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Posts posted by HighDef

  1. It is only me and Pugsy who posted latley. I got that email too Onex. I was not aware that TRC is having some server problems. I have been there everyday the past month, just not posting.

  2. u r a trip dude , the truth is out and u still ramble on , be humble so u dont look stupid bro, take care and wear that watch well its a nice one , go look what some are saying about it on the picture thread bro, just be proud u have a rbj69 lv watch now in your possession , dont sell it cause one day u can hand that baby down to your grandson if u r lucky ,(and tell him about a guy named joe) take care bro

    sigh!! Poor thing,,trying so hard to salvage of whats left of,,,,,,,aaahh never mind.

    See you arround Joe, not really :lol:

  3. ok let me refresh your memory bro , i was done with them and they were fixed when they left my shop and then the rotor came off again, so what did u do ?send it back for me to fix again in march , im sry your address is visible but u gave me no choice but to prove i have only had that one watch since march , u made it seem like i have had it since september , if u would have explained it the correct way i wouldnt have to show facts like that , but im not going to stand here and be insulted by a guy that stretches the truth to make himself look humble , and the people that do know me, knows i do the right thing period , i dont screw around and if im sick im sick dammit , now im not and now i can explain thing in plainer english for u guys that dont understand [censored] happens in life and then move on , again im done with this thread , ive told the truth and u stretch the truth and i quote as jack nickalaus said in a few good men "YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE TRUTH" "R WE CLEAR" the answer is crystal lmao just a little humor , u know how i am lol lol lol

    i scratched out your info. i apologize for that but u made me angry

    Yeah right,,you just realized your wrong. Right? If you did the work right the first time it should not go back to you. For me I sent you the watches September and I still don't wear it until now. That is eight months JOE.

  4. im glad this is america and the internet can be your friend cause i quote another lie u made u said i have had your other watch for a total of eight months now , i guess u didnt think the post office didnt stamp the date on your package when u mailed it huh? , i believe it says march 11th 2006 in big red letters bro, the point is u guys all that say something bad about me dont tell the truth u stretch it to make u look right and u r just plain liars and tell one side , now who do u pity me or your math skills big man with an axe , all u did was let me prove that u have been lieing bro, i should make u pay for the extra work i did for u but im not a liar like u seem to be , u should of just said thanks and stfu but again u r a bandwagon junky and got your foot caught in the trap u tried to set lmao

    again im done with this regards joe

    again i tell u all to state facts and if u notice that is what i present

    Joe this just proves it that you have no clue about the bussiness you are running. Let me refresh your mind of what happened the month of September. I got a two watches from Angus, a DRSD(bad datewheel) and an LV(bad rotor) You told me this is an easy fix and you can ship it out in week. I got my two watches back the end of February and I reship it you for a rework. Now count yuor fingers on how many months it is. Remember Onexchef contacted you about these watches???That was early December.

    And now you are calling me a liar and broadcasting me all over the internet. Mods please delete my info on this. This is not proper.

    I do not know what to do people like you Joe. I guess just stay away from them.


  5. now i get a threat with a axe ? huh? wtf a simple thank u finally and thanks for doing the extra stuff as well would suffice bro and leave your axe in the shed before u fall on it and hurt yourself , now im done regards joe


    There is no physical threat on that post Joe,, what it meant,,,never mind.

    Let us just square this one Joe, and you will never hear from me again and I hope the same from you. :victory:

  6. I'm going to re-register as fu$§*tard.

    Never knew who I really was until Blade told me.

    :lol::lol: You knda like it ha!! fu$%tard will go well the avatar below :lol: Mods please delete pic if not appropriate. :p


  7. im really suprised and dissappointed at this thread from u , but hey i guess u joined the band wagon, i keep reading it and i have talked to u on the phone many time and it just doesnt fit u at all, , oh well, i guess u r not the guy i thought u were, i actually pity u now and i hope nothing ever goes wrong with u in your life , really i do , regards joe

    Here you are again Joe, it is me me me, You are surprised, dissapointed and it is not me. What will you feel it if your were on my shoe, promised half a dozen time and all broken(luckilly I didn't get pregnant) :lol: . Talk is cheap Joe, if you are done with my watch just get it shipped. BTW I meant every word I say about you Joe, hope you heed that advice. And what band wagon you are talking about, I have an axe to grind with you, don't I?

  8. sounds fine with me handshake accepted and life goes on , i just felt it was unnecessary because we were handling getting your watch back to u over email our only problem was which way to mail it would be best and then i come here and read this fiasco and only one side of the story was told , u made is sound like i was trying to make a buck on shipping on u which is ludicrous, but i really am over it , just get me the shipping and your watch will be shipped as u requested no problem thanks joe

    palpatine i told u before u could take your time with the payment i understand hardtimes and as for the rest of the crap im out of it , if u want to discuss it with me u have my email and or phone number

    jimster u will have your two beauties soon just be patient as u have been and you will be wearing your beauties with my mods done to them very soon my friend, thanks for your support and all others support and patience is greatly appreciated

    this soap opera is closed for me , lets get back to watches and not about my health and or delays , it is all getting sorted out and again i have not wronged anyone other than lenghty time frames and i apologize for that but i do not apologize cause my health comes first as well as my families health, i still love u all and i will be back on track in a coupld weeks and we can put this stuff behind us and have fun again , regards joe

    Joe,,,seem like you are promising and delivering everybodies watches,,except mine. The name's BlueFin,,when can I have my watch back.

  9. A genuine dial will fit? I got a Navi (9-6-3) from Trusty so I hope it will.

    Whilst we are at it, any good sources for original backs and will they fit? The case back is also a bit different from the original in that it has a flat ring around the Breitling emblem (where it has 'Chronographe Certifie...').

    Buy a gen Navi, remove the parts you need for your rep. Good idea,,,no?

  10. Hello all!

    Can someone tell me what kind of movement this is?

    Bowel!!! :lol: Seriously,,,this is the new design asian auto 21j movement. They can be good, they can be bad. I have two previous style asian that is almost a year now and is till ticking like a charm and I have one that passed away gracefully after three months. It just stop working one day and never came back to life again since.

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