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Everything posted by Cats

  1. I should go for the BOB if i were you. Did you think of buying the Marino Gator which is made of genuine Gator leather and has a superb finish. Carpe Diem Cats
  2. Thanks to all for giving your opinion. I will advertise it as a Swinese ETA which looks nice if you ask me and has engraved lettering. Capre Diem Cats
  3. I'm planning to sell my never worn PAM232 with this movement in it. I want to give the right information in the sales thread but i don't know if it's Swiss ,Chinese half Swiss or whatever. Ofcourse it was sold as a Swiss movement but by now we know that there are a lot of white lies in this area. Can some of the experts help me out. Thanks for looking Carpe Diem Cats
  4. Happy birthday TT Carpe Diem Cats
  5. Welcome from the country to the north of you. Carpe Diem Cats
  6. Sorry to read your story Delboy. As some members already said they can't take away your memories. You did right to share your feelings out here. I shared my health issues , almost 1 year ago , on this forum and got a lot of positive energy and support from this community. Carpe Diem Cats
  7. Congrats, i started of with a Noob from Neill. Soon my 4th SUB will be ordered a PT WM9 or Euromariner. I have to put a lume marker back in place but it had tons of wristtime wear it well. Carpe Diem Cats
  8. Welcome, could you tell us if you have a special brand which you are interested in or .. Carpe Diem Cats
  9. Wearing the titanium again. Don't know yet what tomorrow will bring. Carpe Diem Cats
  10. I don't quit understand the problem. Normally when you want to wind the watch or set the time you open up the lever and wind it or pull the crown and adjust the time. The 2 screws of the crown guard shouldn't be touched is that case. Could be several things : 1. Thread in to watch case is stripped. 2. Or and i never tried this but it voudl also be the case that you have open up the lever before you mount the crown guard. 3. Or i just don't know the answer Carpe Diem Cats
  11. Great review thanks By-Tor. Still it's a difficult decission which one to choose. There is a difference of 140 dollars between the WM9 from PT and the Euromariner from Chris. ( for a dail and braclet ) By the way what is the lume quality on the WM9 form PT. Carpe Diem Cats
  12. WOW i hope i can write the same post some day. Wear it well and above all enjoy this beauty Carpe Diem Cats
  13. I have a gen Ebel 1911 and it doesn't have a srew down crown but it's 100% waterproof. One thing is essential during swimming or showering DON'T turn or move the crown. Carpe Diem Cats
  14. Looks realy nice Tribal Is this the V4 Euromariner from Chris that you have been waiting for?? Carpe Diem Cats
  15. Takashi, they told me that you are a master in luming and this is the TRUE evidence. Looks realy good. Carpe Diem CATS
  16. Agree with Stephane. On my 1665 DRSD there is no lume. I think it's impossible to find a vintage DRSD which still has working ume. Carpe Diem Cats
  17. Congrats both to Dizz and TT with such an amazing number of Quality posts Carpe Diem Cats
  18. congrats Frank. By the way which is the gen ?? Carpe Diem CATS
  19. I'm changing my profile from collector ( infact i don't wear half of my watches ) to a wearer. Meaning that i want to built a collecting that i wear regularly of let's say 6 watches. This doens't include several gens i own. Capre Diem Cats
  20. That a real nice SUB you get there Stephane. In fact were are in a strange hobby. If we add up all the heavily modded watches we own every one oculd buy at least one gen. Wear it well. Carpe Diem Cats P.s does it feel physically i mean a lot better then the mistery modded subs you own ??
  21. Interesting post . Let's see what other experts have to say about this. Carpe Diem Cats
  22. I agree with Stephane and Lazz. Even if you have paid for getting your watch waterproofed stil get it checked at your local watchsmith. My noob mariner from Neill was 100% waterproof when it came out of the box ( case back was tightend ) My MBW which cam back form a modder was also 100% waterproof. Carpe Diem Cats
  23. Thoguht i should wear something big today Carpe Diem Cats
  24. @ferrisbueller, i'm certainly not an expert but i don't get the GEN wow experience at once. As Greytash said opening the caseback can also give a clue. But don't use the cheap Bergeon or Horotec copies you can buy out on the bay. Buy a original Bergeon or Horotec tool to open the caseback because they don't slip and don't damage/scratch the case back. Carpe Diem Cats
  25. I don't know how it's said in English but in dutch we say You get what you give. I remember you offered me assistance within a few hours on a srew issue with my MBW. By the way the MBW is replaced by a new one and will be here next month I have to agree this can be and most of the time is a great community Carpe Diem Cats
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