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Everything posted by RobbieG
Hi guys. I just wanted to let you all know I'm getting rid of my rhodium dialed MMD. As much as I love it visually and quality-wise, big steel braceleted watches just don't get wear from me and I hate to see it wasted. Just wanted to get a feel to see if anyone is looking for a gen MMD. If it seems like there is interest I will put together a whole post in the sales forum here before listing it on TZ or whereever as I always do with any gen sales. Thanks.
Thanks man. Yeah, that is a great piece. Kinda regretting selling mine, but then you know how picking the all-star team goes. You can only wear so many...
Thanks TJ. I have been doing quite a bit of that lately actually and doing more and more. Been in Vegas a lot. I had a unit at City Center and by the grace of God I was able to unload it before it CO'd at breakeven. Now they can't give them away and the deals are unreal everywhere on the Strip. Stuff you never saw before. Monthly rates on upper tier suites that you wouldn't believe. I can practically live there for less than at home. You just have to call and ask. You can lease a suite at Vdara for a little over a couple grand a month. I gamble for a living so ironically Vegas is a great retreat for me with zero interest in gaming. We just like to eat and hang out and work out and go to the spa so it is tough to beat. The watch shopping ain't bad either. We have been starting to go to LA a bit too. I used to hate it but I'm starting to rediscover it and enjoying it. We will spend a few weeks at the W in Westwood Village or various spots in Santa Monica lately. After being so sick I really just want to simplify and enjoy a little more. I can do that while away a lot easier so in the coming months/years I am going to try to spend more and more time living out of the suitcase. It is very liberating. Thanks to all for the warm welcome back. Much appreciated. Nice to have such good friends here.
WOW! I remember those pics. Yeah, that is a great watch. Just like the real thing almost. In fact, I had two of them I think. Didn't Dutchy get the other one? Now that is going back more than a couple years now isn't it...
Thanks Ken. Good to see you too. I'll try to call R tomorrow. I hadn't heard that about Dog. Lol...
Any gossip or drama I missed? Anyone not here anymore? Big surprises? Admin/mod changes? Didn't see Lani around. Is he alright? I gotta call him. Haven't spoken in ages. Mike?
Hey somebody give me a quick synopsis on what the last few latest greatest unreal reps our Chinese brothers are cranking out.
Nice to see you too. I just haven't been up to it. There are just a couple more pieces I have wanted for some time that I will finally get. Mostly dress watches really. I have become quite a creature of habit and I'm liking smaller more elegant stuff lately. Next I'm getting my braceleted dress grail - the big dog - Platinum DD with Glacier dial. And I would like to have a DD in rose with black MOP dial as well. I also want a VC Patrimony Traditionelle in WG. I can't think of much else right now except maybe one of those Vintage Aquatimer special series watches. I always liked that and almost bought one before I got sick.
Thanks Robert. Good to see you too..
Oh yeah - hahahahaha. I'm a different guy now I swear. I mean, a different forum guy I should say. I used to just put spin on my stories to wind up the haters. I'm sure you know that but yeah, that was fun. I don't think I'm gonna do that stuff anymore. I'm getting old. Funny back story: That same cop that I have gotten so many tickets from bought a Mini and is really active in the local club. I happen to own a Mini as well and I met him socially at a rally event and he ended up apologizing for being such an ass to me. Apparently he was having personal problems and liked to take out his frustration by writing tickets. I actually let him drive the 996 he wrote the ticket on before I traded up and he loved it. Hows that for irony. Stuff like that still happens in small towns I guess.
Hey Guys, Long time no see. It has been a pretty big ordeal with my health and trying to hold the machine of my companies together through it but I'm coming along and learning to cope and starting to venture out a bit so to speak. Just sitting here missing my old brothers on RWG so I thought I would say hello. How have you all been doing? I see many have been busy with new aquisitions. Me? I still have the same collection I had the last time I checked in after I had paired my collection down by a good amount. So still rotating my top five and as usual, getting the itch for some new additions. It may be time to fire up the plastic and go off in classic RobbieG fashion before too long. Nah, just kidding - but there are a few wishlist pieces I had my eye on that I never got to before I got sick so maybe I will afford myself an indulgence or two when I get around to it. Sorry to those who wrote me that I never got back to. You know how it goes. Anyway, in the spirit of the essence of RWG allow me to post a few of my favorite wristies for old times sakes...
Nice John. Real nice. I built some great sterile PAM's in the day as well. I miss them sometimes. A pleasure to shoot and look at for me, but sadly I neve wore them so they had to go. I could look at yours all day long. Maybe I'll clear my schedule and do that tomorrow...
Virtually every gen that I bought and kept was first a rep. The rep time was spent truly falling in love with the design. Interestingly enough, my once 30+ piece gen collection included a bunch of higher end $20k-ish type pieces and I never kept any of them. I'm talking about stuff like a Jaques Droz GMT, an AP Millenary, a full gold UN Diver Chrono, etc. Maybe if there were good reps of them then I would have saved taking a beating on the sales by figuring out they were just impulse purchases that I didn't truly love with all my heart.
