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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. I'm not so sure about that. Modding ANYTHING can be a hobby that usually turns into an obsession driven by making minute changes that only the owner/modder will ever understand or appreciate. Rep collectors are a diverse breed of people...and the ones that are into modding or researching accuracy usually have an obsessive eye for detail that can drive you to spending hours rubbing bracelets to age them...or mixing up secret formulas to tint dials or fade inserts...or apply rust or whatever. I think once you start "completing" one step in a mod...it only makes the "next" flaw stand out that much more driving you to want to take the next step...then the next...then the next. I'm sure there are many who are doing this to be able to visually pass off the reps as gens...probably most of the people who buy reps in the world. BUT the people who frequent RWG and the other boards (who are for sure a minority as far as ALL buyers of reps in the world goes) generally view watches as more than just some bling for an image...but as a hobby and something that has a great community to be part of. I can't speak for the world, but from what I have read on RWG, enthusiasts here are pursuing excellence mostly for themselves. Regarding building in detail in a model plane that nobody will see...sure there is a relation. The idea is that the modeller is focussing on, and spending substantial time pursuing a level of detail and finish on a project that nobody else will see...except the modeller or another enthusiast who will look for these details. I complained and pursued getting a more accurate caseback on a watch because I thought it made it more complete and better overall to handle when I was putting it on. Did it affect the operation of the watch? No. Does anybody see the caseback? No. Am I trying to make it more passable as a gen? No. If anybody asks...I gladly tell them it's a rep and try to explain the whole culture of reps. Me and my friends are actually the reverse. We had gens first...then thought of getting more gens...then found out about the world of high accuracy reps...and found the pursuit of high accuracy to be more interesting than throwing down a credit card at an AD. It's quite exciting to read about a "super rep"...ordering it...wondering what you'll actually get...and then holding it in your hands in awe and comparing it to the gens to see for yourself just how accurate it is...and how big the micro-flaws become the more accurate a rep gets to matching its gen counterpart. In the case where you fall in love with a piece...go out and buy the gen and then have the 2 side by side...that's fun!!
  2. Here's my take. They are BOTH outstanding reps in terms of quality. The movement on the A7750 of the Carrera is great if you service it. It will last you as long as the gen...but servicing will cost $200 or so and should be done by around the 1 year mark. The SOH (assuming non chrono) can come in the Swiss/Asian copy variety or the Asian 2813 variety. The latter will be great value...but noisier and less reliable than the ETA or ETA copy (although some have had better luck with their 2813 drivin reps than their gen ETAs). In terms of style...I think the Carrera is a sportier more casual watch. With a bracelet it can be dressed up...but I think the design in general doesn't dress up as much as the SOH. The SOH is a BIG watch...and that has turned me off of it...and has that more retro feel to it. SO...if you're hanging around more sporty circles...I think the Carrera is the way to go. If you're hanging around the more "going to the club" vs. "going to the gym/game" set...get the SOH.
  3. You know I would be there if I wasn't stuck in the snow in Canada.
  4. Glad you like it. A lot of members have spent a lot of time posting the content on this board to share with the rest of the universe. A lot of people have the same questions, and there are likely very detailed posts answering 95% of the questions you are likely to have as a Noob collector. Read my Noob Guide linked in my signature and you'll hit the ground running and have an idea of what to expect in the rep world. Share your experiences back with the board and keep the content current and lively.
  5. Thanks for that. Now I have to figure out...vintage vs. new. I like the GMT IIC...but a The Zigmeister vintagized GMT would be great.
  6. That focus stacking is interesting!! Nice.
  7. That's awesome...a fun write up. I have to make it down there. It looks absolutely gorgeous.
  8. Nice update...too bad you had to break the "8 rep" rule. You've got quite the collection of 4th hands. Aside from the gen, they're all 2836's (mix of IHS and CHS if I remember right) that you've no problems with...correct? I'm still a little worried about getting a GMT because of the movement...but you're experiences are instilling confidence in me to take the plunge.
  9. It's a tricky thing to capture the proper colour given variances in monitors too. I know my monitors vary greatly between different ones in my house and at work. Some of this has to do with the monitors themselves and some has to do with the ambiant light quality in the workspace.
