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Posts posted by poretl

  1. Ask for more pics if you want. Say someone is selling them on Paneristi (he's in Australia and you're in France) and you are looking to buy. Then WTH? What do you do? It's simple as that folks.

    Consider the following. I split the above images in half and create single images for each strap separately. I then put them both on eBay. Will any of you have a problem with either listing?

  2. OK... I think we get that part... but still...

    Are you trying to educate us or want us to educate you?

    If the former... then do so, if the later then say so.

    I'm trying to provide food for discussion on genVsrep straps. I'm trying to get everyboby to reveal their process of thinking when given 2 straps that pretend to be the same thing. And the beauty of it all is that the 2 straps do not even look identical. Which should make the task easier. Or harder?

  3. You can see there are some major differences between the two straps. One of them, 2, is shiny while 1 is matte. On the back the size of the letters is smaller on 1.

    If you click n the images you'll see them even bigger.

    Which ones is the rep?



  4. And Poreti, you really need to chill

    or you are going to get yourself in a position that you do to want

    to be it


    Lets relax and go back to reps please

    exactly. Posers and fakers stick to reps. No need to show off your imaginary watches on a rep forum. But you can always fantasize about them at night. Nothing wrong with that. I once had a friend who told me he got an 0rggasm by thinking about a BMW M5.

    Now, Case Closed!

  5. Just keep it up with your attitude and most people here that could help you will add you to their ignore list like I did.

    it doesn't look to me I'm on your ignore list. Not only am I not on your ignore list but you keep replying to my posts.

    You seem to enjoy confrontation but RWG is not about that.

    Yes, I figured that. RWG is not about that. It's about who's gonna convince whom that they just ordered a PP $50K watch from their AD, need be providing pictorial proof.

  6. Thanks for sharing. If anybody tells me Pam watches are overpriced, I can rub those clips in his face.

    not really. For example how much different would an analogous video be if they were showing how a Seiko is made? Seriously. Of course that's not to say that Pan is overpriced. For there is no such thing as something being overpriced. As lnog as the market does not reject it...

    But those are indeed some great videos. You get to see how a quality watch is make.

  7. @ TX

    Yes, I own a watch. Now that we establiched (oops) that let's show some pictures of it:

    In yo face! (How's that for 'contribution'?)


    As far as my stupid questions, I apologize. Next time I'll make sure I ask a fake owner of a watch if the GMT jumps. I'm learning from you. Give me some time.

  8. I am not picking a fight with you but to say you are on Phil's side is ludicrous.

    There's somethign called irony. Loot it up: http://www.merriam-w...ictionary/irony

    But I do have to ask - how much time did you spend looking for that picture? Somehow I doubt it was sitting in your Panerai reference folder. :bangin:

    When I see [censored] coming from people I smell it. To me nothing was adding up in this whole thing. Simply nothing. You have to understand. It's not about the picture. The picture is just the proof. But with the picture or not, at least in my mind, it would still be the same thing.

    I don't have a problem with anyone buying a 50K watch or just saying they own one or even lying about owning one. What I have a problem with is that this is not a watch forum where people come on to show off their 100K watches. You can do it, sure, but this is mostly a (rep) watch forum where people seek help from one another in watch matters and traditionally people who own expensive gen watches like that earn, and justifiably so, a certain level of authority and respect in the obvious sense. For one having owned, touched and played with so many expensive gen watches puts them in a position to make better calls about watches, understand watches better and their words have more weight overall. So I'm sure noone on this forum would appreciate fakers like that who are trying so hard to build a fake image. If you look at his original threads, for example, you see all the cheerleaders that came on to congratulate him and ask questions. My point, I hope, is clear.

  9. Given it is the same watch (millesimation is identical) and the original listing was June 2010 it must be the same watch trading again. Or Phil has a lot of 'splaining to do. :) But I am betting it is the same watch.