I was joking about the blow of course. Haven't done that in 25 years, but it was fun back in the day. I will still take the Remy though. Nothing quite like really great brandy - slightly warmed of course... Kay Den? Hey all this pigeon talk makes me think of an old Christmas rhyme I wrote with my friend 20 years ago on Christmas Eve - Hawaiian Style: Twas da nite befo' Christmas, an all throo my crib, not one insect was buzzing. Brah, I no tell you one fib. All da keiki was snuggles, coast in deah beds. With Auties crip crack seed all bust in deah heads. One chronic kine shock bust da roof wit one clattah. I wen jump up fo' handle dis disturbing mattah. Thru up da window, bust open da sash. False crack da screen door fo' protec my stash... Oh well. I'll save the rest for Christmas time. Anyone not from Hawaii is probably scratching their head right now wondering why we think this is even funny. Ya kind of got to hear the accent and inflection to go with it...
Gotta go to a Shine meeting this afternoon. In my company, Shine meeting is code for a meeting where we are just about to get a bunch of money from a new client. Either old RobbieG Shines, or we don't get the cash. This DJ has sort of evolved into a sort of lucky watch around here. I have never failed to Shine with it on. When I got sick and lost most of my gigantic ego (that tends to happen when the reaper shows up at your door)it occured to me that it just might be the watch that was responsible and not me at all. So may I present to you what may be the only reason I am able to make a living. Nothing Shines like Rolex metal...
Boring doesn't even come close...it is REALLY frickin' boring. Group shot, Group shot. Group shot. Come on doc Lani, give me ma fix. I'm dying over here man and this is my dying wish... ...Well, one of them - others include a night at the W Diamond Head with five or six 18 year old Asian girls in knee socks, an eight ball or two, one last bottle of Louie Tre, and jus so noone thinks I'm a snob, a shoyu chicken plate from Rainbow Drive-In in Kaimuki with an extra scoop mac. Get out the fisheye and set um' up brah. Primo - Chance um'! With Love, RobbieG
the case for UN Maxi Marine as one of the best watches ever
RobbieG replied to fotoman's topic in General Discussion
Oh hell, sounds like another excuse for a photo op to me... Sincerely, The OG RWG UN Ambassador (I'm still alive, albeit barely - but enough to still appreciate wacth porn...) -
You got that right Hackr. I put the dog in hot dog for sure...
This is a bullsh*t attempt to avoid doing what he knows he really is SUPPOSED to do, so don't be fooled by Lani's attempt at making these half hearted posts seem somehow significant... Sure, he has enough watches to arm every citizen in say...Paraguay with a personal timepiece, but the true magnitude of the power of this collection will never be felt until they are seen in all their splendor ALL IN ONE SHOT!!! The truth is, Lani doesn't have a single room big enough in his house to accomplish this, nor a lens that will. For starters he will need to add a 10MM fisheye to the quiver just to attempt a setup. Come on man, what are you waiting for? I'm dying for Crissakes. Put the needle in. Fix me...
Actually, I found the perfect car for Ken and a new matching outfit to go with it...
No I have never owned any SUV. Those are cool, but what ever gave you that idea? I had a 04 996 sold that and got a new 997 with what amounts to the GT2 performance kit. And as for Ken's car, I vote for the Saab Sonnet. But seriously, if anyone is looking for a cool little fast car, my decked Mini S with twin T's is still my favorite and my everyday driver. So luxurious inside and out yet somehow stripped out and fun. If you get the Cooper Works stuff they can be pretty fast too. Basically mine is as customized as they get and I think I have around $35K into it. Maybe a little more but not much. Tons of room in them too believe it or not. Before I got sick when we used to go out to dinners a lot we would pick up another couple a lot and they would ride in the back no problem. And with the seats folded down it is HUGE back there. The new 2" bigger all around car is way bigger than the first BMW versions and of course a mile bigger than a real Mini. I can't say enough about them and as you can tell from my other car tastes I am a real enthusiast. I've got to get a new round of car pics if and when I feel better, but here is an old one of the Mini when I first got it. Still, I hardly leave the office so I have no miles on it. I got it in October of 07 and I just turned 7K miles. lol.
930's yeah, wow...a beast for sure. Many people just don't realize how hard it is to drive the pure rear wheel drive variant with a lot of HP. I find the new GT2 very difficult to drive for example which is why I opt for the AWD variants. Purist poo-poo it, but meanwhile I pretty much know I'm staying on the road. It is really hard to screw up driving them at any speed. And I mean HARD into corners even. The power balancing system is flawless. Although the GT2 motor kit in the stock 997 is perfect for me. The stock 480hp increases to 530hp with the kit. Big price to pay for those few HP though. Nothing like the next step up though. My friend has 640hp in his but I feel the motor stress is too high. It almost skips in low gears when you hammer on it - especially downshifting. Overkill. For me, 530hp is all you ever need and then some. It pulls like a frigging rhino on a crank binge. Just ridiculous. Melts the eyes into the back of your head. Gotta love it - if that is your thing. But the 930 is another beast entriely Boss. Tough to drive but rewarding if you are a trained driver. I'm not so I need 4 wheel power to stay on the road...
The sound of music... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XEZwoTvN18&feature=related