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Posts posted by sixbennetts

  1. Well, I heard back from Silix.

    1.My new watch is on it's way!

    2.The screws, (yes, they are small screws), thread into the end link of the bracelet.

    I agree, a deployant strap seems to be the way to go, as it wouldn't have holes. The only mod you'd have to make is cutting the tip of the free end, see below. (I have big wrists, so might not have to cut it at all.

    Usil, I find that filing the heads off these rivet-pins is the way to go. If you scratch the flip a little, just chase it with a Scotch Brite pad, and your marks will go away.

    I have asked Silix if I can buy just the clasp, screws, and some extra pins. We'll see how it goes. I might go with the bigger springbar route for the flip-lock side, as suggested, as this is how the Don Gist clasp is held together. I had one of these which lasted years with no problems, so I know the design is strong enough. I think the key will be a thick springbar, and one that's just the right length as well.

    About it's attachment to the clasp body, (the other side). I don't think a custom loop is needed here. If you go to this thread at RWG, and scroll down half way to Teejay's post with pictures, you'll see that he has sandwiched the free end under a springbar, (or two), which holds it nicely, and allows for very fine adjustment.


    I would suspect this method would be strong enough, and if you're the worrying type, adding a springbar to every hole on this side should cure your ills. Dependent upon leather thickness, you might have to do a little leather crushing to get the bars in, which isn't a big deal. Clamping the band into a smooth-faced vice with a section of coat-hanger wire placed in just the right spot should give you a nice little furrow in the band right where you would want the sprinbar(s). Four little furrows = four springbars.

    Now the bad news. Depending on your wrist size, it would mean cutting the end of the leather band, for maximun comfort. You could leave the tail against your wrist, I guess, but one of the things that appeal to me most is the streamlined look of this, and having a tail would really get in the way when closing the clasp.

    I plan to cut the end with a new, single edge razor, and seal the end with Super Glue. I think if I open the end of the band tip, (like if you ripped the end off an envelope to remove it's contents from the end), and added a few drops down away from the cut edge, then clamped it. I would have a cut end that wouldn't split, and not look too bad as well. I would have to leave all the extra stitching thread I could, and just knot it, or maybe tuck the ends down the end hole. We'll see. This end doesn't concern me, as it would be under the clasp, and only seen when the watch is removed.

    Your thoughts?

  2. Usil,

    I know you have new bezel and screws on the way, but I've found that using those very fine fingerboard nail tools from the mrs. works really well for deburring small metal parts like that.

    Make sure you use a hollow ground screwdriver to install the new ones, as ss is a fairly soft metal, and it's very easy to mung up the heads of screws.


  3. Hi Usil,

    Thanks for the prompt reply! Yes, it is intriguing, isn't it? That one pin at the flip end of the clasp is the one thing holding me back. Most SS bands that have a flip-lock clasp are riveted to the band with a long pin, peened over at each end. I find removing that pin easy enough, but using a springbar to replace it is a little lacking in function and looks.

    Having to modify a deployant strap is no big deal, I'll just measure twice, cut once, and form a loop where needed, and hand stitch it up. The clasp has *some* adjustment for stretching, so it should work when the leather stretches. I'm thinking as Bob Deployant, which doesn't have holes.

    Most stainless steel watchbands come with some sort of double flip closure like this, and I've always preffered their sleek, no-nonsense look, especially on a watch like a Navitimer. All business, very professional. Plus, the contrast between the stainless case, transitioning to the leather band, and then another section of stainless on the clasp, and back to leather, just seems to work for my eye. Plus, I've never cared for the idea of having a very nice deployant, which is covered by the bands tail, tucked under a loop or two. Nobody sees that excellent little mechanism.

    I got the inspiration from seeing a Rolex Daytona with a leather band and flip-lock clasp, which looked pretty cool. I thought the arangement would add to my Breitling Navitimer, which is arriving soon from Silix.

    Don Gist sells something similar on Ebay, but this doesn't have the fine engraving of the Breitling name and anchor-B-wings.

    I'll check out the hardware store for very fine screws and threaded shafts, and report back if I can complete this project, OK?



  4. hxxp://www.silix-prime.com/product.asp?id=1741 (change the hxxp to http)

    It's model number BRES035.

    Can anybody confirm that the double locking clasp is in fact removable via the screw connector on the flip end? It sure looks like it in the middle bottom picture, (when you click on it). Can this clasp be used without that band, or do the screws thread into the last link?

    I've been wanting to make a custom leather band with a clasp like this, and I might have found the clasp to use. I've written to Silix, waiting for a response.

    If anybody has this watch, can you check, please, and maybe take some measurements for me? I'd really appreciate it.

    Thanks all!


  5. So, along comes yet another newbie, he's trying to find some info about denlang DOT com, so he searches here, and at other rep sites, for info about it.

    1. He finds out that nobody's heard of denlang.

    2. Experienced rep collectors here can spot the lack of quality.

    3. He should stick to the trusted dealers.

    It all adds to the archives, and searches by newbies will turn up this thread, and save somebody some cash, and get them a nice watch for doing their homework.

    I personally like these, "Anybody bought from these guys", posts. Lets me see what could have been for my first purchase, but luckily was not.


  6. Hi all

    Anyone has experienced problems to contact to Silix with his Email adress?

    Not is a problem of reply latence.Seems server rejects to receive any message...

    Thanks in advance for your replies and suggestions

    I've been conversing with them for a couple weeks now, with only a few hour wait for replies most of the time.

    What email address are you using? You might want to use the contact information from silixprime, not watchsilix. (Google both words, you'll find their two sites, both have contact emails, but they're different addresses).

    Hope I helped.


  7. Well, I'll consider upgrading if/when I decide to get more into this. I was looking for a certain type of watch for not a lot of money, and found it, and from a trusted dealer. He has answered all of my questions in a timely fashion, and with an open and forthcoming attitude. I'm happy.

    Now, if the bug bites, (which it has, as of yet, not done), I *might* consider chancing bigger money on these reps, but until then, I've got a real problem spending a couple hundred dollars on anything, let alone a watch.

    By searching these archives, as well as a few other rep sites, I was able to avoid some of the more common pitfalls, and find a dealer I'm comfortable with for this and *possible* future purchases.


  8. Well, I say I want a Navitimer, but that means I like the general shape and style of the Navitimer. But all of the reps I've seen are chronographs, which I'm not interested in. (This is gonna be tough, huh?)

    I've looked at real Breitlings, and I know there were tons of different ones made. Here's what I'm looking for:

    Stainless case

    Coin edge on the bezel

    Medium or dark blue face, with white outer ring

    12-9-6 dial configuration

    and here's the deal braker, from what I've seen...

    ...month, day, and date on the three wheels, not chronograph.

    Silly, huh?


  9. Hi All,

    Brand new here. Great forums. I've pretty much narrowed down the dealers I'll be buying from, but I need to know what to ask for before writing to them.

    Can I list the features I'm looking for, and get suggestions from you guys as to whether it's even available?



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