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About J M

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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Location
    London, England
  • Interests
    watches (surprise surprise)

J M's Achievements


Newbie (1/15)



  1. is your middle name Stinky by any chance ?


  2. hey JM

    its been 7 days since ya swallowed my cash

    no good is gonna come outta this

    be a man and refund my $$$ ASAP

    thanks !

  3. hi JM, do you have a close up shot of the face????

    Im very interseted, give me thw first knock i live in the UK.

    Which dealer did you get it from???

    Thanks F/F

  4. i cant even get lucky in normal auctions. i bought a bag on there 2 weeks ago and the guy told me it must have been lost in the post and because i didnt get insured post i lose out wtf?
  5. I just went to have a look at my big bang chrono as i was going to sell it. low and behold one of the ruddy plastic bits on the end of the chrono stopper has fallen off. does anyone know where i can get one of these as the sale will have to hold off until i can find it
  6. i'd love to see a picture of the sort of guy that would actually wear this out. flares, big hair, and disco moves.
  7. I do love hublots and this is a beautiful example. I've got a big bang chrono that i'll probably put up for sale soon to fund a new king like yours thanks for posting
  8. this is sure brilliant work. To actually be skilled enough to do it is a gift. what is this waiting list all about then? how do I join?
  9. god that is one of the most ugly things i've ever seen
  10. just wanted to stop and say hi. Ive been a lurker over the last few years. even since it was the older RWG back in 2006(ish) when i used to use homer for all my needs now its time for me to join in. I'm currently using andrew for all my watches. I look forward to chatting with you all and furthering my knowledge
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