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Posts posted by indywatchguy

  1. 52 minutes ago, 508-Fanatic said:


    Just going to point out that I got into with this "reppin" guy over a disputed price - offered versus posted, prior to this, and instead of anyone taking notice at his flagrant behavior, anti-social attitude, and seemingly "variable pricing" I got a smack-down, warning points and nobody listened to me. It's what largely turned me off from this community, and my support. This is the first time I've logged in, in months, perhaps nearly a year.


    Sorry to hear this happened. Wish you well.

    Welcome back 508! Was wondering what happened to you. Hopefully you'll rejoin us here.

  2. On 11/10/2016 at 3:03 AM, dieselpower said:

    I'm all for calling a spade a spade. Donald Trump is a racist, xenophobic embarrassment to your country and so are his worshippers.


    Just sayin' ;)


    Disagree! And I'm of color! Name one thing Trump has done racist??? Unfortunately the mainstream media and  fake news have brainwashed the masses to believe this utter lie. Many blacks, latinos, and black celebs support him. P Diddy, 50 cent, Young Jeezy, Mike Tyson, Stacey Dash, Jennifer Holiday, Kanye West, Shaq and the list goes on. The man is one of four hundred billionaires in the world. You don't get that rich and successful being dumb or racist. He has a beautiful traditional family that supports him. Haters gonna hate.  And on being xenophobic another lie....just cause you don't agree with letting anyone into your country because they might be a threat or rape your land by not contributing to the pot doesn't mean you fear them, it just means you're smart;) I'm excited about the next four years maybe we can get some work done instead of worrying about what sex people are choosing to be, March Madness brackets, who's coming out the closet etc! I normally don't discuss politics on here but when I see outright lies about a person I can't help to speak up. #TrumpistheAmericanDream #saynotoLibertards

    5 hours ago, RickFlorida said:


    "Like to do us Harm"  That doesn't mean crap.  I'd like a Ferrari........    Banning people from Syria when we already would only get a few thousand people a year does not make me feel any safer.  I'm safe whether they come here or not.


    Trump and his followers are idiots in my opinion....   Millions of Americans have no health insurance, are deep in student loan debt, and have other economic issues that need attention.   Banning muslims is not only racist, but illogical when we could be working on other things.  I hate Trump and his dumb ideas.

    Protecting your borders and country from terrorist attacks is far from dumb. It's actually in the Presidents job description. I'd rather Trump do something other than March Madness brackets, terrible healthcare, who's coming out the closet, Bruce Jenner being brave, and free cell phones(laughable) really? Time to roll up our sleeves America and do some real work! Anyone who is one of four hundred billionaires is not dumb if so I wanna be that dumb. Now let's stick to watches!

    On 11/10/2016 at 8:42 AM, demax said:


    But if both former KKK-leader David Duke and Front National Jean Marine Le Pen congratulate `the new president` with warm regards, that says enough.


    Based on that logic anyone remember Rev Jeremiah Wright???Mr God DMN America! Yea he's racist and anti-USA. Obama was a regular member at his church for years. Once the story broke on Rev Wright Obama quickly distanced himself. Does that mean Obama is racist?

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