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Posts posted by Revere

  1. The franken question is a real "Ship of Theseus" type situation. I recently completed my 6538 build and some collector friends love it. They understand it was a personal investment for me, not something that I'm building to sell or try to pass off as the real deal. IMO, transparency is key. If projects like these are ever to be embraced by the mainstream collectors, it'll have to be with transparency, right? Maybe that's where the key between franken and counterfeit lies.

  2. With the help of some of the forum's members I have recently completed a 6538 project I am very proud of.


    The cal 1030 is giving me some issues with amplitude and isochronism. With an amplitude of about 200 in all positions and ~45 sec lost in all positions but crown down at ~60 sec gained, the movement seems to require a service. I suspect a couple of things: poor poising of the balance, wear on the balance staff, old/failing mainspring, and a couple of other items. So, it's going to get serviced, but that's for now.


    Over a long term (many many years) parts for the 1030 will inevitably become more difficult to source. Preempting this, I'd like to look into replacing the 1030 with a contemporary movement. Are there any suggestions or has there been any research done into replacing the 1030 with a similarly sized movement? I would modify the plates in the movement to accept gen dial feet, and would likely source new hands (or broach the current set) to fit. I think stem height is the big thing I'll have to be concerned with.


    Thanks for any and all suggestions.

  3. 7 hours ago, panerai153 said:

    Revere, this isn't the same as the ultrasound that they use in OB/GYN offices to show you and your wife what the baby looks like. The name for this device is Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy(ESWL). This device sends waves into a very concentrated area to break up the stone. It is a great procedure for stones that are too big to pass on their own. This machine breaks up the stone into small pieces that will pass. We provide the anesthesia for these procedures, and while some patients experience little discomfort, those with little or no pain tolerance say it is pretty painful. From what everyone says it's like being slapped on your flank where the stone lies to being hit by a baseball bat!! The machine fires about 100-120 times so you are getting slapped or baseball batted that may times. Takes about 30 -45 minutes total and really works well.

    Sure, I'm familiar with how it works but that's the first I've heard regarding what it feels like. I'd be curious to hear what sort of variables cause people to experience different levels of discomfort. Cool stuff

  4. Okay, I think I understand. You may just be having trouble placing the seconds pinion, seconds hand hole, and pressure all in line with each other. The fit can be a hair tight, so any crimping of the tube on the seconds hand would make this a little difficult. Make sure the seconds hand is not damaged, and then gently place it with a set of tweezers with the tube directly aligned with the seconds pinion. Then, gently begin to affix it with light pressure. Once it begins to enter, you can press more firmly.


    As for the hour hand, I would simply position it far enough down such that it clears the minutes hand but does not scrape the dial. I am not sure if there is a guideline here. Are you sure you are mounting it onto the hour wheel and its corresponding pinion?


    also, re: the dial, I think it looks nice! I'd wear that. Now that you have some practice, you could always try again, but I think what you have looks good.

  5. It is possible the watch had just enough wind left for the balance to swing when the movement is initiated by wrist movement. 


    Static friction is always more than kinetic friction, so if the mainspring could not exert enough torque to get the balance going, it is still possible for the torque to keep the balance going once movement is initiated.


    Interesting that you mention fake English... What makes you think that? The replies I got were all in the middle of the night (4am) for most parts of south east Asia, which made me question whether he's really based there.


    Otherwise Definitely a middleman. He admitted that someone else send the case when I confronted him about the case that didn't match the picture he send me.

    I actually meant more generally, not necessarily with Tonny. Tonny has been super responsive and very communicative. 


    The SCG case posted above looks good... The chamfers also look better than the sort of chamfers I've seen on the two phong cases I have received.

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  7. Those are the same SCG photos I was sent as well. The case itself looked good to me, but as others have said, I'm hesitant to order given slay's experience. Dealing with the fake bad english and run-arounds is endlessly frustrating.

    I got enough of that from Phong when I ordered a case and he sent me a case with a crooked crown tube as well as a bezel insert folded in half like a potato chip - and then shipped the same insert back to me. Patience is the name of the game in this hobby, I have learned, but I'm crossing my fingers this guy is a better source! 

  8. Yeah I agree. I happened to run into a pretty distinguished but very private collector a year ago or so, and he owned a white dial explorer. He didn't have it on him sadly, but he explained to me that he acquired it privately back when everyone was convinced that the white dials were outright unoriginal. So, apparently, he got a real good deal on it. I can only imagine what that's worth now, since they come up at auction so rarely. 


    Wish I could ask him more about it but he declined giving his name or any contact info. Oh well!

  9. I'm trying to get a new strap for my gen Type XX. It's still got the original from '95 and I'm not sure how much life it's got left in it. 


    Sadly, the only 21 x 16s that I can find are OEM and cost a significant amount. I'm willing to get a rep strap, or if anyone knows of a custom strap maker for a reasonable price, I'd entertain that too. I remember finding a lady from Chile that made exotic straps a while back, she sold things on eBay, and was asking some fair prices. I've since lost that contact info.

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