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captain swoop

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About captain swoop

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Trying to get in to the other RWG (rwg.bz) For some reason it tells me the username or password is wrong. I know it is right. I created a new account, it let me in but it too is now saying username or password is wrong. Not been on it since last november so not up to date with what's happening there. Anyone know if anything is wrong over there?
  2. www.p-cls.com isn't working. Has it changed again?
  3. still down
  4. Thought so. Ho Hum. I got a good 404 error message when I was hunting for the board though. It's funny and goes on forever. http://www.rwg.bz/errors/errorm.html
  5. Erm the 'other' RWG! RWGboard.com
  6. Anyone else having problems getting on to the 'Other Side' ?
  7. What makes you think they aren't the same watch?
  8. Had words with cousins, sending the movt back to them, it's was only a tenner but it's the principal. I think I need to forget the 21j things and go for ETA.
  9. It stopped working again in exactly the same way a day later. I took the movement out and removed the hands and dial. I left the movement running and on its own it didn't stop once. I guessed the second had must be catching somehow. I pt the dial and hands back on and it ran OK for 3 or 4 days. Great I thought I fixed it but then it stopped again in exactly the same way. I took the movement out and threw it away. I got a brand new one from Cousins and put that in. It worked great for a week but now it has stopped dead again and won't go even out of the case with the hands and dial removed. Piece of crap.
  10. grip the stem and unscrew the crown is the usual way to go, just be careful not to snap the stem!
  11. Well, I gave it a blow out with my air puffer and it works ok again! All reassembled and on the wrist.
  12. It runs OK when I hold it crown down. It's a 21J so I will just swap it, I have a new one from Cousins already.
  13. Ok popped the movement out and it still stops inthe same place and a gently shake or tap starts it off again. Hands aren't touching each other.
  14. It's got worse now, it sticks at 3 .. tap it moves to 4 and sticks ... tap and it moves to 5 and sticks. Tap again and it carries on back round.
  15. I can't see it being the pinion as it was working ok for a month, same wit hthe crystal.
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