tag? We make timepieces so awesome they are beyond human requirement. Who doesn't want a watch like that?!
  20. I'm going to hazard a guess, judging by your command of the English language, that you're a lawyer. I trust the words of my builder, my dentist, and my lawyer, and if you're worried, then I'm worried. Having had a quick skim through the text, I'm not sure how this relates to counterfeit ptoducts, but it shows the future direction of trademark infringement. The OP is right; it's not pretty. Havign said that, I fell asleep after the fourth page, this document is better than a sleeping pill... Scheiße und Bananen! Meine Fresse, du Balkanischen Mensch! Haha peace out to all the Balkan brothers on RWG, I can sense you all, I can smell the Kopus through the Internet connection
  21. Tell me you're kidding Pete?! She's one of the sexiest women on the planet!
  22. Sorry Ken, but you missed the mark on this one, the OP was right to post this in the PAM forum Word on the street is that Panerai have launched an all-out DDoS attack on Angus due to his soon-to-be-released 312/320/328/329/358? smorgasbord... And Repgeek, well, those Spartans are all back in the Bronze Age... I kid, I kid, who knows what's going on... In all seriousness I hope RepGeek and the dealers get back up soon.
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