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Everything posted by 325BMW

  1. Just a warning to everyone, someone is making life very difficult for me at the moment. You see, the only site I visit is this one, and unfortunately I used my work email, stupid I know. So, our IT people have been blocking some pretty horrible messages from some unmetionable who insists on trying to flog me Viagra or porno. such as "VIAGRIA Get Explosivse Erections todkay! Free Supply, Raesults Guarantseed " This person(s) normally goes by a string of hotmail accounts but has re routed to make it look from inside the company. Some of todays addresses are: styliform_luna@hotmail.com sprints.solomon@hotmail.com statonwhitetop@hotmail.com jrapoport@exponent.com Emeteriocidxc@oqobo.com tsutomuhowie@besplatne-stvari.co.yu Our IT people have told me they will track whoever is doing this, but its really embarrasing for me. Please guys and girls dont make the same mistake i did, use your own home account and avoid the unpleasantness!!
  2. First off, its really heartening to find that there are other people fitting the middle aged dad with a hobby mould! My nature is all or nothing, and when I got the bug, I read everything i could, until my wife said, "look, you stay up night after night reading about watches, i would like to buy you a really special one for your birthday" When i recieved it, I was talking about getting a sports model, then a dress watch. My wife was only concerned that I space them out and enjoy them rather than getting everything at once (I did this when I collected guitars, and i tell you, I got addicted real bad - now I am down to 5 guitars that I really enjoy) My family do not understand why I want to buy more, but apart from the occasional question, its accepted. The other factor I think, is motive. If I buy a fake Rolex so I can impress people, then thats one thing, but if I buy a watch because I genuinely love the look and the fact that I can buy a beautiful mechanical chronometer for a fraction of the price that most people have to pay, while learning about its intricies then thats another reason entirely. I love this hobby, but if it becomes an obsession, and I collect a watch i do not intend to wear, then I give it away and take up something else!!
  3. Thanks again, The Zigmeister for your wonderful review, it puts paid to the Hublot claim on their site that the Asian 7750 is a copy of "very poor quality"! Regarding the Daytona, I too would love one but I dont think its going to happen. With the seconds at 3,, the factory proves it can make a reliable change of a much greater magnitude than the seconds at 6, the fact is they havent, which makes me think they have an awful lot of stock that they would need to wite off. I think the only way to get an improved seconds at 6 is if we all agree to stop buying the time bomb version, I know they have already stopped making the seconds at 9 Daytona...
  4. Hi all, Please take heart!! As a long term "newbie" - (gee I hate that term!!) I l(ike i suspect, so many others) have deliberately held off replying, until I felt I had something to offer, or at least wouldnt feel stupid (some sites do make newbies feel inadequate). So, I didnt ask any questions but spent these last several months learning as much as i could and I found if i looked hard enough I would find the answers to my questions anyway, and thanks to you wonderful people, I found that my local watchmaker no longer laughs at my latest purchase, in fact I brought in my last watch, a beautiful PP Moonphase from Andrew, and he actually spent the time examining it and he said "they have doen a good job" high praise indeed! The other thing I came to realise, was the issue of ethics. What I now find unethical, isnt the replica watch industry, but large companies with production lines slapping a 7750 into a case, putting a generic dial on it, and selling it as a "limited edition" for 8k to people who dont have the benefit of your knowledge - thats unethical!! The fact that, thanks to you people, I can own a mechanical chronograph for a few hundred and actually prefer it to the ones in the shop window for thousands more really says something about the value of the work you are doing Please keep it up, I myself will offer what i can for what its worth. Cheers, Roger
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