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Posts posted by its_urabus

  1. I can take a lume shot tonight. I The Zigmeister asked about the tiny numbers, and he has tried in the past but they are too small to do by hand. I believe the paint the use to print the numbers is lume paint.

    anyway the tiny numbers die on the gen very quickly from what I observed on a trip to an AD, so its no big deal.

  2. fun pic my friend... I do think it is a photoshop though... the reflection of the rehault on the dial doesn't seem enough... also seems like there is a digital 'tear'at crystal between 45 and 50...

    even still, better not show it to rolex, they may make the 2010 sub look like it...

  3. funny you mention it, yesterday was our taekwondo studio's summer picnic and out of all the high end watches there were 3 gen gmtII's (and 2 bad fake subs) one of the gmt's was on a milf... wow.... I'm glad my wife wasn't there.

    I had on the ingy and it got looks from one ebel wearing dad, but I don't think normal people know IWC...

    there are periods where I don't see a particular watch, then I see them on everyone.

    one watch I swear I saw one a gent the other day was the new sub. polished mid links and ceramis bezel. gleamed like the top of the chrysler building.

    thanks for the pics. I'm taking the exp on vacation next week so I will take some new shots of her in the caves...

  4. I don't know how else to put it. I love my Ingy. She has taken the #2 spot in my rotation from my SSD, and if I wasn't worried about her getting to beat up, she would take the place of my UPO as my daily beater.

    FXRANDY has taken the best ingy pics I think, but here are some of mine which pale in comparison.

    Here she is fresh from PT...


    Here is the modded clasp...


    Here she is with my favorite opener...


    Here she is after her trip to canada...


  5. I joined RG because it was the only way to get in touch with TTK concerning his inability to fill me group buy order. I pmed him many times with no response, and resorted to posting in his threads for him to contact me. I had countless posts removed by someone there in my quest to contact TTK. I hate censorship. especially

    if it is a plea to a dealer to fulfill his obligations.

    CBR. I feel for you and your situatio. I hope it all works out, but I really do believe not that we should paly where we feel safe. I don't feel safe on RG, and once TTK fulfills his obligations I will cancel my account and never go back.

    I have all I need here...

    good luck and keep us abreast of the situation...

  6. I agree that the red sox would not have won if manny was not there. but you could say that about any member of the team.

    mannys attitude has always been poor. but this year it has been out of control. he knew they were not going to renew at the end of the year, regardless of his performance this year and he was upset. he felt like the redsox owed him for all he has done. anyway, I do feel like we gave up too much giving hanson and moss. I really like moss. great player. I like hime more than mr mvp nancy jd drew... anyway, its going to be interesting. I'm not sure anyone can beat the angels... only time will tell...

  7. I am glad we traded lazy. his attitude was always poor at best. yes on a good day he was a all star level player, but as of late he was as big of a bum as he ever was. if we didn't trade him he would have gone on the dl for the rest of the year and ellsbury would have played left. bay will play, but not all that well at home until he learns how to play the monster.

    torre will make manny play hard or he will bench him. I can imagine manny not running hard to first as he usually did, and torre bitching him out.

    anyway, he is finally gone, and he left in true to form manny being manny style.

    go soxs!!! and as usual yankess suck...

  8. There was a wrist check a while back of a member with a UPO on a black nato. it looked superior to the JB nato I have. I was looking here for one, hxxp://www.gnomonwatches.com/NATOStrap.htm I am looking at the divertec extreme. I need to just buy one and see how good it is.

    as far as hunter green, I have seen army green but not hunter. that might be tough. BUT it would look good. If i buy one from there above site, I will let you know how good it is.

  9. haha johnny is a loser, and the reason he left is because his wife had him by the nads telling him to leave boston cause the shopping is better in nyc... he throws like a wounded duck and im glad he is gone... jacoby or coco take your pick are twice the player... I do feel for you, the stadium is the best part of the franchise... and look what they are doing to her....

    getting back to watches... how it the gmt IIc treating ya? other than the sel's its growing on me... throw a black nato on it and watch out....

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