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Posts posted by B3nj4min3

  1. Hi strinos, I'm surprised that you've been a member here for over seven years but you didn't know about Rolexman and MD2020.


    Both are fantastic watchmakers.


    If you are based in the EU, then Rolexman would be your best bet. He's based over in the Netherlands and is very busy so you'll need to pm him to request a time-slot. I am not sure what services Rolexman offers besides servicing however you can ask.


    If you are based in the States then MD2020 is your man. MD is based in Chicago and does everything, and from what I hear, he's superb!


    If you are based elsewhere then I'm not too sure.


    Hope this helps mate.

  2. Thanks,

    Waiting on my new strap though, the stock one is not so good. :(

    Yeah, I tend to find the stock rep straps to be a bit below par. They can look good but they just don't feel right and I always end up changing them.

    Would be good to see pictures of it on your new strap.

  3. ben .. 


    been spending the last few days in NYC .. the strap has been comfortable even in the humid heat that is NYC in the summer (i much prefer SF weather)


    Lol, we don't get much in the way of nice hot weather over here in Scotland so now that I'm sitting here drenched in my own sweat I have to resist the urge to complain as I know it'll be back to the usual rain and overcast summer in no-time. You folks are lucky (ish) over the other side of the pond. Your summers tend to be glorious however you also have to put up with the forest fires/tornadoes/crazy insects.


    It's good to hear that the strap has remained comfortable despite the oppressive heat and the high humidity and is testament to the material/design of the strap.


    Thanks again for sharing this info my friend  :1a:

  4. Absolutely beautiful watch. I do love the Fiddy and this is as-good-as the gen in my eyes (since I doubt I'll be able to afford the gen any time soon!)


    Hats off to Marlin for his fine work.

  5. Awesome collection. Love those watches and thanks to your pictures I'm starting to want lizard/croc/snake-skin straps now!

    Thanks Ben

    There's a few coming to the end of their build/transplant. They wear really well and even with some incredible watches over the years, these get the most attention ever and are unquestionably of historic importance.


    I completely agree that these have a certain appeal and uniqueness that is different from modern watches and as you mentioned, they have a very important place in watch history.

    Wear them well my friend.

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