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Everything posted by Dizzy

  1. oh you wait.. they will throw a sec@6 from a daytona in there or something to get the functioning subdial... Then we'll have a another timebomb to talk about...
  2. This is a fantastic story and really puts things into perspective. Most people have no idea how big the industry is. I cant wait until i have a chance to head over there and have a look for myself. My friend goes there often and hes been to these markets.. He also says its overwhelming to say the least. Great story!!! Does anyone have any links to other stories like this? I just love reading this stuff! Lonnie
  3. This is your 1665? wow thats incredible I think i just came in my pants... please post more pictures as soon as you can Lonnie
  4. Yep thats the noob.. even if you dont notice the difference anyways, they are still 98% perfect. MOst people wont know the rehaut is different.. thats just for the Rolex nerds (like myself) to point out Lonnie
  5. This is a great pic of the noob lume. I noticed today that my noobs dial markers glow green and the hands glow white. Looks kinda stupid ha ha ha Lonnie
  6. The biggest difference is the rehaut.. the metal ring between the crystal and the dial. it should be straight and not angled or conical. here is a pic of my ETA noob with straight rehaut,.. compare it to the picture above with the conical rehaut that slopes in towards the center of the dial...
  7. This isnt a Noob in the picture... this is the same as Andrews Ultimate with the "D" serial number and "CL1" stamped on the clasp... the Noob has a straight rehaut 1.8mm deep and an "F" serial number with "A310" i believe it is on the clasp... I have both and they are slightly different.. Bracelets are close but the rehaut is very very different. I think a lot of the dealers have a few different versions so you might not get the same one twice unless its from TTK... There are 2 or 3 versions of the "Noobmariner" but TTK's is the true Noob and the most accurate one. Lonnie
  8. yeah with Vista i would run a gig of ram minimum. I'd go for the Dell probably and upgrade the RAM to a gig at least maybe more... Adding more ram makes a noticable difference in performance.
  9. yep you can also carve out the holes in the SEL... whatever you wanna do. both will work. Good info guys! Just dont try bending the 2mm gen springbars.. they dont bend to easily LOL Lonnie
  10. mexican tomatoes eh? LOL i;ve seen those leaves before...
  11. i would file where the red line is. See my revised picture below. This will allow the end link to move closer to the case. This is what i did to mine before. I had to take quite a bit off (maybe 1mm). when you try to install the bracelet you should be able to see how far the spring bars are away from clicking in.. or look how much would you have to bend the springbar to make it fit, and thats how much you need to file off. Its a LOT of trial and error but its easy to do. Just be sure to file it carefully so as to not destory the bracelet. You dont need a dremel, you can do it by hand in 10 or 15 min of messing around. Lonnie
  12. i wondered how long it would take for someone to hack one of those phones.. watch him get sued by Apple now ha ha ha Lonnie
  13. you just need to take a file and take a little off the end of the SEL where it goes up against the watch case... this allows the SEL to suck itself in closer to the watch and the springbars will snap in place EXCELLENT review by the way Stephan Those are great comparison pics and I agree that the Noob bracelet has better overall fit and finish. Lonnie
  14. I'll take it next after Stephan
  15. haha. I hope when they actually get around to building it, that its better than their current i-mate and O2 phones etc etc because they are junk. i've owed a few i-mates and never again.
  16. it looks ok i guess. bezel pearl isnt very good but the crown guards arnt bad at all.. Just be sure they ship the box and papers seperately Lonnie
  17. D'oh!!! haha sorry
  18. haha wow! Sounds like you've had a few bad experiences with Canada post. This is why you have to wrap your packages properly so they cant be damaged or easily ripped open.. "wild animals" LOL Lonnie
  19. thats a LOT of cocaine haha. Thats a big $$ loss for someone yikes.
  20. HAHA thats awesome. fake sunroof.. fake ABS light.. whats next? haha Lonnie
  21. Dont be so sure my friend... Have you read all the posts about the Cartel dealers here advertising "ETA 28xx" movements, and the watch actually has a $2 chinese POS (not even the asian ETA) movement in it... Then they defend themselves by saying its an "ETA copy" but then The Zigmeister jumped in and said its not even close to a "copy" of an ETA. Its as much of a copy as a fiero with a plastic body kit is a copy of a Ferrari... Sure it looks and for the most part, functions like a watch movement, but the quality is VERY different. Read Pugs post about "Little white lies" and there is another long post but i forget the name right now... Buyer beware... and ask LOTS of questions Lonnie
  22. WOW another new addition!! You are a lucky guy! beautiful. Dial looks great! Is the dial original untouched? I;ve seen a few of these that also fade to brown... (i like the black better though) Lonnie
  23. yep its the smallest details that make the difference!
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