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Posts posted by Manitou

  1. I just got the black dial sec@12 APROO.

    Now I would like to get some new straps on this one.

    I am thinking of a kevlar or carbon strap and next month I will go with a leather one.

    Can anybody tell me the difference between the kevlar and carbon strap? And what do you think will fit better?

    And I know.... these comes with the conversion kit ;)

    To be honest, I personally don't think either fits very well but on the rubber clad. For the "standard" ROO, I think a cool leather strap works a lot better. But that's just my oppinion =).

  2. Hi guys!

    I am about to "complete" my PAM collection and doing so by placing an enormous order at Davidsen.

    Could you guys, who have experience with dealing with him, please inform me if it all went smooth etc.?

    Thank you and have a mont-brilliant day ;-)!

  3. The page seems to be a bit misleading...

    The title is: "AUDEMARS PIGUET- 124-PVD"

    But we all know it's the rubberclad version and the bezel looks like rubber too...but is this the high-quality dust-repellent kind, or just some standard rep rubber?

    The pictures seem to be a little confusing. At least to me it is.

    Picture in question:


    PVD could be the screws?

  4. The reason I got into reps in the first place was not because of price, but because of the terrible attitudes and snobbishness that I found on the gen forums like TimeZone and WUS.

    These individuals have large sums of money, but they argue over the stupidest things like children. These people are mindless zombies who have actually bought into the marketing hype of their perspective brands. Rolex enthusiasts treat their watches like gods, and they believe that all other watch brands are for the 'little people.' They then have long arguments over why Rolex is better than Omega and vice versa. It's just a nasty, condescending atmosphere.

    I much prefer it here where the people are relaxed, amicable, and able to appreciate all watches.

    That's a very precise analysis that I can recognize as well. Sadly...

  5. My reason has already been given by someone else :D :

    At the end of the day, I won't buy anything purely for it's 'brandname', for example, if I can buy a generic version of cola rather than Pepsi, I buy the generic version...

    Some might say "Well why not buy a $10 Quartz?!"

    For the simple reason that I do not like how the $10 Quartz looks, in terms of aesthetics and styling. The $10 Quartz might have really poor quality lume, or not be water resistant, or not have many strap options... That's why I like Panerai watches. They're large and clear enough for me to read easily in any lighting condition, won't flood if they get wet, and, being automatic or manual, I know that the only reason for it stopping, will be mechanical failure, not just the need for a new battery.

    A quick story of the most recent compliment I got on a watch. I was at a christening party and talking to a guy about stuff in general, when he asked the time. I told him, and he was so shocked at the time, I held my wrist up for him to see that that was indeed what the time was. He then said "Wow! That is some watch!" (I was wearing my 104 on its SS bracelet. Yes, I know I still need to take photos and post a review of it... :D ) As he was clearly interested in it, I took it off so he could view it better, and, when he took it in his hand, he was really surprized and impressed with the weight of it. Now, he obviously wasn't a collector, so the dreaded "Is it real?" question never cropped up, but, it was nice to have a quick chat about something, and have someone genuinely appreciate a watch, which, I suspect, many of the 'purists'* would possibly turn their noses up at :) Of course, if he had asked if it was real, I would have explained that it was a rep, but, as it was, he just appreciated it 'as a watch', which was nice :)

    * Translation = Overly anal people who obsess over minutia and flaws in replication which many others can overlook or ignore :D

    Interesting reasoning and nice story!

    Oh btw - is that 47s head in your signature :)?

  6. Could any of us seriously say that we have a minimal desire to collect gens and only collect reps? Do we think that the line has blurred drastically between gens and reps that we can readily say that reps present a better "value" to us watch-wearers as a whole?

    IMO, though the quality of reps has increased much in the past couple of years, it still pales in comparison to the equivalent gens. If we truly believed in the statement of "not getting money's worth" with the gens, why are a taking these things apart, working on them, and adding gen or equivalent parts that when all is said and done, would reach near the threshold of the gen itself?

