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Posts posted by scotty

  1. Add to this the lower control of component tolerances.

    Parts are made to look close to gens, not to fit together exactly like a gen with the same stack of tolerances.

    If a gen is made to withstand say 200m, then the parts are manufactured against tolerances that, when added up, will assure water resistance.

    I doubt the rep factories are making parts to gen tolerance levels (on dimensions and the like).

    Then couple this with QC issues in assembly.....you can guess the rest.....

    My watchsmith tested a watch for me once. It was a good PAM rep, suposedly already tested to 3ATm.

    The crystal flew off at less than 2......no damage and was re-fitted. But there you go....

  2. This was fascinating, as I've had the same niggle.

    I have a black face gen SMP 300 (non crono).

    When I wear it it feels small.

    Guy at work has the same, though a quartz version. I'm bigger than he is, but roughly same wrist size.

    His SMP looks much bigger. Especially the speedy bracelet. I have the same. It's 20mm lug down to 18mm clasp. On me at arm's length, it feels small now.

    But seeing his it looks big.

    When I wear my gen 45.5mm PO, I still compare and feel his SMP looks big.......

    I even phoned Omega to see if there was some special versions of the SMP made bigger. They said "no" in a 'don't be silly' way.

    The full size is 41mm ex. crown. Period. All the same.

    BUT - I still have this crazy niggle that my SMP looks small.....

    Nuts right??

  3. Happily had a gen Omega SMP, and told all I was a one watch guy.

    Saw Transporter II and fixed on the watch - 196 Daylight.

    Googled and found the gen and loved it, but having googled found rep sites.

    Bought one after some deliberation, only to find the crown fell off.

    Researched my purchase to find I'd been fleeced - t'was a A7750 and not a 7753. Learned post purchase of the 10 date change etc.

    Got my money back, found Trusty, found RWG, and it all went from there.

    2 years, endless hours on RWG, Rg and dealer sites, and few good transactions with members, and a lot of time reading, I've a small collection I'm happy with, but am left with a horrible urge to branch out to other brands.

    Grail watch - the 196 - now finished (see other thread re. Grail 196 in Panerai section).....

  4. Thanks all again.

    These comments make me appreciate it all the more......

    And as stated many times before; what a great community.

    Next project - manage a signed pass from the wife to be able to go to a GTG. or better - bring her along for the fun. Especially if organised by now famous hosts here.

    And if anyone ever fancies visiting Barcelona.......

  5. Having originally been fleeced on a 7750 196 (sold as a 7753), my adventures started a couple of years back for a 'proper' 196.

    The evolution is roughly:

    2007 - purchase of new case 7753 196 from Trusty

    Summer 2007 - full re-lume by finepics. The watch got caught up in the problems at the time, but finally made it's way home.

    mid 2008 - install Lello DW and full movement service by a local watchsmith.

    2009 April - bought a HK Tan custom gator deployment strap

    May 2009 - purchase of old case and dial (already Zig lumed) from Beano

    Transplant done in US, but mix up on hands (spares supplied not lumed were fitted)

    July 2009 - Watch sent to my mate Hijack here in Spain to finish off luming of hands, and add T60 crown

    This Saturday the bracelet arrived from Namor - great purchase and great guy.....

    Patience, nerves etc etc etc

    Some pics - those with the gator strap are the watch just back from the US in the old case, but before Hijack did the hands and crown......







    Long haul, lots of sending about, lots of nerves. But I think it's looking pretty good now. Finished - save a gen crown guard that will probably never appear......

    A keeper?

  6. Divisional Purchase Director for a civil engineering company, specialised in industrial electrical installations, renewable energy projects, sea desalination plants, rail electrification and stuff.

    This is new as I joined last year. Before that 20 years in automotive procurement from car manufacturer to components and systems suppliers

  7. I'm considering the Blancpain 50 fathoms, but wanted to see what people thought first.

    Seems to be 2 versions around - Josh/Trusty (Japanese quartz), and PT (Asian 7750).

    Anyone have experience of these? How close to gen? Build quality?

    How bad is the recessed datewheel?

    I particularly like the rose gold version, but only find it in quartz.

    I believe the gen is only automatic, but maybe I'm wrong.....

    Pics / thoughts / recommendations???

    Thanx all

  8. In the end going for a G Shock.....

    He looked at some of the ones discussed.

    Whilst the idea of proper diving watch and real luminosity was high in his mind, the cool factor of buttons, functions, things that spin round, and metal/plastic casing, all got the better of him.......

    Chosen model GS 1100 1AER


    What's nuts is here in Spain it's JUST released and

  9. A little advice would be appreciated.

    Having worn a BOB 26 x 26mm carbon fibre strap on a 47mm PAM, I'm starting to like the idea of a carbon fibre on a 44mm one (196 Daylight and 113 to be exact).

    Am looking at BOB and The Watch Boys 24 x 22mm CF straps for deployment / deployant.

    Anyone have any experience / thoughts / pics of these? Any good, or better to go somewhere else?

    Cheers all

  10. Having followed the thread over ROCKETEER (all very sad), I'm seeing people referring to Jakub.

    In general people citing his good service pre BIG SCAM, and suggesting it just all went wrong.

    I don't normally like to go over dead issues, but I was curious....

    Last published item returns were from 14th November last year.

    Has anyone got anything back after that, or heard anything?

    I'm wondering if the real story is know in some circles here, and just not published.....

    Remembering we have his parents telephone number, and we have some Polish speaking members, some members actually IN Poland, it just leaves me totally confused why this never went any further......how come with all our resources we didn't manage to locate him and discuss....

    In the Rocketeer thread there are already people suggesting organising a visit....the same happened regarding FinePics when he went bottoms up.

    So really - considering the people and resources in this forum, how come J pulled off (intentionally or otherwise) one of the biggest scams yet, and nothing more than angry posts occured????

    I often wonder if J lurks here under another name/IP.

    I even scan all the sales just to see if I recognise my lost watch and parts......

    I know - I need to get a life.

  11. Tend to agree with oberblender in as much that he seems to still be in contact somewhere, trying to recover the situation.

    So in over his head (for now) may be appropriate....we'll see....

    Different to Jakub - it maybe started off as good intentions and something went wrong.

    Or he got greedy....or whatever. Since he broke all contacts and the members who could speak polish and had his home contact details stopped pursuing him, we'll never know what happened.

    I still feel Rocketeer's situation is slightly different - for now...

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