that´s the dead giveaway for the fiddy! there was a post on a gen watches board (i don´t remember which one) about that blueish hue, and three guys posted their fiddys, on none of them you could see this bluish hue... this bluish hue is wrong for a gen fiddy!
@ all
belive me, the guy knew what he has postet. just take a closer look at his reaction, it seems that he wants to cover that he got called out. i know every time someone gets scamed in the past, they do a big post and try to get that bastard by posting his name and the other stuff and trying to get help from other paneristis, here... nothing... he was only damn sure that he has a 100% rep... i mean even if you put a gen movement in it there is other stuff on which you can see that it is a fake...
best wishes