I have been a BB fan for years but I switched to Android with a Sony Experia last spring. I don't have any experience with the new BB with the new is bb10. I can only give you my reasons for a change. They wore; Screen size Limited apps Uncertain future of BB Cats Send with my Xperia Z using Tapatalk
It's indeed a stunning movement. Do you have a a second watch on your other wrist to tell the time. Carpe Diem Cats Send with my Xperia Z using Tapatalk
Try to see and enjoy the positive things that happen everyday. The smallest things can make your day , that's why i always end with words "carpe diem" Having a lot of luxery goods is nice but doesn't mean anything if your health or your financial situation is ok. Some people are willing to give up all their money and luxery goods to get their health back , me included. Carpe Diem Cats Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Let us know when you got it done. Looks like have a new mod who's able to work on the tricky gmt module. Good luck with it . Carpe Diem Cats Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk