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Posts posted by maxse

  1. okay just finished reading. GUYS there is JUST ONE THING I DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!!


    This board is here to prevent exactly what these dealers are doing right? So isn't it in our best interest not to advertise these dealers??

    I have bought from other dealers and have not had a single problem, Ruby, Sash, and others at RWI and have not had a single problem and the product and service was excellent. In addition the only time I had a problem was when I bought someting from Josh...

    Anyway, why dont we just get rid of these dealers??? It would be a lot easier then to give advice to others to boycott them. Just get rid of them... At least until they get their act together.

    *EDIT* I also think thats why they aren't really responding or answering the issues raised here and blabbing off about things not asked... They are waiting for this to blow over. But if we close down their section I am pretty sure they will start to care very quickly.

  2. found it thanks guys. Ive also found a post can't remember now who said it though, that as you turn the outer bezel it is supposed to rotate the inner bezel through some kind of mechanism on the gen. On the rep only the outer bezel is rotates... But is the inner bezel supposed to rotate as well?

  3. I was just curios what the button on the Bentley GY is at the 9 o'clock position is.

    I have a rep of course and when I try to push it nothing happens, it doesn't even move. Is it the same way on the gen?

    Isn't it a dead giveaway if someone holds the watch and pushes the button to see it work? Thanks.

  4. Sorry, I recently sold the GT so I can't make any pics. To my knowledge every day and date aligned perfectly. I don't know what your standards are for alignment though. Maybe you can post a pic so I can give you my opinion?

    PS: You have to know that the date chages at 12 and the day between 1 and 3 so during that time day and date are not yet aligned properly.

    Yea I know that... I am tlaking about the Date sitting a little lower then the day... I'll take some pics soon to illustrate what I mean. To me this is a dead giveaway if it's not "normal"

  5. Even on the reps? Rolexman your review is the one that got me to buy it in the first place :)

    Does yours always align perfectly with every day and date?

    Any chance you can post some pics so I can see and I will do the same? Just want to know if this a reason to send the watch back to the dealer.


  6. To those of you who own this watch or have seen the gen. Is the day and date always supposed to be lined up together? I own this rep and for some reason seom days and dates aren't always lined up exactly. Sometimes the date sits slightly higher then the date, and sometimes it's lower.... Is it this way on the gen too? Is this "normal" or are all the reps like this? Thanks.

  7. So to the people that held the gen and/or the rep. Does the day and Date always line up perfectly. Soemtimes my day is a bit higher then the actual date and vice versa. Is it like this on the gen also? If not this is a dead giveaway, no?

    Also how come this watch doesnt come with a Swiss 7750???

  8. guys do does your day/date function line up perfectly with each other on the GT? Sometimes some days of the week sit a little higher than the number and sometimes they are aligned properly. Is it like this on the gen or is it a flaw? And is it a flaw of the movement? Thanks...

    Im not concerned about the speacing but more concerned about the A/R and casbeack. Where can I send it to to get proper A/R? I have the white one currently.

  9. Watchhonpo has the updated Bentley models with the new caseback. I'm sure our dealers will get them soon. ;)

    Who is that? Are you saying they now fixed the 't' problem on the caseback?

    I actually own the watch already...

    Another problem is that the font is not bold enough... And no A/R which is a dead giveaway. Also the day/date arent always perfectly lined up. Im not sure they are always lined up on the gen are they?

  10. Just curious because I love this watch... Why isn't here a 2nd gen coming out that is more accurate like the newer BCE and Superocean reps... It is such a great watch and is pretty accurate already but they do need to fix some flaws. So any1 know if there are any plans to come out with a better rep of this watch?

  11. phoband lets not get into this please...

    If you really want to know what happened you can check the thread at RWI... It was not entirely my fault and I had the support and suggestion of many members to go ahead with a PP complain via pms...

    But I am NOT THE reason these 2 dealers can't accept paypal anymore... Someone reported them to paypal with direct links to their web site and it was not me... Again please let's not turn this into a PP complaint thread.

    Phoband please do not say that no dealers on this forum deserve a complaint because you do not know the details of my transaction and what happened (In my situation I was even advised by many forum members via pm to file a complaint)... If you do not want to help me out that sucks, but it is up to you.

  12. I got the black one for $200 it's full ceramic came from Joshua. No issues and feels and looks like the genuine.

    By the way aren't you the guy who put the dispute against Johsua's paypal account over this watch?

    Yes I am that guy... I tried to order it from another dealer who does not drop ship and basically he went through 2 of the "expensive" models and all had these stains on them...

    Phoband, you ordered the white ones right? They looked good compared to gen huh... Any idea how the CZ stone will look compared to the diamonds on this watch?

  13. The medium quality all-ceramic one that goes for circa $200 from various dealers... in White (ladies)

    Has anyone compared this one to the gen? I really need to know how the bracelet compares to the gen on this one. I pretty much paid for the highest quality one but my dealer went through 2 watches already and there are constant brown/yellow flaws on the bracelets of these "high quality" J12s. So my dealer suggested I go for the cheaper one... It seems that people getting theirs have perfect bracelets... Anyway has anyone compared this cheaper model to an actual genuine?

    If someone is wearing this one (with CZ bezel) and a gen in the same place will it be easy to call it out? But more importantly Im concerned with my first question, thanks.

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