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Everything posted by subbiesrock

  1. Personally, I can't wait for the 320... If they get the 312 right, the 320 should be a relative cakewalk
  2. I think Andreww is right. Not only is it a rep, it's a pretty cheap one, look at the red lettering over the 6 o'clock subdial... Or lack thereof... Also the machined bezel looks nonexistent, but you're right, it's hard to confirm from these blurry pics, I did the best I could from the source.
  3. Cheers Andreww, I thought you'd know So you reckon it's a rep? Porn must not be paying so well these days...
  4. Fellow 'Lingers Having started on a diet of Breitlings, I moved over to the dark side of PAM, but was then recaptured by a Breitling Montbrillant Legende, completing the Navi / World / Montbrillant Datora / Montbrillant Legende Quadrella I came across this piece, of all places, in a rather engaging social documentary about a young actress in California trying to make it in Los Angeles, and being asked to perform all manner of deviant acts to a blurry-faced man in order to do prove her commitment to the industry. Needless to say, the inner WIS took over during proceedings and caught this impressive specimin. I've been careful to crop to the necessary bits, as fellatio seemed to be fairly prevalent in the opening sequences, but a friendly PM might reveal the source for those interested Hopefully we can get this sucker (no pun intended) identified, I've so far IDed: White slide rule, black dial with contrasting subdials Breitling wings. ETA 7750 with Day/Date 5-link bracelet... Breitling Pilot's? That's all I could get. Cheers fellas
  5. That is an insane (and awesome) mod Feancisco... Great work
  6. If it's good enough for James Bond...
  7. But what looks cooler than the [censored] badass Seiko Monster? If i ask in the other forums with the ass monkey moderators, will they tell me? What if I post a question that has been answered to death a thousand times, will I get the girls and friends that come with a badass Seiko Mnster dive watch? to the OP, we're just playing, but full credit for coinciding this question with the release of that video, I feel a meme coming
  8. Badass Seiko Monster dive watch... Hahaha whoever did this is a forum veteran. Great work.
  9. And here I was thinking mont riche had finally had enough of the new Cartel 111J and 288K super reps, Concepta Frankens etc and thought it was time to take it all down Good to have RWG back, cheers to the admins
  10. 1 of 4 ever made... Considering the prices of some discontinued models these days, this suddenly seems good value...
  11. Wow, great pieces, they all look like a million bucks! I'm awaiting for a 1:1 rep of the 320, mini fiddy case, GMT, maybe a nice rep movement cover resembling the in-house PAM movement... We should be so lucky I expect some really amazing replications for 2011 judging from some of the great work in 2010
  12. I believe it's due to the price increase for the monthly membership from 2.50 to 3 dollars. The payment made is not sufficient and the system rejects it. I never had a problem before. Just to note, I'm identifying what I think is a reason for the problems, I'm not begrudging the 50 cent increase... RWG costs me a great deal more in delicious watch purchases than it does in monthly memberships
  13. One word suffices in this situational context... LOL!
  14. I'm a lot better at picking 'rep' PAMs and Breitlings, not yet familiar with the Rollies, are all of you quite sure this was a rep daytona? That would male all of this rather deliciously ironic EDIT: I just carefully perused the video again and noticed something really weird. The Chrono hand is sweeping in all the photos, but have any of you noticed that the Seconds @ 6 hand never moves? It seems stuck at the '35' position in all three of the test shots before he begins to take pictures of the tile background. Weird...very weird. I thought about the choppiness of the chrono hand, at 24fps in a 28,800bph movement the second hand moves 4 times per second, but the camera captures 24 frames per second, so there should be 6 frames per hand movement. As I understand it, that shouldn't give you a choppy hand, quite the contrary, it should smoothly show the movement sweep. I think it's the movement itself that appears choppy in parts. Just my 0.02
  15. Great link and interesting viewing. This guy really needs to learn about the aesthetics of picture taking. The final shot looks really really fake, appearing highly photoshopped. The biggest giveaway is the diffuse background of the computer tower panel which clashes with the intensity of light around the left and right sides of the band. It looks almost comically photoshopped.
  16. Happy Nrw Year from sunny Australia kids!
  17. An article I was reading stated this interesting fact about advances in atomic clocks that I thought the horologically minded might like. A single ion tells time A single aluminum ion, vibrating a quadrillion times a second, is the basis for a new “quantum logic” clock developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. A prototype of the clock remains accurate to within a second every 3.7 billion years—significantly better than the current U.S. civilian time standard, a cesium fountain clock accurate to within a second every 100 million years. The General Conference on Weights and Measures, based in France, may consider the design for a new international time standard. Such precise clocks are used to synchronize telecommunications networks and deep-space communications and to assist satellite navigation and positioning. They could also lead to new types of space-based gravity sensors, used to locate underground natural resources.
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