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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. The more recent reps (Datora, Legende) seem to line up properly while the older ones (Navitimer) are off a bit making calculations off by a bit. You can also check my guide to using the slide rule and tach functions linked in my signature.
  2. You've got the right attitude and look like you'll fit in well here. Good luck with the reps. In the meantime read my Noob Guide linked in my sig...it might help you with some of the questions I'm sure you have.
  3. He can't...he's busy flying on his jet to the VC factory to have them commission a special Jetmid Limited Edition double tourbillon.
  4. I was thinking the opposite. Heh heh. Aside from my big reps, I was so used to wearing smaller Rollies that when I strapped on my SD I was surprised how nice and large it was (compared with a DJ, YM, GMT, Sub, etc).
  5. I thought this article was quite funny. It might have been posted before...but I don't recall seeing it mentioned here. It really does show a lack of understanding of what replicas are all about. Taken from hxxp://watches.infoniac.com/ten-reasons-reject-buying-replica-watch.html: Ten Reasons to Reject the Idea of Buying a Replica Watch Jul 21, 2008 If you still have hesitations whether to buy or not to buy a replica watch of your favorite brand, below you will find the most crucial reasons to help you make up your mind. The article is based on real opinions shared by simple customers as well as experienced watch experts. 1. A replica watch shows off what you really don't have: This is what many people actually think about wearing a replica watch. 'Fakes are worn to impress plastic minds,' as one customer said. 'If one buys a fake, he is fooling others,' 'A fake is and will always be a fake and so is the person who owns one' - these are some more opinions about replicas. All these statements reflect one and the same idea - people wearing replica watches are not taken seriously and their reputation may seriously suffer. If you care about what people think about you, especially in business circles, it is better to avoid wearing a replica watch. 2. Almost anyone can tell a replica watch from an authentic one: Many watch experts think that low quality replica watches will be spotted at more than 20 feet away ('they are so poorly made that even a blind chimp would not mistake one for the real thing'). Even if you are not a watch expert yourself, your attention will be caught, for example, by the gold plating of a fake that is too yellow in color or the glass or plastic crystal not reflecting light like sapphire crystal. 3. A replica watch will actually impress no one: Considering the two opinions mentioned above, if you want to impress others with a fake, you will hardly manage to do that. As a rule, people who purchase highly priced authentic timepieces find no reason to impress anyone as they already have at their disposal enough income to purchase many other expensive items and hardly feel the need to impress anyone with an over-expensive wristwatch. 4. A replica watch will never grow up in value: This reason needs no explanation. There is little or no sense to pay 500-1000 dollars for a fake watch as it is much better to save some more money until you have enough to buy a real nice authentic timepiece, probability a used one from a reputable dealer. In comparison, an authentic watch becomes a thing to be inherited by the generations to follow, a true family relic and talisman the value of which grows over time. 5. Poor durability: Replica watches are produced from poor quality materials, so they are easily scratched or even broken. The mechanisms inside a replica watch will not last for a long time, so you will have to either take your watch to be repaired or, if it is seriously damaged, simply throw it away. One can take an authentic watch to the authorized service center where it will be treated properly and last for many years to come. 6. Lack of precision: Cheap replica watches are equipped with poor quality mechanisms, usually, cheap quartz movements, so one shouldn't expect great precision from a fake watch. The mechanisms of genuine watches are often hand-made and guarantee remarkable precision. 7. Lack of additional functions and complications: The majority of replica watches do not feature the functions they are meant to, as they simply imitate the design of an authentic watch but lack the corresponding functions. So, if you dream about a watch with a minute repeater or a tourbillon, you will never find a replica watch with such horological complications. 