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Posts posted by rsv123

  1. I have worn it for the past few days. Really enjoy it.

    That AR though...it is shame....everytime I walk by a mirror and check it out on the wrist I see no dial...just glare....(my 112h is like this too, but my PO is ok)

    Do the same with my Big Bang and you see every little detail on the dial.

    Guess I should not be looking in the mirror so much though....:)

    Had it next to the gen in NYC and only really difference is the AR. It is blue on the gen and dial just pops right out. It is not subtle.

    Guess I'll have to send it off for some AR from chieftang.

    One day the makers will learn to just do the AR right on every watch.

    I hate to go back on my whining. The date while annoying does not really bother me that much.

    It definitely has some level of A/R though - I have compared it side by side at the same angle with a watch I know has absolutely no A/R and you can notice the difference. It is a shame they can't get these little things sorted, but then that's where the value of a community like RWG comes in :wiggle:

  2. Co-incides with worldwide launch of the movie on DVD, so plenty publicity at the moment. Rushed on to the market unfinished, which makes me wonder why the pictures have been pulled.

    I still think it is a stinky, cynical rep that misses the point (ie. the strap).

    I would agree, I don't want a 007 special edition anyway - don't like the gen - all I am after is the 22mm rubber strap.

    Of course, the irony here is that the trustytime website uses a shot of a PO on a rubber strap as part of a bondian background... and they don't even sell the watch that appears in their pictures!

  3. What's happening with yours?

    I've had mine for a couple hours and after a full wind turned on the chrono and let it go for a while only to find that the watch stopped when the chrono hand gets to ~55secs after about 15mins of running. This has happened twice. Did I get a dud? :wounded1:

    Someone else (think it might have been on RWI), had a problem with the chrono second hand touching the minute hand. So when you run the chrono, check if the point it stops it when the chrono second hand is about to cross the min hand. I had this once on a PAM (in that case it was the minute hand touching the running seconds hand). If this is the problem I think it should be an easy fix for a watchmaker.

  4. I felt I need to post this right away...still have my shoes on and have had the watch for less than 5 mins...

    That is columbus circle NYC

    Quick thoughts....

    -day crooked and font do not bother me that much

    -ar does bother me

    -it is too small :) (just took off my big bang to put it on) hehe


    Congratulations! Glad you got it eventually :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Maybe take part in the next A/R run that chieftang (or another member) does?

  5. This is becoming painful now and I'm starting to sound like Chad!!!!!!!Where's mine!!!!!!!

    I have a swiss 7750 waiting for The Zigmeister to insert into this baby with a new date and day wheel from eta in black and based on the few genuine watches I've seen it looks to be a standard Valjoux font or at least very close. Anyone else agree?

    I agree, it might not exactly the standard font, but it will close enough. BTW watcher, I was driving past the Parcelforce international hub the other day and I could have sworn I saw a customs inspector wearing a 3717 :whistling:

    Sorry, that's cruel, I'll stop it now.

  6. wow... stunnig photos... you captured some amazing detail on that dial... love the thick/raised white markers (and numbers to a lesser extent, but still raised).

    i must say, though, that the 4 rust-coloured pinions on need to be dabbed with some silver enamel.

    It's not really a problem, unless you happen to be sitting in a cafe and some WIS runs up to you with a loupe, or a macro lens and starts inspecting your watch really close up ;)

  7. Agreed - Better AR and day / date front would be a very nice touch, I'd go for it if it was a reasonable cost and I didn't have to send through customs again. And of course everyone would like 100% perfect straight off if they could get it, everyone here cares about that stuff to a pretty large extent or they wouldn't be here at all. But as you say, I can live with it, it's far from being a dealbreaker. No way would I miss out on this beauty just for that!

    Absolutely - the A/R (which I think is better than my first impressions, maybe just not showing the blue tint as much as I expected) and the improved date font are very minor issues on an otherwise excellent rep. I am loving mine and do not regret buying it one little bit.

  8. Check with Precious Time first. He'll have stuff in the UK, with no fear of customs.

    Yeah, I have had 2 watches from Precious Time and his prices were comparable with Joshua/Trusty once you took shipping into account, plus as Pug said, he is likely to be much quicker if the watch is in stock and there are no customs issues. If he has the watch you want, he should be the first port of call.

  9. Hello fellow Brits!

    From your experience, which is the best dealer to post to the UK, in terms of speed, price and quality. I have been on these forums for a while, and still havent plucked up the corage to place an order (thinking of a pam 005) as im scared of customs etc. Any infomation which can put my mind at rest would be greatly appreciated and any stories of previous orders, good or bad will be valued.

    All the best.

    Christopher :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Try to avoid DHL, FedEx, etc. EMS delivery seems much better (although it ends up being delivered by ParcelForce at the UK end, nothing you can do about that!)

    I have ordered from Joshua, TTK, Andrew, Eddielee (Unicorn) and even Paul (Wo Mart) and have never had a problem. Once had a parcel opened and a charge for VAT added (+

  10. I'm assuming that most of the high volume dealers drop ship, with a few smaller dealers inspecting (and some testing) the watches they dispatch?

    I guess that based on Pugwash's post above there is not much chance of the dealers being able to easily spot these movements without some disassembly - which is highly unlikey - before they ship a watch. I guess they need to stand by what they are shipping out, and tell their suppliers they aren't happy with used parts/movements being used.

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