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Jos Nana

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Posts posted by Jos Nana

  1. You missed out one option, corrected below:

    will the 202 be available next week?

    [ ] yes

    [ ] no

    [ ] maybe

    [ ] yawn

    [ ] Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

    [ ] none of the above

    Let make it simpler...

    [ ] From Paul, yes

    [ ] From Paul, no

  2. Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Australia, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Taiwan, India, Sri Lanka, Paksitan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi, Maldives, Mariutius, Madasgascar, Zimbahwee, South Africa, Nigeria, Morroco, Germany Italy, Austria, UK, Switzerland, Holland, Mexico, Brazil.

  3. Thank you Bill..... Really appreciated..

    Guys.. Bill is a great guy who help me a great deal in the time when my email account was hijackers by some Indians... Kudos to you Bill !

    As for Vince... the moment the compliant to pp was filed against me, I contacted him to drop the case .. I told him about my registration of the tracking nos with pp.. He will never have his money back.. And I gave him a benefit of a doubt.. I told him as soon as his dropped his case.. I am prepared to send a further 3 watches to him...To me Mathematically I minimised my loss and keep a customer happy.. Why not ? But he simply ignore me...

    Well, I have done the best I can.. By ignoring my mails instead of trying to resolve only lead to my belief that he is a scammer..

    To me, he seems pretty kool with losing 700 bucks...



  4. Delivered 3 watches to him... tracking given and he claim he received an empty box.. When asked for further details as to whether the box is sealed, open by customs or postal service workers... He file a compliant with pp for chargeback..No answers to all my mails, pms.... I have waited 1 month for this to be resolved.. But I will not tolerate further....

    Vince, you stupid fool.. I have registered the tracking nos with pp when the package is in transit to you..I have also faxed a copy of the EMS bill and shipping invoice to pp, . Vince, you will not get your money back !!!!! The money stays with pp.. I do not have your money now... Claim it from pp if indeed you did not received anything. It is none of my business now..

    Details as follows :

    Name: Vince BArone

    Email: vjbar1@comcast.net

    Old RWG Nick : vince

    XXXX Ireland Ln

    Aurora, CO 80015

    United States


    Vince, I dun care now if you did or did not received your watches...I have sent the watches and I want my money... If the money is not reverse back into my account within 3 days,..your apt number and tel number will be revealed.



  5. Just a note about how to deal with pp. If you afraid of charge backs, you need to open two separate pp accounts. Get paid in one and one the funds are there, immediately transfer them to the other account for withdrawal. See, pp will transfer money between their own accounts immediately, but they will make you wait a few days for the withdrawal. Most sellers get scammed by buyers who do charge backs in the first few days after the transaction, before the seller has a chance to withdraw the funds. By transferring the funds to another account, you insulate your seller’s account from that.

    Another thing that pp does not like is transactions without descriptions. They like to know what is being sold. In that case, you can setup you second account to sell “subscriptions”. They seem to not be to concerned with exactly what that is.

    Yes, this is correct... If the account is clean on receiving and sending funds only, no withdrawals at all... this pp account will never be frozen.. Discovered this long ago.. but you have pay 2 times the fees and also the withdrawing PP account is still at risk.. Thus It is back to square one.. The only advantage is that you get to maintian a workable pp account all the time and lesser transactions on the withdrawing account..

    The more you know about how pp works...the more scampal they are...

  6. I-As soon as money hits your pp account, withdraw it.

    Well said !

    As for the withdrawing part, it is really down to luck factor.. pp takes 2 to 3 days to process your withdrawals.. Once the hammer comes down, all the withdrawals for the last 2 to 3 days will be reversed... For US bank accounts pp users, you will not be affected, but for us, international account holders , the exchange rate used to reverse the money back to my own pp account is -5% points... Jesus, the money is virtual, it does not need to physically be transported in and out ? But pp will penalised you for -5% points.... and this is not recoverable.. Imagine how many accounts they freeze for simple verifications in a day ?

    Every time an account gets limited, pp makes 5% of your withdrawals over the last 3 days for international accounts.. Good money isn't it ? Who is the real scammer ?

    So should it be, sorry "I dun deal with you cos you do not have a scampal account ?"

    Time to move on guys, soon, no dealers on board will be able to accept pp.....



  7. So, why can't dealers just set up a simple shopping cart with a merchant account (Visa, Mastercard), etc.?

    There are few ways to do this.

    1) Get a merchant account at your bank to accept credit cards, set up a shopping cart online.

    2) Use a service that has a shopping cart along with your merchant account (one time fee)

    3) Use another service that does everything (merchant account, shopping cart, processing) (a fee and percentage from sales.)

    It's possible...and I BET they'd get MORE sales than the pp button.

    Getting a merchant for legit products is very easy... as long as you are happy with the fees and open up everyrthing you are doing to them... They will check your hosting company, too sloopy = no.. questionable =no.. they wil check the products you are selling.... branded = no unless you show them an authorised agreeement, not branded , made in china = no cos likely they are reps.... Your will need to registered a webiste url with them.... obviously you cant tell them www.buymyreps.com ? I have been working on this matter for a long time.. Till today no avail..

    There are some companies who wants 11% as their commission... They can approved you overnight... 1 monthly payment back to you... Dare to try ? and yes 11% as opposed to the 4 to 5 %, they probably are launderng your money on their own legit websites and make the difference...