8. Lack of innovative features: Replica watches do not provide the innovations incorporated by the authentic ones. A great advantage of an original watch is that its producer spends much time working on innovations, applying new high-tech materials, improving the watch's design and technical features. Consequently, the quality and durability of branded watches gets significantly improved and owners of genuine timepieces can enjoy wearing their watches that guarantee precision timekeeping. 9. Replica watch buyers involuntarily support illegal activity of fake watch producers: Today, the widespread counterfeiting industry, violating intellectual property rights, is linked to major organised crime, drugs, prostitution and even people-smuggling. The producers of qenuine watches join efforts to fight counterfeiting and minimize its negative effects. 10. Inner feeling of dissatisfaction: Many customers who buy a replica watch quickly get disillusioned as it turns out to be not half a thing they so much wanted to own. Authentic watches are true masterpieces of engineering and beauty. Many customers compare purchasing a genuine watch to purchasing pieces of art or diamonds as they hold a special value to their owner. Purchasing a replica watch holds no value or meaning as it is a kind of self-deception - you long for a masterpiece but get an imitation that only looks like the thing you have been dreaming about. P.S.: Wide choice of reasonably priced authentic watches: A replica watch may be successfully substituted by a reasonably priced timepiece produced by some other reputable brand. If, for example, you are crazy about Patek Philippe watches, the price of which often reaches dozens of thousands of dollars, try to discover another Swiss brand or a Japanese brand that produces high quality timepieces available at affordable price range. As a good alternative, Tissot watches are on the list of Swiss bestsellers attracting whole armies of avid fans. As one customer said, 'I would prefer a real Casio over a fake Rolex.'
  6. Hey The Zigmeister! Am I correct in thinking that although it can be done without problem...the only issue might be that some of the A7750 rep datewheels are often a bit thin and can cause reliability/durability problems in general...being one of the reasons to upgrade to a gen ETA where possible (assuming the font is OK)?? Thanks for the info if you have it and read this thread again...
  7. YIELD TO THE POWER OF SEARCH... Big Things for Obama Look Lower Down on This Thread
  8. It looks like a 325106 Spitfire Automatic movement with date and UTC (Universal Time Coordinated)...but I'm not 100% sure of that as the 325106 I think doesn't have the "*" in the UTC window disk, different font, smaller stick marker at 3, different font, etc. It's a rep because of the mis-spelling of the "Probus Scafusia" on the rotor insignia...not sure of the movement.
  9. OK...this forum is amazing. Generous members...appreciate and gracious contributors. When you start losing faith in humanity...a small pocket of hobbyists restores your faith in humanity. Great stuff.
  10. It's actually not too bad. The Zigmeister recommends removing the stem in the WINDING position (others say the time setting position is easier)...but The Zigmeister's recommendation is because it reduces the probability of throwing things out of skew on re-insertion. On the A7750 unlike the non-chrono movements, you don't push the release button on re-insertion. Just push it in a bit while turning slowly in the winding direction. You'll eventually feel it "click" and keep pushing and turning and push all the way and you should be good to go.
  11. That is NOT the gasket...as others have incorrectly said in your other thread. The gasket is black rubber. Read my Cousteau Diver review in my signature...as I had my CD tested (same general architecture as the Slevin) and it actually passed at 50m...but the tester said he still wouldn't trust it as if you look at the chrono pushers and wiggle them side to side (not in and out), they actually have some play (bad fit tolerances). SO...if the watch is not bumped...it's fine. Mine can take a shower and run under the tap, etc...but...after a big play session with my kids some time back...it fogged on me...likely because a pusher got shifted when playing with my kids in the pool bumping into my arm or something.
  12. Aaah...read the Noob Guide in my signature...and go straight to the head of the class.
  13. Read the relevant section in my Noob Guide on water resistance in general. It applies to anything coming from China. Bottom line? Don't believe it unless you get it pressure tested yourself.