    Though we speak of the reliability issues of the gens out there and how they dissuade us from buying them, we should certainly be saying the same thing as far as reps are concerned. Exploding crystals, chronograph buttons that fall off, rotor stickers that gum up the movement, and chronograph second hands that jump further when you reset them back to "zero". On top of that, the movement might run five minutes fast per day!

    If you ask me, I've rarely run into these issues with gens. Reps, on the other hand, I have run into those issues.

    We are a minority when we speak about the advantages of reps to gens because a quite many of us are budding and experienced modders who know the "givens" that come with the reps we buy and try to correct those issues for the long run. But for the average user, they don't know any better. They want to buy the name, but not pay the price.

    And the way I see it, you get what you pay for.

    And oh yeah, I collect reps. Gens too. One of the reasons is that if something were to happen to my watch, I don't have to hunt around to find a rep-friendly watchsmith. Drop it off at an AD and 2-6 weeks later it is back home.

    You have a lot of true and fair arguments, but in my experience gens are as far apart by brand as reps can be from gens.

    For example I've had numerous problems with my Panerais. Hands coming off, PVD of questionable quality etc.

    On the APs I owned (a rubberclad ROO and a T3), the titanium of the T3 was exceptionally scratch prone and the Chrono in the rubberclad got stuck at some point (the start/stop button just "froze stuck"). It took 6 months and 2500 dollars to fix the Chrono because they needed to fit a new Chrono module.

    I know of course that this happens (probably even more so) with reps, but the funny thing is that from my 30 reps, all of them run fine and keep pretty good time.

    And speaking of time keeping:

    My Oris Williams gen gained 12 secs. a day.

    My Urban J

  7. Why buy reps? Price.

    No other reason.

    I've said it before, but if I ever win the lottery, I'd never buy another rep.

    If funding was no issue at all (read: Infinite funds) I'd of course go back to gens again. Right now I just don't think that you get your money's worth in 9 out of 10 cases plus there're many issues with gens that are similar to the quality issues apparent with reps. So even if I could it would for me take more than just reasonable ability to make the transformation back to gens.

  8. I came from a similar background of gen buying - but not for investment. I liked wearing them. :D I then went through a series of disheartening adventures with a number of the higher end brands - Pateks that didn't keep proper time no matter how many times I shipped them back to Switzerland, an AP where water ruined the watch and AP refused to honor the warranty, etc. I became completely fed up with watches, sold most of what I had and simply kept one nice watch and a cheap sport watch or two for daily wear. I then stumbled on to the original RWG 1. It was my first interactive internet forum and I loved it. I think it was more about the camraderie than the watches. I did buy a couple of watches from the old school guys. At that time Eddie and River were the high end guys. Neil, Josh and Andrew were largely selling $100 knock-offs and Paul was having "crazy sales". :lol: And ultimately it reinvigorated my interest in gens as well.

    Today I play in it all. My pride and joy are the Frankens and the vintages. It is not about how much money you spent or how much you saved. It is about always trying to improve your watches and most importantly it gives you the opportunity to move forth on any number of projects with other obsessed people. Reps and this wonderful forum have enabled me to meet wonderful folks from all over the world - US, Canada, EU, Asia, etc. And it is reps (frankens and vintages too) not gens that have provided this opportunity.

    Yeah the whole mod scene is a thing I have yet to properly discover.

    I feel like the passion here is more honest and intense than what I've been used to on for example Time Zone. This partly due to the fact that collecting reps in no way can be a "cover" for showing off your wealth and success, which I found to be the case to some extent on TZ and similar fora.

  9. i love watches and i do not see the justification for spending 20k on a watch. i would maybe spend that kind of money one ONE watch that i would pass on to my future generations, but not every watch will be in my collection for all my life!

    i'd rather get a nice Audi S5 instead of 2 or 3 watches!


    Oh btw - in Denmark 2-3 watches don't really cover an S5 ;-). You'll have to slap down almost 200K euros for that....DAMN THEM AND THEIR TAXES!!

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