    Same watch? He came straight from an AD and, even if it was-which it's not- the same, he took the pictures yesterday with his iPhone 4S. He even told us which app he used to take the pictures.

  10. I was wondering if anyone else, besides me, thinks that the pictures of the Pan270 appearing in these 2 threads, one from WatchUSeek and there other from right here on RWG, are identical. Only difference being the enhanced borders (some border effects added) by PhilFree.

    PhilFree, yesterday, said he "picked up a new toy today" to hold him over until his $50K Patek P. watch arrived from the AD and went straight home and took pictures of his new acquisition using his iPhone 4S. Given that he is picking up a PAM270 and a Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712R this month, and that he also picked up a A. Lange & Söhne 1815 just 2 weeks ago (see http://www.rwg.cc/to...nge-sohne-1815/), and also given that all his posts pretty much imply that he owns every watch above 20K ever made, I would imagine he would use his latest iPhone 4S and all the other expensive photographic equipment I'm sure he owns to take pictures of his actual watches and not take pictures of his computer screen. So this would lead me to the conclusion that that miserable b4stard over at WatchUSeek stole our PhilFree's pictures but then again that other b4stard published his pictures in June 2010 while PhilFree just yesterday. I'm confused guys. Anyone care to help the poor guy here?

    So here goes the comparision:

    WatchUSeek(June 2010):


    PhilFree's thread (yesterday):


    P.S. As far as I'm concerned, I'm on Phil's side and I'm willing to help solve the mystery and establich justice. But only after I'm done with polishing my brand new G-Shock Rescue I picked up from my AD (Macy's) this morning.

  11. @ PhilFree what kind of camera did you use? iPhone 4S or any other iPhone of some kind? I like the frame around the pictures plus the pictures look great. I saw others using the iPhone 4S here, which takes very good pictures, but if it can do all that stuff around the border then I'm aroused. It's been a couples of days and I'm can't seem to decide. A camera or an iPhone? Please advise. Thanks

  12. There are two kinds of hand sweep. One type sees the hand move smoothly throughout the hour, as it proceeds around the dial.

    The other kind of movement is a rapid jump from hour to hour with no sweeping action at all. Click it's 1 o'clock, click it's 2 o'clock, click it's 3 o'clock

    so the GMT is never between the hour markings?

    So now yuo make it clear what the question meant. But still, the asnwer provided does not answer that question. TX asked if the GMT jumps and OP answred "GMT hand rotates once every 12 hours rather than 24 as with other watches." He answered but he answered to a different question, one that is clearly answered by the existence of the AM-PM indicator. That's the whole point of this indicator, right?

  13. I understand that in the case of the regular GMT with the (1-24) markings on the bezel it's a simple idea. The GMT hand moves half the speed of the other hour hand (normally when one minute goes by the hour hand makes a turn of 6 degrees. The GMT hand, on the other hand, will make only 3 degrees of a turn) and the markings are placed accordingly on the bezel such that each hour interval corresponds to an angle of only 15 degrees instead of the regular 30 degrees. In the case of the 270 no need for that. The GMT hand moves normally much like the regular hour hand but every time it gets to 12 the AM-PM thingy will jump from AM to PM or vice versa to clarify further. All this is very clear and rather obvious.

    What I don't understand is the 'jumps in 1hr intervals' TX's original question? I don't understand the question nor do I see how the answer provided answers that question. Can someone explain the question?

  14. I am waiting for a Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712R. It should arrive towards the end of the month.

    Thank you for the compliments.

    Oh, that? I have that one. Nice watch. I only weat it when I go swimming. I alternate with my G-Shock. Of the same price you know, both around 45-50.

  15. I think this one:


    I was wondering, for the ones who happen to know, why is it that only PureTime has this version? I know Noob and H all dealers have them but when it comes to certain other watches, such as the 312 in question, only one dealer has it. How does that work? Do dealers make their own watches or have exclusive access to certain other factories?

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