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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. Thanks.......I don't know if that documentary was suppose to change my mind or encourage me..........I'm set.......we'll see what happens when I get there. I'm adventurous, but not stupid. I'm the type that always analyze my chances and if the odds are against me, I'm out! Though the effects of high altitude to the brain could alter everything.......but, hey if it's time for you to go, it's your time. What a better place to be in on your last breath.

    I bought travel/extraction insurance with all the options available.......my wife and kids will be ok if my name will be called!

  2. Nanuq.......what took you so loooooooooooong??? Thanks a lot, Bud! I know you'll have the best and complete list!

    The longest I experienced in Below 0 Temps above 10,000 ft. is overnight @Mt rainier Basecamp and then the climb the next morning......nothing like this!

    In Colorado, I usually go down to tree line to camp and it's an overnight.

    Your tips are well taken and I will look for those. I got about 60% of what I need and still looking to update some old equipments/tools/clothing.

    Now shopping around for Emergency Evacuation Insurance....so, if anyone knows or have taken this out before.....let me know.

    Thanks again! Namaste!

  3. I have only recently finished reading 'Paths of Glory', the story of George Mallory and his attempts at Chomolungma - Goddess Mother of the Earth (Everest) and I have to admit I envy you the chance to climb her.

    However at my age any window of opportunity would have slammed shut long ago.

    Maybe you can take us all up the mountain with iPhone updates?

    Well at least to the base camp anyway.:)


    I will!

    F, come out to CO and practice on a 14'er with me. (Although I must admit, I am a fair weather hiker when it comes to doing a 14'er).

    Also, if you want a Find Me Spot satellite tracker to let your friends, family, and forum know your whereabouts when out of cell phone range, or to dispatch a helicopter if you get into $%^, ping me. I have one collecting dust.

    I've done six of your 14ers and it was a hoot!

    I'll take you up on that Spot sat track. You know where to send it.

    Thanks, S!

    you're friggin nuts!... :wacko:

    Most people think of high altitude hikers/sky divers/scuba divrs are nuts.....I guess you're one of them.......lol. tsoke, nothing wrong with that, but nothing could be be compared t your feeling when you,re high up there on thin air watching the sun rise or set.

  4. I feel that way as well. But in reality the minute you add another potential entry point (Hev valve, chrono or date pushers, etc,) you have significantly degraded the likelihood of the watch being water resistant out of the box. The perfect "rep" swim watch is a simple automatic or handwind with a crown only. Not what you want to hear but true.

    AMen to that......and that kinda look silly taking off your divers watch prior to swimming! :nono:

    But.....you'll be surprised with some of these chrono watches watches. I used to have an AP ROO Safari that I just greased the CB rubber gasket and re-tightened the CB screws and took it diving down to 80-90ft with no problems!

  5. Great choice on the watch F..when It comes to confronting the elements...nothing beats the good old Casio.

    Btw.. Is that a Pathfinder tough solar? :g:


    Great choice on the watch F..when It comes to confronting the elements...nothing beats the good old Casio.

    Btw.. Is that a Pathfinder tough solar? :g:


    You got that right, Mike!

    I wonder why you'd need a compass? If you start at the foot of a mountain, and you want to climb it, I assumed you'd just keep heading towards the higher bit?


    Sorry F, it had to be said :) good luck, and keep us availed of your equipment and plans :)

    Compass is just part of the APP, it also have the topo and elevation and your location as you climb! Pretty cool app for $5.99!

    A mate of mine did the same thing a few years back..... he loved it...

    I found what he told me about the practices of the locals in terms of the rules the tourists must follow very interesting.... use of sherpas, tipping, etc

    Look forward to you posting the highest taken wristie ever !! :)

    Hey Mate,

    Talk to your friend and get some more info. Any tips would be great!

  6. everest1k.jpgeverest2i.jpg


    She is calling my name!

    I decided to go and climb Mt. Everest next spring........my original plan was when I turn 60! But my right knee and right hip seems to be telling be to do it sooner, so......here we go.

    The reason why I'm sharing this adventure with the community is two fold:

    First - with the number of members we have worldwide, there must be someone who shares the same activities that the I love...the outdoors (hiking/trekking/climbing, white water rafting, mountain biking,

    camping, backpacking.......).

    It's been some time since I did a climb above 13000ft - July 2010 Mt. Harvard/Mt. Columbia, Colorado and I need to update my gears. I'm hoping that some of our members could suggest new gears that

    they actually have used and really like and would recommend.....Nanuq, you listening??? I'm looking at the following:

    *please consider the cost - I mean not too expensive, but will serve it's purpose

    - hiking boots

    - pants

    - inner layer (upper and lower body) something quick drying and don't stink!

    - ultra light parka but rated to 0F - I think my vests are still good

    - ultra light sleeping bag rated to 0F

    - sleeping bag liner

    - weather proof (rain/snow/wind) hard sheel outer layer

    - gloves

    - ultra light backpack that will hold 50lbs

    - ultra light water treatment system....anyone tried Steripen?

    - anything that you could think of I need.

    Second - most of us are adventurers deep inside and I'm hoping that most members would like to know and enjoy the adventure that I would go thru. At the same token, if some of our members have been to Nepal or Tibet could share with me their adventure and experinced encounterd along the way. I would like to get educated as much as I can prior to the trip and I would appreciate any input. I have researched and read a lot already about the adventure, but your input would give it a different dimension.

    In the coming days and weeks, I will be selling 90% of my collection to add funds for this trip, so look for my FS postings.

    Thank you all for reading and hopefully you would share with me this adventure! Namaste!

    Now the training begins..........if you have any tips and suggestion, please feel free to add!

  7. Great stuff in this thread. Thanks for showing and the excellent pictures to accompany the text.

    One thing I am missing though is the dealer aspect. Was he told of this? And if so, how did he react?

    You gotta pm PeteM. I know he had some communications with the dealer. I know who the dealer is, but I promise Pete to give him time to deal with the dealer......and it would be his call weather to out him out or not.

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