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Everything posted by Cats

  1. WOW that's heavy stuff your talking about Lani but i'm very glad things are going well ( given the circumstances ). I know that if you are confronted with dead life looks different afterwards. Try to hang on to the positive effects of such an experience. And CARPE DIEM Cats
  2. You are right sconehead the retaining ring is the trouble maker. I'll let my firend decide either i glue it in with the possibility that the bezel will not turn anymore or i send it out to one of the modders for whom it's a easy fix. Carpe Diem Cats
  3. @Star69 i think your are right. The retaining ring touches the insert. So i will try to bend the insert into a more conical shape and then glue or tape ( doouble sided photo tape )it in. If that doesn't work i think we have to call in the experts. @baglc 1 i think your mistaken PT sold the version 2 if i remember it well. This watch was bought Oktober, November last year. Carpe Diem Cats
  4. Real nice looking watch. My collegues will ask if i nicked a Station clock if i was wearing it. Maybe a little to big for my wrist. Wear it well Carpe Diem Cats
  5. Glued to the wrist Doesn't even come of at night. Carpe Diem Cats
  6. Thanks guys for all the good advise. I managed to get the bezel of using a small kitchen knife and i didn't loose the spring. The insert snaps and i sanded it down. The problem that i'm having now is that the inner side of the insert is touching the crystal retaining ring. ( insert pops out when i reassemble the bezel ) I will try to bend the insert in a more conical shape ( slide it over a good bottle off wine which i will drink afterwards ) . If that doesn't work i will ask my friend to get back to PT and ask for a insert with the right shape. I can remember that the initial insert stuck out quit a bit. Carpe Diem Cats
  7. Perfect it's much more readable then before. Keep it this way Carpe Diem Cats
  8. Looks a lot better. Readability is much better. Carpe Diem Cats
  9. Still early in the night here but i know for shure this one will on my wrist tomorrow ( in fact it will not come of tonight ) Carpe Diem Cats
  10. Thanks Ubi and Tribal i will give it try with a sharp blade maybe the credit card is too thick. Let's hope i don't scratch the case Carpe Diem Cats
  11. A friend a mine bought a WM9 SUB , i think it was a version 2 , from PT last year ( think it was around December ) His wife is wearing the SUB and damaged the insert so he needed a new one. I told that he should contact PT and buy a new insert and that i was able to put it in. PT shipped an "new" insert and i removed the old one via the pearl hole. The insert was glued into the bezel with double sided sticky tape. And it didn't sit flush. The new insert won't snap in so i started sanding it down. I've sanded it down quit a bit but still it's not flush and it will not snap in so i need to glue it in or to "tape" it in. When i glue it in i prefer to have the bezel of because of the possibility of leaking glue which will glue the bezel down also. On my vintage sub i remove the bezel with a old credit card. But this bezel bends a lot but won't come of easy. Any suggestion on how to get the bezel of without bending or breaking it. This is the bezel i'm talking about. Thanks for reading. Carpe Diem Cats
  12. Still the same I bought a lighttent and have to find some daylight lamps to shoot decent pictures Carpe Diem Cats
  13. Only 1 to go for Bergeon. You can save your self 30-4- bucks on a copie of a Bergoen and destroy the case back of your watch with it. Most important part is the dye and not the handles. Carpe Diem Cats
  14. Great watches and beautifull pictures When i look at your vintage pieces i realize that the vintage have more caracter and look much better then the modern ones. Most be a hell of a lot of money invested in these projects. Wear them well. Carpe Diem Cats
  15. Anybody knows how to find the LINKS tab. I want to buy a new strap for my PAM. Carpe Diem Cats
  16. Bergeon with a 29,5 mm dye. That's the one and only save way to open your sub with out scratching it. Cost around 90 euro's Carpe Diem Cats
  17. Wearing the transformed 1680 again. I realy love it more and more every day Carpe Diem Cats
  18. Beautiful watch and great photo's Stilty. The green hue , on my rep dial and hands , during daylight made me decide to swap to the vintage lume again. Wear it well. Carpe Diem Cats
  19. That's a real good looking 1680 white. I realize that i have to do a lot of modding on my 1680 before it comes close to your gen. Carpe Diem Cats
  20. All my feedback scores are gone also. Assume it will be an easy fix to get back my excelent behaviour Carpe Diem Cats
  21. Good job. It works much faster then the "old" layout. Have to get used to the new lay out but i'm certain that i will love it after a few days. Carpe Diem Cats
  22. Glued to my wrist after it got back from a ETA transplant Carpe Diem Cats
  23. Still haven't shot some new pics with my 50D but these will do. This is the EBEL 1911 senior 18K gold. It's not getting a lot of wrist time lately Still need to buy a new croc for it. Carpe Diem Cats
  24. Still wearing my 1680 white withhis new heart Carpe Diem Cats
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