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Everything posted by Dizzy

  1. Did you sandblast your watch?? Thats what i would guess. Lonnie
  2. You are a braver man than I. lol Good job. did u just glue the new overlay in place? or did you swap out the whole datewheel? Lonnie
  3. HAHA i knew it!!!.... but i didnt want to sound like an idiot if it was an MBW or something LOL Is the date font on a Gen GMT II normally slightly smaller than on a 16610? Or am i just imagining things? which is entirely possible being that its 6am here and im still awake Lonnie
  4. I dont know anything about GMT masters at all... but this one looks pretty good. Honestly i dont even know what the "correct hand stack" is without looking up on the internet where the 24hr hand is supposed to be. ha ha. And i wouldnt care either way as that wouldnt be an issue for me... The only thing that stands out for me is that the date font looks too small. Lonnie
  5. LOL
  6. The one with the "D" serial number has the nasty conical rehaut you want to avoid. Also on this one the date window is too far to the right and the date font is wrong oh yeah and crown guards arnt as good... the "noobmariner" is amazing and this asian version has a GREAT rehaut.. almost bang on to the gen. Theres only ONE "noobmariner" and its the one from TTK. A watch like "Andrews Ultimate" with the "D" serial number isnt the same one. Trust me. I have both of them. Awesome pictures by the way! Lonnie
  7. i was just looking at this thread again 2 days ago and i was wondering if i should give it a bump or not ha ha i guess you read my mind! Here one for the thread Modded MBW16610 franken
  8. even the second hand is dead on.. creepy haha Lonnie
  9. swapping the bezel insert is easy.. the most you would have to do is sand a little off the bottom and edge so it fits in perfect. Then you just glue it in. There are many tutorials and pictures on how to do this. Its not difficult at all. Its a fun and easy modification. But i must agree that saving up an extra $50 or so and getting an ETA movement is a much wiser decision. You'll have a much more reliable watch. Lonnie
  10. ive got the same problem with my Bentley Chrono T. Someone must have messed around with one of these before. I would just like to hear some thoughts on this before i try to pry the bezel off the watch... I'm sure the Navi and my Bentley have bezels of similar construction... Anyone been down this road before? Lonnie
  11. My noob crown isnt too bad. Im happy with it. Its not as wide as some of the ones i see here. I modded the crown guards on this one.. and its got some wear from daily abuse Noob crowns 'teeth' are 3.5mm wide Gen crowns 'teeth' are 3.25mm wide pretty close. Lonnie
  12. With a max budget of $150, I'd buy the asian version for $100 then spend the extra on a good bezel insert and pearl. Lonnie
  13. Its for the 16800 or 16610 The 1680 insert would have a different pearl without the metal ring around it. Correct me if im wrong guys. Lonnie
  14. What popup blocker and firewall are you using? i havent seen a popup ad on my computer is over a year. ive got the google blocker running (with IE6) and its fantastic along with my router as my firewall... i know this isnt really the response you were looking for but it sounds like something isnt working right on your end... This seems a little strange.. maybe pug or someone can give you some suggestions. try running something like spybot or adware also to get rid of the spyware that contributes to popups and banners.. like i said i never get those Lonnie
  15. User gallery? haha uhmmm... i shall have to investigate Lonnie
  16. Looks like a superdome on a submariner case.. thinner bezel will make the dome look HUGE! Lonnie
  17. you have any new pics? Hows the project coming along? Lonnie
  18. Well the bezel on my big Bentley Chrono T is super loose.. The screws were tight... then i tried taking the little screws out but it didnt seem to do much.. is this bezel snapped/pressed on like a submariner or something? I need to tighten it up a bit.. i searched but found nothing that answers this... I'll glue it in place if i have too. Right now its loose and it rattles like its gunna fall off. Anyone have any ideas? Lonnie
  19. I guess you havent read all the threads about how the "waterproofing" is a scam? You better do some researching before you send those watchs out for "extra seals" installed by "swiss trained watch makers" or however they word it. Lonnie
  20. ive never had a replica subaminer leak on me with normal swimming or showering Lonnie
  21. Oh yes its the perfect demographic... Sorry Pug, what i actually ment was that its EXPENSIVE so they must be hurtin if they need to go to this level of expense. For those who dont know... Nascar is HUGE in the USA... its like hockey or football or like soccer over in Europe. Lonnie
  22. ok ya that makes sense.. advertising.. but wow they must be hurtin for people signing up when they need to advertise on a Nascar. I thought that in the USA you got "drafted" and had to go into the amry or navy or whatever? Im from Canada, we dont have wars up here LOL. I think we have an "army & navy" up here... but i think its a clothing store at the mall Lonnie
  23. You and your crazy vintage gens!!You've always got a new pic for us. i assume its the UV light that fades it. Do you ever wear your DRSD outside? Toss it under a UV light for a bit and see what happens Would it be better to maybe lightly 'flush' the watch out with clean water then let it dry again??... you know.. to get any salt water out of the case and movement. Lonnie
  24. i am concerned that the movement will be toast from the flooding of salt water when it first leaked... i wonder how long it would take to rust? Usually water of any kind is bad, but salt water will kill is much faster... Lonnie
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