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Everything posted by Pix

  1. Why oh why do people want to set a rule for something that happened once and even was originally not thought for RWG... Pug, IMO your only mistake was to post that here. I respect everyone's opinion on "should he have ?" or "can we accept that ?"... However, at the end, this watch wasn't stolen nor anyone has the right to raise a demand about where it should go... Did I miss something ?
  2. Actually the blue one has this clasp. Therefore my question. But all this has now become clear, as it seems the black version has always been different... or more accurately, the blue one has always been I was not aware of the price : sounds more than fair compared to the chinese one...
  3. I can't agree with you : noone is appointed to review watches, so noone has any obligation. Our dealers can't follow basic rules (LWL), so why would involved members (again, taking on their personal time) have any kind of formal constraint ? The only rules I personally see here are the boards rules. (especially paragraph 7 of Behaviour...) Anyone, feel free to review as much as possible, this will make this forum further better...
  4. I heard from a member on an other board that the gen would also have a greenish lume. That would mean that the fla raised (white against green) would be a question of light... hopefully !
  5. It would be sad to turn this thread in a personal confrontation... :cc_surrender:
  6. Actually, "reviewers" ARE regular people here... Some even paid to enter the place. [Edit to clarify] I mean they have no advantage here over other members. They are treated the same way. Everyone has his own recipe and yours is good as well Emmzy, there's no 'official' reviewer, only people that take a lot of their spare time because they like to share...
  7. Thanks for raising this issue Pug. Some years ago, I was reviewing DVD/Divx players for a major board focused on digital video. And met this very case all the time, as what happened here once (at least officially) happened actually all the time there. As a reviewer, one is obliged to think about the effects of his comments, and that's definitely not easy to handle. How to be fair and honest to the readers without making your sponsors angry ? Which is sure is that when the product is very bad, it will simply not be reviewed. That was a rule for me. But... Are we in this configuration here ? NO. Are the boards sponsored by dealers ? NO. And is Pug or anyone here an officially entrusted reviewer ? NO as well... So I see the problem as slightly different. In this case, it's really a personal decision, and I would never blame anyone to accept a free watch and review it, as long as : - he tells the background - I know him long enough to judge if he's reliable or not, that he has enough experience to raise the good/bad points on a rep Who here wouldn't be glad to get a free rep once in a while ? (and I'm sure that almost NEVER happens). As long as it's not a condition to make a positive feedback. On the other hand, who would accept to review a watch under defined or strict conditions coming from the dealer ? Noone as well. So, carpe diem Pug and wear your free rep in good health, it's neither stolen nor a proof of dishonesty... What should we say about dealers posting pictures and praising what they sell in other sections than their own ? I heard noone complaining. It could also be treated as a questionable habit. But we all are adults and know who we can trust and who we can't. Why would it be different with members ? Take the problem on the other side : how many dealers have benefited of increased sales thanks to a positive review without providing anything, not the smallest discount ? That's more the rule on the boards... And I saw noone complaining about this. If I was fortunate enough to have the same proposal as Pug had, I would not hesitate a single second ! (Angus, I have a list of 10 reps I NEED to review ! ) There would be criticism, and there would be people seeing no problem on that : that's the way it is... But as every reviewer here (and I also speak of those making single but fantastic reviews - remember Marinclinica and so many others-), everyone is free and has no obligation financially. Only moral ones, and I think that people like Pug are examplary on this.
  8. Looks nice ! Looking at the clasp, it could look like the Chinese version, although the Chinese has the "swiss" and not "Swiss made". But I must say it would not make sense. Shouldn't the MBK have the AP clasp ? How is the finish of this clasp ? Is it correctly polished even on the sides ? Last question : I'm curious to know what is the price of these at the source...
  9. You see, that's actually a thing I love in the watch. I did not proceed with an other review as expected sorry, but I think that SWATCHman's one says it all. Glad you like the pics Will you go for the Montblanc finally ? I've been hesitating, thinking that those who steal pictures are not able to remove watermarks. And also that not all pictures have large surfaces of the same colour. Someone who knows how to use PS will anyway manage to reach his goal. But you're right. At the end, I don't want to spoil the pictures I'm sharing here with too much text. I have to think about how to proceed. Maybe I'll simply forget about watermarking, finally.
  10. Well, I was thinking the same first. Finally I realize that makes it further different from other subs. A bit thinner fonts would have made it even "smarter". If I had to change something on this Montblanc, it would be the cyclop... just because I'm really not a fan of these, on any watch. Including subs.
  11. Thx PZ This background is actually Montblanc's factory in Le Locle (Switzerland)
  12. My "smart" sub... More pics here...
  13. Welcome to the Montblanc Sports Chrono (more pics : see my sig)
  14. Hi Folks, that Montblanc watch is what I have called "the smart sub" in the discussions we had recently. I am still convinced that this is the best way to describe it. We had an excellent a very objective review by SWATCHman here... (click me) I strongly advise all potential buyers to read it carefully. Personally I have a very similar experience, except maybe for the bracelet, which I find better than described. I don't know if that is linked to a very different perception of the thing, or just bad luck in the finish of SWATCHman's one. Any other owner is welcome to comment. In this thread I'm sharing my opinion on the Montblanc. Therefore I won't review the thing here, as it would be repeating the same. Please have a look there if my shots raised your interest. Hope you'll like the pics... Please note that I'm now watermarking my pics not for copyright issues (who cares ?), but to avoid scammers to use these for their auctions...
  15. I love this strap. I know it might sound dumb, but I did not find where I can buy HKTAN straps. I'd like the same for my pilot watch...
  16. I've asked my dealer if there are spare straps available... Answer...after CNY
  17. The solution of cutting is a bit disappointing indeed. I would have preferred a system as on the HBB. Difficult in case of resale...
  18. Sure... In order to make things politically correct. That would mean a member can only give a positive comment. Not sure that's really fair. At that time, better to cancell the whole thing. But then, the next step is to forbid argueing in posts... Not mentionning the likely difficulty in the technical side for admins. Sorry, we never had such a discussion before about the rating system, it was not a subject of discord. Why suddendly ? IMO the only GOOD reason to cancell this system would be, as mentionned by the Admin, the bandwidth troubles generated.
  19. That was an image... An example... Kind of parable Don't focus on that, it's not that important IMO. Again, I consider and strongly advise to take the sytem as a MEAN, and nothing else. All the rest is pure rambling and controversy... Who's never been drunk BTW ?
  20. Mmm, it seems this has turned the wrong way... We should not take this so seriously IMO. I like the image given by Victoria : whistling at a girl rather than going into a long discussion (with a dinner and all these things, you know...) Lanikai, I'm sure that this thread has generated more unfounded ratings than it should have. Usually, we rather see the artistic, gold star and so on than an aggressive one. Anyway, someone who wants to be unpleasant will find a way. So, basically you're right about the behaviours (I mean "I agree with you"). But the ratings are just a MEAN. They should not disappear due to member's behaviours. Hey, what about having a look into the wristchecks !! Thats where we should all be
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