  10. By model...you were referring to alt.watch.obsessive's avatar of course...and you said she was HOW MUCH???
  11. Nice!!! ...and who would have thought you could make a Lani combo photo better???
  12. As The Zigmeister has said, he only uses gen Tritec lume...and PAM dials marked with "L Swiss L" use Super-LumiNova (the L standing for Luminova and the "T Swiss T" standing for Tritium). So...a The Zigmeister lumed dial should shine the same as the gen...or pretty close to it with variances coming only from the fact that the underlying primer base colour used by the gen might have a slight colour difference than the existing rep lume being used as a base for a re-lume project.
  13. That seems to be the general consensus that rep lume on PAMs sucks. The "best" lume is that on the supposed Tritium based dials...as these are vintage ones which in the gen world, would have stopped glowing ages ago...making the rep's crappy lume an improvement over the gen. The DSN (aka Davidsenjpn) PAMs if relumed with "superlume" C1, C3 or some kind of combo should be RC Tritec Super-LumiNova which is a specific product name from RC Tritec (I would confirm what he is using for relume on a piece you are considering as sometimes his posts say "superlume" which is not really a trademarked product...and sometimes he explicitly states C1, C3, C1+C3 mix, etc which are the RC Tritec names). If DSN is in fact using the Super-LumiNova product, it is the brightest lume on the market (depending on the mix of C1, C3, etc...and arguably aside from Seiko's Lumibrite). C3 is supposed to be the brightest, followed by the Tritec BGW9...while C1 ranks farther down the intensity scale. There were some posts on RWG where Puretime states he uses "Superlume" on some watches as well (as found HERE)...but again...that is not an RC Tritec Product so it is implying he uses the real Super-LumiNova product but not necessarily doing so...and was met with some skepticism by a recipient of such a "described" watch as found HERE.
  14. Have you tried the Search feature? Just kidding... I know...these ultra-simple designs are so hard to find accurately. I find it the same with PAMS: take the simplest overall watch design in the world...and screw up the rep manufacturing things with little details like the wrong "A" font or inconsistent font usage, low cannon pinion, etc. THEN, take a watch with 50,000X as many pieces like the Ulysse Nardin rep...and do a great job on it (whether or not you like the design is a different matter). When/If you find it...make sure to do a review!! Good luck.
  15. If only the gongs on a mechanical could wake me up from my Sleep of the Dead. That is a beautiful watch Rob!! I have to say, your UN's are much better examples of the style and design potential of the brand than much of what is carried or pictured in the rep and gen world than I have seen - elegant, usable, classic. Great photos as well...and a nice description of the GMT movement. Thanks for this!!
  16. You're probably thinking...other than Spidey...you might not be getting the exact answers you're hoping for. The real issue is you need to sort out what you mean by "best". "Best" could mean the most accurate (and you'll find some people have reps that are 99% genuine including the movement that cost thousands of dollars, taken months to gather parts, and days to have assembled) "Best" could mean the best value out of the box with no work modding needing to be undertaken "Best" could mean the best you can get in a particular country that has strict counterfeit import detection and regulations "Best" could mean the best you can get in 3 days because you need it for a particular special event "Best" could mean the best you can get from a vendor who actually responds within a few hours as opposed to a few days etc, etc The rep world isn't like shopping online at Costco.com. Read my Noob Guide and you'll hit the ground running, and informed, and hopefully trip less. Welcome aboard. Read, seach, learn and share.
  17. You can read the threads on the noisy rotor linked in my Noob Guide linked in my signature for more details...and so you don't feel alone.
  18. Thhey are sweet and reasonably priced...in some cases...but not without their issues. Research well...get your expectations in check...and you'll be fine. Read my Noob Guide to help you on your journey.
  19. As much as he is right...to make a rep of it? Yikes. I'm getting the gen of this one...but I'm still waiting to catch the last few of the 101 Dalmations to make the coat we've commissioned for the Mrs.
  20. I'd rather have a rep Omega, a few IWC's, maybe some Rollies and some gens as well including a Timex or 3 than no Casio.
  21. I love this photo. Great stuff. @ Lani...the close-up wristie depth-of-field control shot of your Exp is excellent!!
  22. Thanks R. Good to know. Do it for the font I guess.
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