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Everything posted by kernow

  1. Any of the TD's (Trusted Dealers) should be able to source one for you. Get it serviced and it should last for years.
  2. This one came from AJ in a M2M deal if I remember correctly.
  3. As has been said, only use 'gift payment' for someone you know and trust. I was asked for it on one of my first M2M purchases here and the seller scammed people out of a lot of money. Fortunately I took the above advice and I paid the extra for the PayPal fees and I managed to recover all my money.
  4. Guys, jwilliams is possibly just another troll posting some scam site. He joined, posted some potential scam site and disappeared.
  5. Nice first post. So, if you've received nice watches from them post some up.
  6. Try looking in our TD list. Maybe he has a new web address - often happens as they often get shut down by gen makers.
  7. Good response from a TD. Shame, but sometimes a thread like this is needed to get a response - not saying that this is the case with Puretime just in general. Hope it works out well for irolexu.
  8. They use their phone lol Looks a great strap.
  9. A7750's are better if you have them serviced early on. Then don't play with the chrono every 2 minutes and you should be fine. I've more than 10 A7750's and only a few have caused problems. Mostly when they are not the standard configuration - such as AP ROO's. There are a few Quartz reps out there, I can't say which ones as I don't have any personally.
  10. Any watchsmith should be able to fix this easily. You don't need a specific part yourself, just take it to a jeweller/watchsmith local to you.
  11. Hmmmm maybe an AD rather than a TD would better meet your expectations.
  12. They are worth keeping. Often OEMs like Omega say that certain things, such as crowns, are service items. Keep them as members here will find a good use for them. Maybe contact one of the modders line SSteel to see if they have any use for them.
  13. I had an email from Andrew stating that this is his new address, so I'm guessing it's correct!
  14. Both dealers are good. Toro usually has good prices too. Check the specs and then decide which is for you. Also if you're in the EU, Toro ships from Spain.
  15. Have you retracted your PayPal dispute? If not I'd suggest that you should be banned from this along with all other rep fora.
  16. Terrible, terrible news. my thoughts go out to Alvin and his family.
  17. Send it to SSteel I'm sure he'll sort it for you.
  18. Not for me, but as long as you like it that's all that matters. Enjoy your new toy
  19. Oh and for £5000 yes I'll drive up - see you in 3 hours
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