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Everything posted by arminvanbuuren

  1. the lugs looks really good.. the only problem i think is the bezel height? im not sure really
  2. lol lani.. i dont really mind whichever service i use either.. either way just like urs my project will go to zigmeister.. and i havnt decide what kind of pvd ill use anyway.. i do like the idea of dlc since its harder.. and i guess that means going with avitt.. but now im focusing more about the case .. i mean if theres no case theres no service is there? but yeah i guess if the bead blast is too harsh im sure theres a way to reblast it..
  3. hey lani.. sorry to be a pain in the ass.. but that ss case the op hasn't replied to me yet.. so yeh.. but how does this one look? apparently its a ss bead blasted
  4. hey avitt yeah i might do it if i cant get this ss case.. im at the point where im nearly giving up lol.. but the thing is.. would i be able to use ss crownguard on a ti case? would that look different, and would it fit? because i have a gen ss cg.. and how would the balance be? lol would it be heavy-sided if i do this? lol
  5. i sent the guy a pm already i hope its still available and i hope the hunt is over for me.. its been more than a yr
  6. lani man im starting to get delusional.. now every single case looks good :S i kind of need ur opinion now.. how about this?
  7. nah unfortunately someone already took it.. you know what tho.. ive seen all these cartel titanium cases.. it kind of looked really good but im still not sure.. what do u think?
  8. as i said man.. im really really jealous.. ive been waiting to finish the same project for a year now.. but man i cant seem to find the rgith case.. and ive got everything..
  9. damn thats not good .. yeah this should be stickied in the iwc section i reckon.. but make sure that u take the crown out first!
  10. it was marketing research.. and i got one tomorrow about strategic management.. the one on tomorrow is the hardest one ive ever done but its my last ever subject in uni so.. i hope i pass.. wish me luck guys
  11. hey guys.. im still on a search for a correct pre-v pam case (after more than 1 yr believe it or not) right now.. i don't know if anyone has one for sale but i really do want to buy a pam 44mm case (older version case) so that i can finish my pre-v project!!! so if any of you has one of this case pls pm me: - old eddie lee panerai case (pre-2005) --> can be titanium or steel doesnt matter - old helenarou case (pre-2005) - or anything at all that is shaped like a pre-v case and i need it for manual wind and pls pm me with pics of the case from the side view so i can see the lugs and bezel height thank u very much.. i will really appreciate it so much if you could help thanks!
  12. actually it does look frail but apparently its only because he didnt screw in the screw lugs.. but everything is perfect.. thats wat ive been told.. so if this is true would the shape of the lugs be right for a pre-v? how about this one? this one is also for sale
  13. btw guys.. how does this lug look?? is it accurate for pre-v? its taken from a sales thread on rg..so im sorry to the owner of the pic.. but i wanna know whether or not this is the case im looking for
  14. i would join the group too if anyone can help me source the correct case or if we all can put our power together to keep our eyes open for a correct case for me.. its just going be the last piece of the puzzle for me! so yeah i dont mind an eddie lee titanium old case as long as its shaped correctly
  15. bump here!! i tried searching for eod pics but cant seem to find any. the search button stinks.. anyone?
  16. im interested in the secs @ 12 .. thats a sec @ 9 for sale
  17. blah here we go.. ive always liked the EOD and when the secs at 12 came out i didnt have any cash what so ever.. but now my finance is getting better.. so i might want to get an audemars piguet to start building my collection again.. does anyone have any photos of the secs @ 12 of the end of days.. or the las vegas strip?? and other than the datewindow and the AP logo what are the flaws on the eod? thanks everyone
  18. Zigs mate.. i swear this lume is perfect.. i mean uve come along way since u first tried the luming of an aquatimer.. this one is close to the gen quality now in fact if i had to choose id choose ur work because i just like how that glossy finish look!
  19. oh yes i understand about the lume markers on the dial .. i got told by zigmeister when he did the relume for me that EL version was better in terms of the dial.. but i just dont understand why eddie lee actually charged for more back in the days.. only for the fact that his dial has the right lume where as the others had the numbers lumed (what is now known as v2)?
  20. well if i give out a name would i get in trouble or not is the question .. like i said its one of the cartel dealer anyway.. but it doesnt matter now.. i managed to fix it using sander's advice.. now i just hope that i got enough to pass the exam today :S
  21. i just tried it and it actually worked for now anyway.. thanks for that
  22. ive name and shame this dealer so many times.. i dont think it work anymore.. all i can say that its one of the cartel.. the only reason i got it from them is because there was no other dealer to get the bp from.. all the other dealers i usually use dont stock the bp 5002.. does anyone know where i can get the replacement tube from?
  23. hey guys.. i had the worst day in my life ever.. the day started with me going to the exam.. and there was a car crash on the way so i was jammed in traffic.. by the time i got to the exam place.. i actually missed out on the first 20 mins of the exam!! this in turn i wasnt really settled throughout the exam and ended up not finishing it.. so i thought oh whatever.. at least my new bp is actually waiting at home.. so when i got home.. i went straight to the post office and got my bp from the post office.. then i opened the package.. and set the time on my bp.. however when i tried to screw the crown back in.. i found out that the thread is actually stripped.. and now im wearing it without the crown actually screwed in!! so i emailed the dealer that i bought it from.. and he said that he 100% checked the watch before sending it and was sure that the screw wasn't stripped.. eventho i dont believe that he actually qc'd it (reason was because the watch had fingerprints inside the crystal and i asked him to check the datewheel that its aligned and non-recessed.. it came in with recessed and datewheel aligned to the left.. didnt really care about this tho).. but anyway.. i asked whether he could send me a replacement tube and crown.. and his reply was that since it's my fault (my fault for setting the time?) he won't send me a replacement.. so does anyone know where i can get a replacement crown and tube from this is for IWC BP 5002.. as i love the watch very much but i cant wear it now.. any help would be appreciated here thanks guys
  24. lucky u that u finished urs... ive been trying to do the same anyway.. cant seem to find the right care for it tho been waiting for over a yr
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