  8. So can we jointly unite and dun used pp ?

    No ... Most of them out there are too selfish and foolish.. cos they have not got problems "yet "and the "I only deal with dealers with pp kind of [censored] still rings loudly and blindly"...

    How many of you has succesfully claim your money from pp if you are scammed ? probably 2 out 10.. Once a tracking no...true or fake, is registered on the transaction,,, you money will never get back to you..And if you are stupid enough to file a claim, the money will come out of the sellers account and goes to pp and stays there indefinitely..You lost your re-course with seller immediately and pp will not give you back the money cos they will tell you that delivery proof is given.

    Such is the protection you are getting and the loophole for scammers to continue to scam you money.. Afterall if someone is in it to scam, they will not send you anytjing anyway.. File your cliams, the money has long being withdrawn and blew it on a couple of rounds in Vegas... Thereafter, use another credit card... Wala ! Scammer has another pp account again and can start scamming...

    It is ironical that only honest traders and innocent buyers will always get hit by pp.. Not the scammers.. So much for the protection you are getting !

    Given the choice, i will move to something else like E-gold, but can the members here accept ? Oh, I only deal with dealers with pp... Rite ?



  9. Just placed an order for the black chrono avernger in Ti, from here but i am confused as what is happening? i went though the check out procedure and when i thought i would confirm the payment it sayed finish?? has any one orderded from her and knows what is happening.

    i can veiw the order in my account and is says pending? does this mean he will contact me?? i have not given him my email though this is what confuses me??

    You have PM...

  10. Many have forgotten that these are not legit products.. Try walking into a post office in China to send such items ! They will ask you to open up and re-wrapped in their presence... What happens next... you will be sitting in the post masters office waiting for a "Gong Ang" ( Chinese Police ) to pick you up !

    Packages are handled by forwarders... they know the loop and the perfect timing to exit the packages.. When Bush visit China last year, I have packages sitting in my forwarders office for 5 to 7 days before it is "clear" for exit...

    Getting the package to you safely is the key.... Speed is never part of the deal.. Sometimes you get it fast, sometimes slow.. it is all part of the game..

  11. Hi Norbert,

    You mails probably did come in during the time my email addy got hijacked...It is my policy to reply to every single email, pm... I am sorry for the troubles and the communication breakdown.

    Yes I did recommend this watch to you .. I recommend based on the merits on the closeness to genuine factor.., working GMT, overall very well made and the positve feedback I have from others who has bought this watch from me..

    I do not know if the genuine watch's bracalet is made in pin or screws... But for the rep of this watch along with many others in reps and also in genuine, this bracelet is made in pins.. Bracelet is pins is not a measure that the rep is bad quality... It is just it is made this way..

    I have also advise on sending the watch to a jeweller for re-sizing... If the bracelet is mess up, I can always send you a replacement bracelet.. But to keep insisting that this rep should be made in screwed bracelet and must have a screwed bracelet will not bring you anywhere...It will only brig you frustration and lead you to this...

    This is an hobby, relax and enjoy the reps as they were.. Drop me a mail and let me know what you need.. I can't get you a screwed bracelet for sure..but the same one you received ..No problems at all...



  12. Many have pm me way before, even before christmas in which the watches are supposed to arrive. And some of the current admin team here also have an insight of what I know....Its their call.

    The way I see it... the intention is clearly there right from the beginning....There isn't a need to collect money without seeing the proto..And what is a proto ? Where is the proto ? is the proto being paid or return ?

    I have as much knowledge as anyone about the RWG watch fiasco (other than Blade, Eric and Gran) and I can say without a doubt that there was never any indication or proof IMO that gran was somehow involved in the undelivered watches.

    I dont exactly see eye to eye with gran on all that happened over at old RWG, but I most certainly do not believe that he played any role whatsoever in the dispursement of monies or failure to send out what was paid for.

    With that said, I think we should just move on.


    1) how do you know if Eric was or was not paid? do tell...

    2) money was collected because if it was not collected on the front end, then people could/would/did commit but then back out...IMO, it makes sense for adavance payment for a mass order of a watch that did not previously exist.

    3) Blade swithed suppliers because King's watch was way small and many of the people who paid for it chimed in over at old RWG that they were not at all happy with the smaller version. It is irrelivant if king was going to allow people to order/pay at a later time if her watch was way off.

  13. Let us all understand there is and has always been only one true Scammer in the RWG watch fiasco..........the supplier.........this person has failed to deliver all the goods, failed to address quality issues, but most importantly has failed to stand up and say I am the supplier.

    If we knew who this person is then all those that fall between us and him/her are of no consequence.


    If a supplier is not paid, Why should he deliver ?

    If a supplier is not asking for advance funds, why collect money ?

    If a supplier is prepared to stock up the watch and allows the ease of ordering anytime, Why change the supplier to an unknown one ?

  14. Yes I also lost $200 in the watch fiasco but then I never blamed Gran for that, my concern was with the attempt to sabotage this site on its opening day.

    I also have a problem when someone extends the hand of friendship here under one user name whilst continuing to thrust knives on the old site under other usernames.

    What I am saying Gran is if you want me to accept you.................no more games


    Thats typical...

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