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About robc_uk

  • Birthday 04/01/1965

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    United Kingdom

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  • Location
    Canary Wharf

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Newbie (1/15)



  1. Piberf, do you mean replace the strap? You certainly can. If you look at the picture via the link below (thanks to Matte) you will see the four small screws ,one by each lug, carefully remove these and rhen gently pull the lug wires out, these are bent onto an L and simply pull out of the strap. Pop them into you new strap,reinsert into the case and CAREFULLY replace the screws....Voila! http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?act=at...st&id=22894 ROb
  2. I have the same model from PT and can confirm that the lever is a bit floppy,however if you pinch it tight with a pair of parallel jawed pliers it's fine. Rob
  3. Hi, You need a strap that's compatible with a Breitling Super Avenger. Just my $.02 Rob
  4. Guy, Back to your corners.............now! Did anyone notice she went to a lot of effort (bait & switch the paps with a sex doll!!!) to get David a very special Chopard, She may be a bimbo,but she shops in the right places Rob
  5. Try your local Borders, they can order it in if they don't stock it!] Rob
  6. The seller has opted for 'private' bidding so it's almost guaranteed to be a setup and you can't even tip off the highest bidder. And this system is meant to protect the buyer Rob
  7. Hey, So when they create a Scottish Republican Army alll those American Scots romanticising over the 'Old Country' can subsidise their fight against the Evil British 'Overlords'!!! Be sensible, there is no way Scotland can become truly independent, unless we rebuild Hadrians wall????? Rob
  8. About ten minutes after seeing that the number had been drawn I remembered to check my numbers! To my suprise I had tickets 81 to 90 and the 2nd prize winner is 84!!! I noticed that Epoch has announced this now so I'll have to decide what to go for, my wife prefers the Navitimer,but I prefer the Solo Tempe Ferrari, Suggestions??? Rob
  9. Quality Control Dead on Arrival OK? Rob
  10. Corgi, I'm ashamed of you! NO, It's not legal to sell reps in the UK, nor is it in France! Report it,simple as that! Rob
  11. It doesn't normally take that long. does it appear on Parcelforces website? If so, what does it say, If it hasn't appeared on here it's likely lost in China, ask for a replacement. If its showing as in the UK then ring Parcelforce and 'chase' it using the UL tracking number PF gives you. This usually wakes them up, but last week my watch went via Nottingham as it went in the wrong van at the airport!! If it says it is with Customs in Coventry DON'T chase it, it may, or may not reappear! Rob
  12. Working fine for me all day except for 10 minutes this evening!(UK) Rob
  13. I think you meant ' Tracking never is accurate' Otherwise we'll end upwith another 'them and us' flameout!! Rob
  14. I'm glad someone else saw the 2006, I thought I'd woken up a year younger this morning!! Rob
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