  14. Ooooh...this is getting a lot of views quickly!! Yowzaa. The point in the refund as said in another thread, was that enough "potential" clients had booked spots...and bailed with no notice...essentially wasting his time and taking away a slot from another client. The deposit was just to make sure "unknown clients" didn't book spots and cancel without notice...without incurring some degree of payment for the inconvenience caused. I know this was never your intent to bail...and that you had every intent to have the requested work carried out. But...if services for whatever reason cannot be provided by any vendor at their initiation...the vendor...as J is requesting in this case...will refund the deposit...done...'nuff said. Your questions about building a Franken as his service doc indicates, require an additional level of discussion which are not part of the "deposit" and require a type of service which really is a consulting service...and requires additional payment because of the back and forth nature of trying to figure out what works. I know Zig and J to be very easy going in my contact with him...and down right friendly and fun!! 10 email inquiries is quite a bit asking about a single job when the info is readily found on the board. It may not seem a lot...but bear in mind...with limited time in a day doing watches as a labour of love and not as a primary revenue stream, taking time to answer any types of questions takes time away from doing the work and turns his hobby into something more less appealing than the labour of love it should be. The Zigmeister is lucky to have J helping out!! The Zigmeister's docs say he only uses genuine Tritec lume...and the blue lume will NOT match that used on the reps...because the Tritec stuff is 10x BETTER!!! To find out what the blue lume can do...GO HERE.
  15. It doesn't have to be hot...just warm enough to aid evaporation. Otherwise you should be good.
  16. If you can...if not...just open the caseback and unscrew and pull out the crown. There is no movement holder so the whole thing will flop out a bit when the stem is unscrewed and pulled out and give more "air" circulation in the ziploc. The space between the movement and the case with dial attached is not much...so evaporation will be much slower than if you can remove the whole thing...but you have to be careful about stem removal and re-insertion. I think I have posts on this in the A7750 sections of my Noob Guide linked in my sig. Some have screwed up their keyless if not done properly.
  17. It's apparently made in China with a Japanese quartz movement from Jorg Gray who will private label these for about $180 apiece with a minimum order of 12. This Secret Service branded one is only available in the SS employees store which is not open to the public. The article below: The Watches of Obama ...gives the link to the company: Jorg Gray Catalogue Link that gives the pricing info.
  18. The fogging could be leakage from anywhere...likely the chrono pushers. Water rarely leaks at the crystal and caseback...sometimes at the crown...usually at the pushers. If you can...decase the movement and do like Mikellem said...stick everything in the warm sun or a warm spot in a Ziploc bag with silica gel for a couple days to dry it out. It's not salt water as you were in the shower...so the movement is likely not toast but don't let the water sit there. If you have the money and the time...The Zigmeister would recommend anytime there is leakage...to have the movement serviced...just to be safe.
  19. After my 2006 CD arrived with the blue lume...I know the Ziggification is better than gen...and what he'll do with the movement is not screw it up like Rolex does with the vintage ones.
  20. Well said. I don't think the issue with Lani however, is the economics of it all. I think it's coming from his history in training and body building of the satisfaction of results coming from intense burn and work. The thrill Lani expressed when putting together his 1655 project with The Zigmeister even before the watch was assembled was something that would be very difficult to capture when purchasing a gen. The anticipation...the tension of wondering if the project will work...the hunt...adjustments forced from set backs and bumps on the road...all that adds to an overall experience attached to the piece that is so much more colourful than buying a gen...and all wonderfully captured in his posts and pics. Lani...when opportunity presents itself as it had you, I think the purchase of the gen adds so much to the collection as gens are the ultimage references for what reps aspire to be...or are inspired from. Gens are the origin of great design and mechanical genius and when you really have an appreciation for watches and design which you obviously do, I know you can appreciate having a piece of original inspiration. You can take pride in knowing that you still did have a bit of a hunt finding the deal...and a bit of excitement of the unknown wondering if your bid would score...but it is so much easier than putting together a Franken or a Ziggied Masterpiece because you didn't have as much struggle to get to where you're at. Pieces like your Exp II capture something that truly is the holy grail in the rep world...a watch with a movement that does not have a rep equivalent.
  21. Point taken. I'm guessing however...that these "fakes" are fakes sold as gens for high profit...vs. the ones we buy as reps knowing full well they are not gens.
  22. The VC Malte Chrono is gorgeous...and with a solid Seagull movement. The IWC Porto is also a stunning piece...but because of the secs@6 movement...I would recommend it aesthetically...certainly in gen form...but not as a rep. The graphite treatment seems to help...but you have to find somebody to do that for you.
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