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Everything posted by Molymo

  1. HOWZIT? Anyone here from SA?
  2. Alex! you da man!!! Not only am I a SD freak-fanatic-what-have-you-and-have-you-not but also a passionate diver. This link is just great and I really enjoy it (still busy surfin' through). Thank you so much for sharing this. Cheers Andreas
  3. ... und noch einer aus good ole G! wenn auch nach Suedafrika ausgewandert und in Indien arbeitend.
  4. THANK YOU SO MUCH! As I mentioned, it's good to be back. Your advices and opnions are highly apreciated. Have a lekker Sunday! Andreas
  5. Hi there all together, well I hope I won't be trolled for what's gonna come: I was an old RWG member way back when Nanuk and Redbigjoe where still posting like 200 times a day and kingwatch was respectfully addressed with "Ma'm". Then the new RWG came up and guys like Andrew all of a sudden became real pros in the buiz with amazing websites. I have been offline for a long time (don't ask why) and am back to the free world and cyber space and have re-joined RWG. Being a Sea Dweller Junky since I bought my first one from River (and a turn-o-graph from Paul who now seems to be PAM111) I have just ordered the 1:1 swiss from Andrew. Sorry for bothering you guys with the story of my (replica)life. In those days when I was permanently online and on RWG the MBWs where kinda myth (and almost impossible to get) and now I see that Chris from EuroTimez sells MBW Sea dwellers. Please can someone help me out of my misery: must I sell Andy's 1:1 before I even received it and go for a MBW Sea dweller. Where#s the main difference. What, if, makes them so much better? Thanks to anyone who'll take some time to reply. Good to be back! Cheers Andreas
  6. Yeah so much better than the cheapos!
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