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Everything posted by Cats

  1. WOW great watches and nice straps also. Carpe Diem Cats
  2. Wearing the so called MBW 1680 again. Outcome was more or less unanimous during the last GTG in Brussels , no MBW as we knew them but a nice watch Carpe Diem Cats
  3. Stephane and all the members from the GTG, It's been a wonderfull day.evening and night. One thing i learned , and to be honest i already knew it , i'm still a NOOB when it comes to knowledge of all the brands. Thanks again Stephane for being a great host . Carpe Diem Cats
  4. I have to go to the rugby of my son. Truying out my latest toy a EOS 50D with my 70-200 f2.8 ( let's hope he runs today ) I'll be off to Brussels at 13.00 local time See you. Carpe Diem Cats
  5. Now i know for shure. The next rep i want to own is a Big Pilot with modd's from Vac Carpe Diem Cats
  6. SD3 i hope PW will sort it out with you. If some of the "collectors" are faced with their shitty performance out in the open they most likely will not react in a nice way. Keep us posted. Carpe Diem Cats
  7. Come on seadweller3 who sold you this piece ..... Carpe Diem Cats
  8. Ouch that hurts. Hope your dealer will solve the problem. Keep us posted. Carpe Diem Cats
  9. Greaat looking time piece you got there. I'm realy interested in the wristshot. Carpe Diem Cats
  10. Great choice By-Tor. I'm wearing my 1911 with the worn out croc Carpe Diem Cats
  11. If you want a SUB look a like then a nice rep will be the solution. But the Seiko031 is a beauty. Indeed you can't wind the movement but after a few movements of the watch it starts running and keeps great time. The lume is outstanding and much better then the normal rep lume. The a re waterisistaant up to 100 metres. I still got 2 Seiko's and i will keep them becuase they are good looking and function very well Carpe Diem Cats
  12. The Swiss ETA might add max. 100 usd to the price. So still it's a hell of a lot of money for a out of the box piece. Carpe Diem Cats
  13. Welcome back Nikki . Take your time to recover and we will hear from you soon. Carpe Diem Cats
  14. Wearing my 1911 today. Still didn't took the time to buy a new croc strap for it Carpe Diem Cats
  15. I'm planning to buy a new DSLR. Stumbled over this website in the UK who's offering thee camera of my choice quite inexpensive. http://www.wootechworld.com/ Does anybody know this site or has experience with them. Carpe Diem Cats
  16. +1 let's hope you didn't pay more then 50 bucks for it. Carpe Diem Cats
  17. Rela nice looking pair of Explorers. Wear them well. Carpe Diem Cats
  18. Back to the DRSD from the MM Carpe Diem Cats
  19. Klocklind, You wan't believe it but this is the standard crown and crownguard. This is my first ever rep i bought in 2006. I bought it via Ebay and it came directly from a small factory in China No modds done not even a canion pin fix. Carpe Diem Cats
  20. Indeed a great combo Klocklind. Still glad to see you like it so much. This the combo i had with the strap Wear it well Klocklind Carpe Diem Cats
  21. Welcome aboard Seal. I Suggest that you hit the search button on the right hand top corner of the screen and enjoy the richness of this forum. Carpe Diem Cats
  22. Glad to hear i didn't get harmed Carpe Diem Cats
  23. I will pray for Nikki that's for shure. This is a strange day . Today i visited my oncologist , who gave me 3 months to live after they discovered a Grawitz tumor in my left kidney and left legg in Decmeber 2007, and i got a 100% clean outcome of all the test again this morning. Hike i don't need to know the details but please tell Niki that there is always hope and sometimes the best doctor's can be wrong in their diagnoses. I'm the living proof of it. CAPRE DIEM Cats
  24. Just finished them and it worked out well. I used a little sanding paper wheel to sand the bottum part of the old tube away to get the springbar as far as it could into the curved part of the end link. It's night time right now here in Holland and i always use sunlight to shoot my pictures so you have the wait at least untill tomorrow for the result. Thanks again Zigmeister Carpe Diem Cats
  25. Thanks Zigmeister. I'll give it a try right now. Carpe Diem Cats
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