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Posts posted by slay

  1. 2 minutes ago, Bart Cordell said:

    I confirm black ink on albino GMT dial is fragile. And lume dots too. Lost some while manipulating the dial. Then I decided to remove it all and relume the dial with acrylic varnish based lume mix. Here how the ink react :(




    Oh I feel your pain, happened to me several times as well :S I've even had dials where my dust-blower blew off the lume-lots just before assembly.... Even worse are the dials which have lume that's strong enough for the dust blower, but too weak for shipping :bangin: 



    On another dial the paint chipped off at the center hole when I removed the piece of paper which the seller stuck into it for shipping.........

  2. The gan... seller on eBay is Tonny's henchman btw. Be aware that some of the Tonny Dials are different from MQ's, or to be more precise: they are made to a slightly lower standard. E.g. MQ usually uses gen coronets and Tonny didn't have gen coronets his dials (though it's been >1 year since I ordered anything from him, so maybe that changed), the texture, print & ink of the dial can be good or bad (meaning the exact same dial design can look different depending on what dial batch you get).


    This is not to say that MQ doesn't have QC issues (he does). No matter from who you order, I would insist on seeing a picture of the actual item. 


    Also keep in mind that MQ's pricing is pretty random, if he doesn't know you and you email him, he will quote 750$ a Daytona Dial (I could live with a fake coronet for a dial that costs 1/3 of that). Also, MQ can be very stubborn, even if the Dial just costs him 1$ (hypothetically), he may not sell to you for anything less than the price he quoted the first time, or will just go down by 50$. He won't care if you walk away from a deal. 


    MQ isn't the only one who can be stubborn btw, I'm almost certain that all the vendors of these VN parts have to comply with a certain price floor, which is different for each item category. If they sell below a certain price, they will get in trouble with their supplier. That may also explain why some members haven't been able to get cases etc. for less when they paid an in-person visit to the watch shops in Vietnam.

    22 hours ago, altesporsche said:


    This case was brought to me at work, one of my colleagues lives in Vietnam and picked this up for me. It's gone now to have the bars removed to be properly engraved. Once I get it back from engraving etc I'll post photos. 



    Do you remember the price your colleague paid when he bought it locally? 

  3. Nope, not negative relief gilt...
    It's in the same "level" . I've checked several dials with 20x microscope . 

    I could be wrong, but I think it's because of the clearcoat that goes ontop of the dial. I've seen some gen gilt dials where there is more depth but also some with less or almost no depth.

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  4. So phong hands will fit v72 movement right ? Thank you for the information.

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    I had a few hands from Jensen that didn't fit, but he immediately send me replacement hands.

    Just mentioning this so you don't try to 'force' the hands onto the posts or scratch the dial if they are too loose. It's possible you received a bad batch if they don't fit.

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