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Everything posted by Cats

  1. Let's hope it aint Carpe Diem Cats
  2. As promised the clearer pictures of the engraving 1680 Serial Carpe Diem Cats
  3. Tribal the Lugholes came like this from the factory. Carpe Diem Cats
  4. Thank you alligoat and toomuchgear. We already ordered (the modder did ) a new bezel washer from Clark's. Regarding the retention ring issue we might be able to solve it otherwise we have to buy a new one. This project is getting expensive 350 dollars for a "MBW" 130 for a new movement , 20 dollars for a bezel washer , xxx for a retention ring. The Clark crystal doesn't fit so i have to source a gen crystal because of the poor date mag on this one. Funny thing is that the first MBW i got from the collector had the 5513 engraving. He even told me in a PM that the true MBW only uses the 5513 engravings. That one had the problem of the rotor hitting on one of the case clamb screws causing it not to auto wind. So after a few months a got a brand new one with "1680" Again with the help of you experts out here and the comparison with a 100% gen MBW next Sunday the mistery will be solved. Carpe Diem Cats
  5. Wearing my 111H i bought from T(ourby) one year ago. Carpe Diem Cats
  6. Thank you all. The retaining ring on my MBW is much higher then the one in Ubi's post I will post some pictures the lug engraving tonight or tomorrow depending on the when i get then from my modder. By the way this weekend my MBW will laying next to a 100% gen MBW 1680. I hope a lot of thing get clearer then Doesn't anybody own a copied MBW form the Cartel ?? @ alligoat i first want to be 100% if it is a MBW or not before i start mentioning names. What if it turns out to be a "newer" MBW and people misunderstand the hole situation and come to the conclusion that collector XXX is unreliable. Best regards, Cats
  7. OK guys I'm lost. I know there was a discussion in Dec. 2007 on this subject but i can't find the right answer in that post. I bought a MBW during summer last year which had some quality issues. Everything was solved perfectly and I received a new MBW 1680 RED in November 2008 if I recollect it well. That one stayed in my watch box most of the time until my modder had the time to do all the modding . The watch was send to him the beginning of this year. I never opened the case back because there was no need for it. I did noticed that the bezel was very tight but then again it was something the modder would fix ( I thought ). My modder mailed me with some findings and remarks. First of all the bezel washer is of some kind of spring material which he has never seen on a MBW A gen insert keeps popping out and needs to be glued in. The lugholes are bigger drilled then in the MBW cases he has ever seen ( i can remember that my 2mm gen spring bars fitted in them ) The material seems to be softer , he did notice this when working on the case , compared to MBW he owns and has worked on in the past. A movement spacer ring was missing and it has a copied ETA inside ( have to be honest the dealer never claimed that he sells it with a gen ETA ) The lug engraving says 1680 and serial no L342295 The only picture i have of the engraving is this one. I've ask him to send my some new ones of the engraving. My question to all the experts out here are: Is this a MBW bezel construction ?? Does anybody own a MBW with a 1680 and L342295 engraving ?? Which engravings has the Cartel copy of the MBW 1680 ?? Thanks in advance Cats
  8. @ ifly65, taking of the braclet on a model where you can touch the springbars from the outside is real easy. I always use a toothpick , so you can't damage the case , and push them out of the lughole. Putting it back into place is also very easy . Put one side of the springbar into the hoel and place the other end against the back of the case. The pick up the same toothpick push in the springbar and gently push the psringbar in between the lugs "voila" My MBW shows 1680 as typenumber and the serial L342295 another "new" thing is that the lugholes are almost 2 mm which is also the case with yours if i'm not mistaken. Some members told me that they have never seen this combination of type and serial number let alone the bigger lugholes. I'm really interested how your MBW is between the lugs. Carpe Diem Cats
  9. I'm in bed with the flue wearing my Seiko Carpe Diem Cats
  10. I agree with you all , it has to be a superdomed T39 if you ask me. Carpe Diem Cats
  11. This will be my beater for this weekend You've got good taste Freddy Carpe Diem Cats
  12. Welcome Jake. I'm form the southern part of the Netherlands and you ?? Carpe Diem Cats
  13. Derdi, welcome and enjoy the tons of information available in this forum By the way Panerai was also my first passion. I'm curious how it takes before you start collection modded MBW or Frnaken rollies Carpe Diem Cats
  14. Nice watch and as some members already said let the modding begin. Mine is in the middle of a modding process at the moment. If possible i would like to see some movement shots and the printing between the lugs just to see if it's the same as mine. Mine , not supplied by Chirs , has a copied ETA movement . For the rest it's OK. Wear it well Carpe Diem Cats
  15. Hi Surgeonpark , welcome to our great community. To be honest i don't know the answer to your question. But one thing i know for shure is that you can find the info in this forum. Just try the search button on the right hand top of the page. Carpe Diem Cats
  16. Wearing my DRSD 1665 again. Carpe Diem Cats
  17. I don't see anything "perfect" about this watch Carpe Diem Cats
  18. wow thats a beauty wear it well Carpe Diem Cats
  19. Nice collection Deltick I only have 1 but that's a GEN. Carpe Diem Cats
  20. Still glued to the wrist Demsey that's a real nice Rollie you got there. Carpe Diem Cats
  21. Welcome George sometimes it ain't the number that counts but only the quality Carpe Diem Cats
  22. Hope to see you a lot. Carpe Diem Cats
  23. And as final touch god created the Dutch He's a true artist , not my piece of cake but a true piece of art Carpe Diem Cats
  24. This baby will be my watch for the weekend ( again ) Carpe Diem Cats
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