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Posts posted by panerai153

  1. As a mod, I don't want to weigh in here and have folks

    Feel that I'm using that to sway the conversation. I can only speak from personal experience. Back a couple of years ago, I owned a couple of spin modified DW Daytonas.. They were well done, ran great and certainly looked good! Lately, he has modded a couple of my AP ROO's as well as my FC diver. Beautiful work and with Legend involved, I don't see how we could go wrong here.

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  2. Thanks for the kind words guys.   We are down in Aruba for our wedding!

    Stopped into a few Rolex ADs.  Probably not gonna buy anything but so far I got them down to $7000 on a NIB 116610 

    also the hublot AD is insane.  

    Any advice on of its worth making a buy down here? 

    Got ta know the prices at home to compare. One plus is no taxes. If you buy something, have them ship the box and papers to your home address, wear the watch, like you have owned it for years!!

    Congratulations and best wishes.

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  3. I have never seen one of these repped. Not that they haven't, but personally haven't seen one.

    As these were very special watches used for sailing competitions (countdown timer for race start) I would suspect that in the wild, genuine models are pretty rare.

    Might want to go over to the Tag forum and ask some of the guys who are regulars there if any reps exist.

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  4. Thx MP, I still hope that someone grabs his JF 15400 and take a look at the movement....

    I already asked twonof our TD's, also with no response until yet...


    it's simple: turn the 15400 and confirm that it has no "PIGUBT" issue...it really looks like it is misspelled from the pics....

    You know this feeling when you're ready to pull the trigger and you habe to wait for answers...


    thanks for reading!



    I have a JF 15400 white dial, bought probably 6-7 months ago. I turned mine over and looked at the engraving. The E in Piguet is exactly like the E in Audemars. Both E's have a downward and upward stroke to the ends of the E's. I could imagine if the stamp is done incorrectly, the E could look more like a B. I looked at the engraving through an 8X loupe to be sure.

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  5. To this day, I have never had someone ask if any of my watches are reps. I do have a colleague who got a pretty crappy 16613 rep. Given to him by a family member who bought it on a trip. One day he saw my 16613 that Matt built or me. He asked me about the watch, and I went through the entire watch, showing him the gen dial, 18k aftermarket bezel, gen insert, crown and ST case and explained to him what it entailed and approximately what it cost. He was very impressed, but felt that it was too costly for him to build one like it. He is still searching for a good 16613 rep, but really likes the idea of a watch for maybe 10% of the cost of a gen. What this proved to me is for the most part outside of the purist that think that owning a "fake watch" is blasphemy, most people are impressed with the quality of reps and are accepting of them.

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  6. JoeyB, I have to agree with you 100%. There are vintage watches that are not so rare that they can be worn at times, usually under what I would consider "non harsh" conditions. Probably later 1680's 1665's 1675/16750, etc.

    On the other hand there are watches that are just too valuable, too fragile and extremely hard to repair that probably should become "safe queens" I put the 6542 squarely in this category. A well made rep would make a whole lot more sense if you want to wear the watch. Sort of the same theory that folks who own super expensive jewelry espouse to. Keep the "real stuff" in a safety deposit box and wear the copies. No one will ever know!!!

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  7. I have seen a couple of red subs with serial numbers that put them well into white sub production. My guess is someone had a spare dial or a dial in a beat up case and thought they could pull a fast one by swapping it into another case. Knowing this and Rolex having a tendency to "update" things at service, there may be the occasional red sub that now has a white dial. 

    There is no doubt that when watches were sent to a Rolex Service Center, parts were changed with what was available. At some point, Red letter dials were no longer available from Rolex so they were replaced with white. Because of this, there is no telling how many Red subs and to a much lesser degree DRSD's were "converted" by RSC's.

    One factor was back then, these were pretty much "tool" watches. There was no internet, very few watch collectors, and of course no one had any idea that these stainless steel everyday watches would become so collectible. For the most part, folks sent their watches back to Rolex when they really needed a service. They were thrilled to death when their watch returned looking like the day they wore it out of the AD. Most didn't care that the new dial had white writing instead of red. Only much later when watch knowledge became much more available via the Internet and many more began collecting, and participating in forums did it become really important to have watches that were original, or at least have parts that were in keeping with their serial range.

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  8. No amount is to much. The cost of the frankens is determined by the parts that are used. Take a franken datejust. Gen case, a nice one, is $300 Most of the time it will come with a crystal that can be polished, if not, gen crystal is $85- $120. Gen bezel is $350- $60, depending on white gold or stainless. Crown is $85, tudor hands are $41 An open 69 dwo is $44.  Now, which movement? Swiss is $230-$250 for a fresh genuine.  Sa 3135 is $235 Nice stainless bracelet is $650. Add $175 labor. That's it.  So, now you have a really nice franken for $1900. You can buy a full gen for around $2850. A gen 3135 movement is around $1500. Subtract that from the price of the watch, it leaves $1350. That's less than you have in the franlen. But, your franken is complete, and you have no movement in your gen. I think now it comes down to just how much fun do you want to have. Anyone can go buy a gen ready to go. Building it is way more fun. If for no other reason than to see how gen you can make it look.  Most people that build a franken can afford a gen with no problem, but why not save some money. This is a build of an old style datejust. When you get into the new style, the price difference is much greater. A new style franken and a new style datejust have a gap of at least $4000. That is significant. 

    Well said sir. The only deviation from that is when you get into some of the Rolex vintages like the 1665, 6538 or the vintage Daytonas. While the genuines are really,really expensive, the genuine parts to build a franken have gotten out of sight as well.

    I'm just glad I built( had built) the ones that I have years ago, because I couldn't afford to build them today.

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  9. I pretty much agree with most everybody. I have several pretty high end builds, the most expensive was my 1665 DRSD. I probably have close to 4K in that watch, but it's not going anywhere. Same with my GMT IIC.

    I try to keep my costs at or around 30% of the cost of a gen. With Rolex, as vintage parts get scarcer and scarcer and prices keep going up, it's getting harder and harder to build these super franken vintage Rolexes and stay in budget. I was lucky, because several of my builds were done back 6-8 years ago or longer when parts were a bit more reasonable.

    As was said before, better really like what you build, because it's a very rare watch that will sell for what you have in it. These are a labor of love not a source for profit! As many of our members have found out, sales in excess of 1k eliminate a huge number of buyers , and when prices get up in the 3-5k range, the buyer pool is tiny and the buyers get pretty darn picky.

  10. What ever happened to him?

    Probably like a lot of folks, interests change, jobs change, family life changes, etc.

    There are a million reasons why folks who are very active on forums become inactive or less active. It happens to all of us. Just think back at the number of clubs, organizations, sports that you were active in at some point but today you hardly ever participate in.

    I have a friend who was a director of the American Kennel Club (AKC). They spent a ton of money doing surveys, statistical analysis on membership participation. He told me that their results mirrored results that other organizations had compiled. What they found was the average length of active participation in any one hobby or interest was seven years. Statistically almost everyone who began participation in an organization or hobby was gone or very inactive after seven years.

    Look at RWG as and example. We have very,very few active members who have been here for more than 7 years. Because of this it is vital to encourage new members, if only to replace those that will leave. If we cannot maintain the numbers, then sadly RWG will go the way of the old TRC and some of the other early forums.

    Sorry to get on my soapbox, but I feel like this is a great opportunity to address a real problem.

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