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Posts posted by artoero

  1. Yup, another one.... these things are sucking me in, and not slowly at that! have a couple of reps I picked up in Shanghai several years ago, but they are not much except curiosities. Those I've seen here, though... man! well, gimme some time and a good tax refund and we'll see what happens.

    I'm an engineer, pilot, ham (in more than one sense of the word), inveterate collector- of almost anything that doesn't try to collect me first!- airplane junk, radios over 100 lbs, clocks, slide rules, telephones, strange scientific stuff that nobody else would touch with a 10-foot pole..... and clox and, now, watches.

    There is a LOT of good info here, and from what I've seen some great folks. Looking forward to getting to know y'awl!java script:emoticon(':whistling:', 'smid_18')

    Paul- drhydro.

    welcome Amigo,

    Have a nice time here!


  2. The friend I sold my Tag to called today asking me how to adjust the time.

    Cut a long story short (because it was a long call, took nearly ten minutes) he was trying to pull the crown out and not unscrew it. He said he'd broken a few nails trying to pull the damn thing out.

    It literally took him ten minutes to realise what I meant by 'unscrew the crown and then pull it out'

    My, I did chuckle :D :D



    What a joke, I hope that his wife gives him easier tasks.... :victory:


  3. frist choose you ham..


    First, Choose your Dealer.....

    convbmw is the wisest, for he knows the way.. the way even elders

    lose sight of!

    and what if am waiting from 1 febr order? it came 18 febr on ups office by customs,which I refused because they want to let me pay a lot of taxes, it is not yet returned and i am stil waiting.Ofcourse my money is paid allready...what can I do?


  4. This is just for high polished SS. You don't need a Dremel or other fancy equipment. My method is idiot proof and can't go wrong. Just remember to mask/tape the brusched parts of the watch or else they will become shiny to.


    STEP 1: Use some copper cleaner to get rid of all the deep scratches. I use Hagerty copper polish (Commandant cleaner nr. 7 , Flitz, or Brasso will also do just fine). Use a clean cotton cloth (old T-shirt).

    STEP 2: Then use a CAPE COD cloth to get that high luster finish without all the nasty polishing scratches and swirls.

    STEP 3: Use a soft and clean fiber optic cloth to buff.

    If you want to get the scratches out from the BRUSHED parts use the Titanium & Steel Refinishing Pen. (Click on the link for before & after PICS AND VIDEOS). Remember to brush in only ONE direction. First try it with little pressure, if the scratches won't come out press a little harder but ALWAYS brush in one direction

    Ordering from the Watch Boys was very pleasant and fast.

    After polishing wit Brasso:


    After polishing with CapeCod


    he friend

    How you remove scratches from mineral glass??


  5. The reset mechanism on the chronos notoriously was unable to find zero, and the hand was frequently loose on the pinion which made matters worse. The chrono engagement is a lever type, not a column wheel, and the lever frequently got hung up, making it impossible to stop the chronos at times. The Zigmeister and I had a back and forth about this when the 196 first came out. The new ones appear to be mostly bulletproof as the Swiss.


    Thanks friends,

    I am a newbe, some things I do not understand jet, but is it right that in the new 24, it is a fine movement to use?

    thanks for patience

  6. When the Asian 7750 movement was reviewed, quite extensively by The Zigmeister, he found that the chronograph portion of the movement was the unreliable part, and that the regular timekeeping portion of the watch was fine and would remain reliable if the chronos were not utilized. If we assume that this is the case, the watches that use this movement without implementing the chrono functions should, in theory at least, be fine.

    I will be ordering a sub in the next few weeks- have not decided which yet.


    I just ordered the new pam 24, EL as dealer(first time)

    I'll show foto's when it is in ok?

    greetz artoero

  7. This is Chinese copy movement. The regulator might be broken or defective, C shold have it, the bridges are very silly, I suppose none of our dealers would put up something like that on offer so we might have not seen it. But I am pretty sure it is C movement, so not worth the asking price.

    Thank you!!

    The guy sells him for a swiss eta movement, Which is not true if I read the posts.

    I decide to buy only from dealers from here.


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