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Everything posted by Cats

  1. Still the 1680 RED wainting for his new companion Sorry it's raining all day here so i can't make a proper wristshot Carpe Diem Cats
  2. Great looking watch Doc. The crown is a real beauty on this one. Carpe Diem Cats
  3. Just finished replacing the bezel with the sanded down insert This one will be on my wrist untill the new SUB arrives. Carpe Diem Cats
  4. I can imagine that. Could you post pics as soon as it arrived ? Carpe Diem Cats
  5. Cats

    my 201/a

    Looks realy good Wear it well Carpe Diem Cats
  6. That's a real nice watch Omega. Pitty i don't have any funds left Carpe Diem Cats
  7. Damn i thought i just bought i very nice SUB and now this ones pups up. Carpe Diem Cats
  8. Date wheel if i'm not mistaken. Carpe Diem Cats
  9. Thanks Justasgood. Sorry for my bad english but with a inverted cone position you mean that it looks a plate so the outside of the ring pointing up. Carpe Diem Cats
  10. Paneraibob, i checked it by putting the inlay over the crystal without the bezel and it sits free from the crystal. Still think it's the retention ring . I already sarted bending the insert into a more conical shape. Thanks for your quick repsonse. Carpe Diem Cats
  11. Sorry guys here i am again with the bezel and insert issue. When i put the insert into the bezel it sits nice and a little under the lip of the bezel. But when assemble the bezel on to the watch head the insert keeps popping out even with some strong glue in between the bezel and the insert. Maybe i sanded down the insert a little bit to much but my feeling is that the inner side of the insert touches the top of the retention ring and causes the popping out. Could it be the case that i flattened the insert by pushing the insert on the sanding paper ?? Another problem is that if i replace the bezel it's almost impossible to turn it. I saw some posts telling that you have to bent it or clean it. My feeling tells me that if i alter the tension ring i have to flatten it , is that correct ?? Thanks for reading and your advise Carpe Diem Cats
  12. Cats

    Blue locktide

    @Pugwash i didn't use it with the watch even close to it. But i agree it's very agrassive. Stil need to know do i have to place the bezel back on the watch first and then place the insert or can i place the insert in the bezel and then place the bezel on the watch head. It feel like the flat spring which causes friction whilst rotating the bezel might be the trouble maker. When i push the bezel way down at that moment the insert comes out of the bezel. Any suggestions ?? Carpe Diem Cats
  13. Cats

    Blue locktide

    I did some work on getting the insert back in. Used contact glue even super glue which i dotted a little bit on the back side of the insert and thought that it will suck in inbetween the bezel and insert but that didn't work either. One basic question : should i replace the bezel first and then replace the insert or can i replace the insert in the bezel and replace the bezel and insert onto the watch head ?? Carpe Diem Cats
  14. He might have but the crwon guards of the new V2 WM9 claim to be liek the GEN. The crown on the WM9 is also closer to GEN as the Euro. Difficult decission Carpe Diem Cats
  15. The right size ,quality and look and feel are the mean difference. If you ask me it's a good investment and improves the looks of your rep dramatically. Carpe Diem Cats
  16. I just finished sanding down the insert of my MBK 1680 RED and i'm thinking of polishing the bezel now the insert isn't in yet. I asked Mr Dremel but he's out at the moment and i would like to finsh the bezel tonight. I think the most save to do this is with a Cape Cod. Is this the right conclusion or do you guys have other suggestions. Carpe Diem Cats
  17. Cats

    Blue locktide

    Come to think of it when i removed a insert from antoher MBW/MBK the glue looked like a silicon type of substance. Very easy to remove and sticky enough to keep the insert in place. Thanks all. I just finsihed the sanding so i'll be off tomorrow to the local store to find some silicon based sealant or glue. Carpe Diem Cats
  18. Happy birthday Pug. Keep going strong. Carpe Diem Cats
  19. Cats

    Blue locktide

    Found GS hypo cement on Ebaay and i will order it. Could also be a good solution for the lume marker which fell off my NOOB Carpe Diem Cats
  20. Cats

    Blue locktide

    Thanks guys i will be patient. What kind of glue to i need then. I thought some people used epoxy but that sounds a little too strong to me. Carpe Diem Cats
  21. Is it OK to use a few dots of blue Locktide underneath the insert to make sure it stays in the bezel ?? At the moment i only have super glue and Locktide laying around. Carpe Diem Cats
  22. That's a great piece you have over there Lani. Wear it well Capre Diem Cats
  23. I suggest the member who sold you this "broken" SEL has to solve the problem. If he bought it form Chris he can get some parts for sure. Maybe you can contact Chris and ask for help if the seller doens't solve the problem. Carpe Diem Cats
  24. Still wearing the 1680 RED from Reg. Going for a swim this afternoon and i don't know if i dear to take the risk to jump into the pool with this one on. Carpe Diem Cats
  25. i'm not a specialist but if they are genuine then the first ebay offer looks good to me. A gen crown still packed will cost you at least 120-130 dollars so 49 for gen non used poorly stocked crown looks good. The only thing that triggers me is that i see a lot of stries popping up lately about watchsmiths that retire and still have 100's of crowns laying around. Carpe Diem Cats
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