[censored] off Neil, it is not about killing it is about who is getting killed and by whome. These kids in Virginia are tragic, and so the bloody hell was the [censored] in NI, you are right to feel screwed up about violence, as you had no real purpose being there (or any of your mates). Now, why don't we get back the death sentence in England, this is what we need, not crap about whether non-criminals should own guns or not, as crimials sure as hell have no problem at all getting them. Why is violence bad if used for the right purpose? So what is wrong with guns being made to kill people, some people perhaps need to be killed to let everybody else live. I almost got blown to pieces in the tube two years ago in a low gun-crime London, from a bomb made up from OTC substances, and if you tell me you wouldn't use guns to f...g kills, terminate, blow up, or make disaper bastards doing this [censored], I would strongly disagree. There are people that need to be eliminated, protected from and sentenced to death -- for that guns do have good purpose.